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Utopia Talk / Politics / Deficit highest in 6 years
Tue Oct 16 12:07:00
We know that some Trumpicantards defense will talk about "GDP" and incorrectly apply it to their argument as they ignore the fundamentals of measuring economic progress. But here is something interesting...

Federal budget deficit hits 6-year-high in Donald Trump's first fiscal year as president

WASHINGTON — The federal budget deficit has surged to $779 billion in fiscal 2018, its highest level in six years, as President Donald Trump's tax cuts caused the government to borrow more heavily in order to cover its expanded spending.

The Treasury Department said Monday the deficit climbed $113 billion from fiscal 2017. Debt will likely worsen in the coming years with the Trump administration expecting the deficit to top $1 trillion in 2019, nearly matching the $1.1 trillion imbalance from 2012.

The deficit worsened because tax revenues are not keeping pace with government spending. The government's fiscal year runs from October to September, unlike calendar years that begin in January. Tax revenues were essentially flat in fiscal 2018, while spending increased 3.2 percent as Congress gave more funds for military and domestic programs.

Revenues generally tumbled after December when Trump signed into law a $1.5 trillion package of corporate and personal income tax cuts over the next decade. The tax cuts have helped cause economic growth to accelerate this year with Federal Reserve officials anticipating gains of 3.1 percent. But the Trump administration initially promised that the tax cuts would pay for themselves through stronger growth — and there is no sign so far of that happening.


Have no fear Trumpicantards you can claim the previous president was a non citizen and a Muslim while at the same time chant lock her up as you ignore 45's recipe for disaster.
Tue Oct 16 13:22:06
I wonder when people will realize the issues driving the American right are cultural and not economic. What the Republican voters want is a constructionist judiciary, limited restrictions on freedoms like gun rights and speech, greater respect paid to religion (in particular christianity) and patriotic belief in America and its history.

The economics are entirely secondary to these concerns. It's why middle America routinely "votes against it's own interests". The Democrats keep trying to appeal to their wallets and they are voting their souls.
Tue Oct 16 13:38:24
"greater respect paid to religion (in particular christianity)"

You do realize that the above quote cannot ever match with this:
"a constructionist judiciary"

Right? They don't match. The proper respect (governmentally) to religion is to completely ignore it. The proper respect socially is to shame the poor fucking tards who believe in magic fairy dust and godly Jewish bros until they die. Yes, aeros, you are shameful.

But more realistically...

"the issues driving the American right" only matter because criminals in office have been allowed to literally steal power (via redistricting, etc.) to create the illusion that the American right is somehow relevant. They aren't. Further, until those curmudgeony fucknuts decide they actually want to play with the rest of society instead of just covering their ears while throwing tantrums until they get their way, the proper response to those people should be to categorically ignore their opinions.

Y'all want a say? Play with the rest of us. Argue, compromise. If you're going to just sit there with a thumb up your asshole, it is proper to bowl you over al a tiananmem square.

And yet still.......
"limited restrictions on freedoms like gun rights and speech"

Gun rights have been a bullshit rallying cry for decades, yet the fears have been wholly unfounded. Even a tiny modicum of compromise or balance completely invalidates gun right fears. Free speech rights have just not been infringed on. Retard whiners will cite social media, but that is completely unrelated to government. In fact, the only possible way to address that would be to reverse rulings that these people support (like the gay love cake fiascos) and compel businesses to do business with entities whether they like it or not. Y'all can't force YouTube et al to "allow right wing speech" (we won't even address the ridiculousness of this) but also allow the baker to refuse a gay customer, sorry.

Or, to sum up every post aeros has made in the past two years:
You're retarded.
Tue Oct 16 13:48:10
They don't want christianity written into law (for the most part) but the constant insulting of the faith and its use for comedy and derision has a visceral impact. Very few practicing Christian's vote Democrat because it is generally assumed at best the party thinks they are stupid or at worst actively hates them.
Tue Oct 16 13:49:52
It's why they voted for trump after all. He may be an example of everything they should despise, but he at least decided to meet them halfway and take their concerns into consideration. The Democrats all but demand Christian's renounce their faith.
The Third Reich
Tue Oct 16 14:58:12
Fuhrer Trump embraced our white Christian identity.
Tue Oct 16 15:12:07
Well he certainly doesn't actively hate on it. People won't vote for political parties that hate their religious beliefs or racial identity.
werewolf dictator
Tue Oct 16 15:13:03
remember right after obama was inaugurated.. and his council of economic advisors said they'd have real economy up 15% from 2008 levels in 4 years no problemo.. since recovering from trough back to former trend line should be easy

and then real gdp didn't rise that much in 8 years

this is how democrats run up debt getting zilch in return
Tue Oct 16 15:27:56
For the record, a constructionist federal judiciary and state-level favoritism toward religion are in fact compatible with each other.
Average Ameriacn
Tue Oct 16 15:33:16
The money is used to rebuild our military. Don't forget that we will keep the oil when we go to war next time, then we can repay all debt of the last 50 years.
werewolf dictator
Tue Oct 16 15:39:03
for the record.. virtually everyone in both parties of house and senate decided it would be good idea to spend more on military than trump wanted
werewolf dictator
Tue Oct 16 16:06:03
nice graph showing how usa economy goes back to former trend lines after recessions [and great depression]


*except* under obama's "recovery"
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Oct 16 16:30:06

How much has the Country received in new taxes and tariffs.

