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Utopia Talk / Politics / I Am Not Alone
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun Oct 14 17:00:39

You know how I am always saying that Political Correctness is wrong?

Well, looks like I am not alone.

Poll Finds 80% of Americans, Including Minority Groups, Reject Political Correctness

by Fox News Insider
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A new poll found that 80 percent of Americans believe political correctness is a problem, including large majorities of minority groups.

The study, titled "Hidden Tribes: A Study of America’s Polarized Landscape," found that 82 percent of respondents also view hate speech as a problem.

Among those disliking PC culture were 79 percent of respondents under age 24, 79 percent of whites, 87 percent of Hispanics and 75 percent of African-Americans.


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the wanderer
Sun Oct 14 19:01:03
that study also shows only 43% approval for Trump

because he's a piece of shit
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun Oct 14 23:18:09

Did you read my other post?

You know. The one asking you if you were aware that you tell more lies than President Trump ever has.

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Sun Oct 14 23:18:58


the wanderer
Mon Oct 15 00:05:07
i'm not lying at all

if disputing 43% it's on page 9 of study (or page 11 of pdf)... click the 'study' link in your article
werewolf dictator
Mon Oct 15 00:21:57
yascha mounk has a lot on this in recent tweets..


some of them..

Race does an even worse job than age at predicting how Americans feel about political correctness:
* Whites are more open to political correctness than average Americans
* The groups most likely to say PC is a problem are Asians (82%), Hispanics (87%) and Native-Americans (88%)

The only small part of the standard race story that is confirmed is that African-Americans are least likely to dislike political correctness.
But three quarters of them—only 4% less than whites and 5% less than the American average—still say that PC is a problem.

The only group in which a majority supports PC, then, is not the young. It is not people of color. Rather, it's what the report calls “progressive activists.”
What does this tribe look like?

Progressive activists:
* Make up 8% of the population
* Are twice as likely as average Americans to make >$100k a year
* Are three times as likely to have a graduate degree
* Only 3% of them are black
* Except for devoted conservatives, this is least racially diverse group.
Mon Oct 15 00:29:23
White guilt?
werewolf dictator
Mon Oct 15 01:57:43
"preening display of cultural superiority."

although i'd say "moral superiority"
large member
Mon Oct 15 02:10:11
PC like singing the national anthem at schools, or symbolic nationalism before football games?
werewolf dictator
Mon Oct 15 02:20:41
"the avoidance, often considered as taken to extremes, of forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against."
Mon Oct 15 02:25:30
Niggah pleaz
large member
Mon Oct 15 04:45:08
I think it fair enough to include majority perspectives on PC.

Heaven forbid someone burn a flag. Incredibly insensitive. How horrible.
werewolf dictator
Mon Oct 15 06:10:54
when asked if political correctness is a problem.. percentage thinking it means need to avoid burning flag or burning quran or burning martin luther king jr in effigy.. ~0.0%
large member
Mon Oct 15 07:49:10
Americans were asked, so a significant percentage thought it meant anything you could throw a stick at.

But stop being obtuse. My point was merely that the same people outraged by suggestions they wish others happy holidays instead of merry xmas, are also likely to be enraged by disrespect to the symbols they cherish.
Mon Oct 15 08:13:46
PC don't just mean Panama City!
Mon Oct 15 11:28:18
”A new poll found that 80 percent of Americans believe political correctness is a problem,”

I agree, media and everyone should be able to talk about and discuss the jewish problem without being attacked by the PC crowd.
Mon Oct 15 19:22:53
PC doesn't just mean Privy Council!
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