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Utopia Talk / Politics / President Trump Tells Cabinet To
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Oct 17 12:31:47

Cut their budget next year by 5%, more if they can and he may make the same request next year.

The reason he didn't do it this year is that he had to bring the military up to snuff.

Mueller may turn some of his findings over to the AATG before the election.

Wed Oct 17 12:35:56
Lol you're so fucking gullible
Wed Oct 17 13:21:38
"Cut their budget next year by 5%, more if they can and he may make the same request next year."

Step 1: cut taxes for the rich
Step 2: cut government services for the poor

Always the same in capitalism.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Oct 17 13:56:24

Deluded, If you had a large corporation and you knew there was waste what would do?

Bear in mind that your vice-presidents, plural, and they are knowledgeable about how to run a business.

That is what Trump is working with. Businessmen that know how to run a business. He just bought a large business such as Sears. It is suffering under years of poor management. Now he has brought his team in to streamline the business and make it profitable.

You do know that business' frequently bring in people to study how things are done and how they can be done more efficiently, aren't you?

They are called efficiency experts.

the wanderer
Wed Oct 17 15:13:16
Trump, the master businessman who turned $400 million into $3 billion over a mere 50 years

who else could've achieved 4% return
Wed Oct 17 16:08:31
There will not be anything turned over until after the election. He doesn't want to take any chances on something being leaked that makes it look like he is trying to influence the midterms.
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