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Oct 16 16:31:09

Just curious.

Tue Oct 16 16:33:52
Well that circle jerk didn't take long to start.
werewolf dictator
Tue Oct 16 16:42:32
"How much has the Country received in new taxes and tariffs."

in near term.. not nearly enough to make up for loss of revenue from tax cuts.. which is why you raise them after gdp actually grows to recovered level under direction of a competent leader who inspires confidence in that happening [elected -> boom stock market skyrockets.. 1st q of presidency -> boom gdp growth back to 3.0%]
Tue Oct 16 18:10:13
Aeros repeating Republican talking points. Fact: if you're christian, you can easily move to any left-wing area and practice whatever beliefs you want that you could in a red area (except maybe Polygamy or something). You might get fired like Damore if you consistently troll other people though (oh Noes!!!).

If you are a left-winger and try to live your life your own way in a rural, right-wing area; almost certainly some loon will go after you and the rest of the community will enable them.

Antifa vandalism is the worst retards like Forwyn can come up with. The far-right literally kills and beats up people and it doesn't get reported by the supposedly MSM because they don't want to aggravate race relations further.
Tue Oct 16 18:21:22
I thought about responding to hood's shrieking diatribe, but thought better of it. It's rather reminiscent of Seb/Cuckhat assessments, and completed unrooted in reality/history outside of what you'd hear in a Maddow rant.

Suffice to say, I'm amused.

muh circlejerk!
Tue Oct 16 18:23:18
Hot Rod not enough to make up for the tax cuts. THe economy is going to have to grow much faster than it is now to offset the loss in revenue.

That is looking the wrong direction though. Instead of counting on the economy getting much stronger there needs to be a reduction in spending in every government agency and program.

First they need to do an extensive audit and none of this to big and complex to know bullshit the military usually resorts to. All programs and agencies get audited and any unaccounted funds get deducted from the next years budget.

Then we need to demand the budget gets passed on time every year. Any year it isn't passed on time the previous years budget is adopted with a 2% reduction to all funds.

Then we need to demand any new projects that involve spending and are not part of the annual budget must stand on their own merit and not be attached to other bills.

Do that and the deficit can be paid down.
Tue Oct 16 18:39:08
There's not enough discretionary spending to cut for the budget to be brought down that way.


Only about a quarter of the budget is discretionary. Over half is entitlement spending most of which goes to very old people who vote at rates of 80%. A quarter is the military Republicans will never ever cut because their base is immature white men.

The discretionary stuff for the most part isn't touched with either because it's already been cut down to the bone from the great recession and sequestration. A lot of the spending is stuff that society as a whole gets great bang for the buck from which is why Republicans can never build up enough popular will to cancel them. Stuff like funding for the NIH or EPA.

Kargen's arguments have no real merit and are just a redux of Reagan 1980's arguments that have been proven wrong agai and again.

Stop spending on the military so much and stop spending on tax cuts for billionaires (who then waste them on gambling on assets anyways) and our budget deficit fixes itself.
Tue Oct 16 19:10:19
"completed unrooted in reality/history"

It is an undisputed (by rational people) fact that fewer people voted republican in the past 3 presidential elections. Y'all aren't important on a national stage. It is also undisputed fact (by anybody) that redistricting is the tool wielded by republicans to maintain their dominance in state legislatures. It is an obvious conclusion that people use these mirage victories (fewer votes yet somehow more representation) to suggest that republican ideology is well represented. It is not.

Saying "hey dipshits, play nice and stop being raging a-holes and we'd be willing to listen/negotiate" is opinion supported by reality/history.

Gun rights fearmongering is documented fact. Speech fearmongering is also documented fact.

In summation, forwyn is a retarded redneck who willingly believes in fairy tales and lies because of some false belief that it's somehow "better" to acquiesce to those lies for the sake of his "team" instead of facing reality. The alternative is that he doesn't realize he believes fairy tales and lies, and is legitimately in the "too stupid to let live" group.
Tue Oct 16 19:38:49
I included the military in my cuts.

Should have added one more to the to do list though. Those funds should also be audited so all the waste and mismanagement can be dealt with.

We are spending to much money. The fix is quit spending so much money. Not a popular fix but the only one that will work.
Tue Oct 16 20:16:31
"Y'all aren't important on a national stage"

Define national. Geographic terms? GOP absolutely has you beat, and Dems population advantage of 3mil comes exclusively from coastal metros.

"It is also undisputed fact (by anybody) that redistricting is the tool wielded by republicans"

It's absolutely disputed if you only attribute it to Republicans. Democrats love gerrymandering.

"Saying "hey dipshits, play nice and stop being raging a-holes and we'd be willing to listen/negotiate" is opinion supported by reality/history."

This is an argument that was peddled by Seb days ago. No, it's not supported by history, because Democrats have been the ones that made USSC noms a partisan horse race. Dems have staged theatrical sit-ins, nuked the filibuster, and wielded the media arm to great effect, toxifying national dialogue.

"Gun rights fearmongering is documented fact."

-Obama's ATF bans M855
-Media arm NPCs call this "common sense"
-Obama curtails rights of SS recipients without due process
-Media arm NPCs call this "common sense"
-Obama curtails rights of no-fly listees without due process
-Media arm NPCs call this "common sense"
-Obama pushes for renewed AWB
-Media arm NPCs call this "common sense"
-Blocked by Congress, thankfully
-Hogg & Co peddled by media arm NPCs, called heroes of "common sense"

You're a retard if you think that the GOP stonewalling that you whine about isn't the only thing that has prevented rapid expansion of gun regulations. You're a retard if you think that Dems are content to regulate their own cities and states (see: Bloomberg's Mayors Against Illegal Guns, for example). You're a retard if you think that the media arm isn't pushing to control the narrative by defining what "common sense" is. You may agree and think it's common sense, but that's largely irrelevant, if you aren't a retard.

"Speech fearmongering is also documented fact."

Sure. There isn't an increasingly sizable electorate pushing to emulate EU/Canadian speech regulations.

The only reason 1A infringements are more rare than 2A infringements is that the 1A has been more strongly protected by courts, enjoying a more favorable reception from both sides.

Cute, though, that your diatribe includes whining about my "team", as I'm much further from Republicans than you are from Democrats.
Tue Oct 16 20:22:22
lol, dumb GOP cunt. Always project when in fact you're what you claim.

Forwyn even got caught posting real research that showed gun deaths would go down with some sensible gun regulation. And surprise surprise, that regulation barely affected most people's lives.

Now he's back to Fox News diatribes.

Do the world a favor and go kill yourself.
Tue Oct 16 20:51:11
"Geographic terms?"

Square mileage means jack shit when it comes to people's opinions. Great non-argument to start things off.

"Dems population advantage of 3mil comes exclusively from coastal metros."

And? More people is more people is more people. The land ain't voting, brah.

"It's absolutely disputed if you only attribute it to Republicans."

Glad we've started off with intellectual (dis)honesty. You completely missed the point. The point, if you weren't tripping over yourself to be purposefully retarded, is that republican control of state legislatures is entirely due to redistricting. With fair districts not carved out to assign the most seats to a specific party, state legislatures would roughly mirror their populations. Alabama would be red. California would be blue. Plenty of states would be roughly 50-50. Yet it is an argument by republicans that dominance of state legislatures is in any way significant to their strength.

"No, it's not supported by history, because Democrats have been the ones that made USSC noms a partisan horse race." (etc.)

Predictable rare-occurrence anecdote. Yes, there were big ticket items that devolved into bickering, but outside of the widely publicized hot topics, shit generally got done. Now? Nothing gets done together. It is always one party trying to ram something down the other's throat. It ain't fucking healthy.

"-Obama's ATF bans M855"

Waaaaaaaah, a very specific type of ammo was banned! THEY TAKING ALL OUR GUNS!!!!!!!!

Laws that go too far get struck down, as it should be. "no regulation whatsoever" is not reasonable and the strict adherence to that has made the reaction stronger. You (collectively) have only yourselves to blame for the failed attempts at overreaching legislation. But, again, laws that go too far get struck down. The fearmongering is excessive and it's well documented.

"(see: Bloomberg's Mayors Against Illegal Guns, for example)"

Let's run down their platform:
-background checks: shouldn't really be a hot topic issue. It's already a law; the proposal is to close loopholes.
-domestic violence: essentially stating that criminals shouldn't have the right to own guns. To quote a poster, aren't the republicans the party of "the rule of law"?
-gun training: support gun safety and laws requiring safe storage (to prevent child injuries) are perfectly fine. Arguing about the details should be the topic, not arguing that it shouldn't exist. There's a middle ground that exists between "20 minutes to open your gun safe" and "keeping loaded guns underneath your child's pillow."
-gun trafficking: do people oppose stopping illegal sales and transportation of guns?
-"Tiahrt" amendment: supporting repeal of a ban of the ATF severely restricting access to their gun database. There are certainly reasonable implementations of this (like requiring warrants).

"You're a retard if you think that the media arm isn't pushing to control the narrative by defining what "common sense" is."

The "media" is not nearly as distant from what common sense is as the NRA. Again, fearmongering distorts your reality.

"There isn't an increasingly sizable electorate pushing to emulate EU/Canadian speech regulations."

No, there isn't. There has been no sizable (or even moderate) push to make laws to restrict free speech.
Thu Oct 18 00:51:34
"Square mileage means jack shit when it comes to people's opinions. Great non-argument to start things off.

And? More people is more people is more people. The land ain't voting, brah."

So you said "national stage" based on one election with a 3 million disparity, i.e. a 5% difference. Certainly a small enough gap that a deepening of party strife between old guard moderates and SJW DemSocs could turn away independent flip-voters. Don't overplay your hand by assuming that the GOP can't accommodate non-Boomer retards.

"Glad we've started off with intellectual (dis)honesty. You completely missed the point. The point, if you weren't tripping over yourself to be purposefully retarded, is that republican control of state legislatures is entirely due to redistricting."

lol. This right off the heels dismissing the numerical state advantage of the GOP.

Again, Dem numerical advantage comes from a handful of metros. This doesn't translate to a majority of states.

2016 election:


State legislatures:


You could expect to see a few more blue state seats in Confederate states with fair redistricting, but overall the balance of control remains the same.

"Predictable rare-occurrence anecdote. Yes, there were big ticket items that devolved into bickering, but outside of the widely publicized hot topics, shit generally got done."

Correct, but the trend isn't what you imply. Dems stonewalled Reagan and GB everywhere they could. Clinton enjoyed a relatively reasonable relationship with Congress, considering the massive GOP gains in '94. "Shit generally got done", as you would say. GWB got a brief honeymoon due to a dead-even Congress/Senate split and a brief period of unifying false patriotism. Since then both parties have been pretty reliably obstructionist - and it's not relegated to Trump for being a retard. As you said, "Now? Nothing gets done together. It is always one party trying to ram something down the other's throat. It ain't fucking healthy." Look to the #bluewave. What do they promise? obstructionism and impeachments. It's become a mainstream party platform.

"Waaaaaaaah, a very specific type of ammo was banned!"

The singular largest market share of any caliber, 35% of .223/5.56 - during a historic ammunition shortage. I'm sure, as you aren't a retarded redneck, that you never witnessed the onslaught of idiots camping outside of stores on restock day to purge shelves within a half hour. The crunch was (and still is, to a lesser extent - ammunition manufacturers have grown pretty heftily in the past several years) real, and the potential loss of over a third of one of the most popular calibers on the market was pretty threatening, and without any real evidentiary basis to be instituted in the first place.

"Laws that go too far get struck down, as it should be."

And then politicians ignore the rulings to the best of their ability. Whether it be Dem cities ignoring Heller and retaining de facto bans by placing undue burdens on purchase and ownership, or GOP states pulling back latest allowed gestational weeks as far as they can and imposing bureaucratic roadblocks, we both know that USSC rulings are typically limited in scope and only rarely force radical change.

"no regulation whatsoever" is not reasonable and the strict adherence to that has made the reaction stronger."

This is a spook. Red states are not Wild West anarchies with zero firearm regulations, and blue states show no indication of slowing down with adding more of theirs.

"Let's run down their platform:"

Tiahrt repeal is retarded. Law enforcement agencies are allowed access when investigating crimes. They are not allowed to build databases. Break down arguments, and they ultimately involve identifying trends and broad pattern recognition. This is accomplished with a database, which is of course illegal by federal law.

And no, that's not the limit of their platform.

"Everytown has filed amicus curiae briefs in support of New Jersey's high-capacity magazine ban and California's may-issue permitting law. A brief was filed challenging Florida's state preemption law against local firearm ordinances.

In July 2018, the organization sought an injunction to block the distribution of blueprints for 3D printed firearms by Defense Distributed."

"The "media" is not nearly as distant from what common sense is as the NRA."

You're certainly free to disagree with a relative small, privately-funded lobby group (Rank 83, ~1% of the Rank 20).


"There has been no sizable (or even moderate) push to make laws to restrict free speech."

2018 has been a good year for speech, at least in the courtroom. Maybe just stay off of social media.

Janus v. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees
Minnesota Voters Alliance v. Mansky
National Institute of Family and Life Advocates v. Becerra

3 for 3, baby
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