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Utopia Talk / Politics / Go Vote
Mon Nov 05 21:48:56
You lazy assholes...except them Mexicans!

Ain't you got a wall to build for us?
Cherub Cow
Mon Nov 05 22:29:23
Don't tell me what to do!!! (ง'̀-'́)ง
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Mon Nov 05 22:35:55
Don't tell me what to fucking do!!
large member
Mon Nov 05 22:55:58
Remember the Governors. The people put in now will be managing the 2022 gerrymandering.
Mon Nov 05 23:09:01
Dems sweep my districts (Stein got double the votes that clown did per the NY times detailed map) but yeah, I will vote just as I always do. Also made sure that my parents vote, can't let that shifty hugin sneak one in in NJ.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Mon Nov 05 23:23:40

Cherub Cow and Im better then you, get your asses out of bed in the morning and go vote. The Polls open at 7:00 AM.

You better get it done or I will track you down and tell everyone you voted for Trump.

Ibty, if you are not old enough then you are excused.

Tue Nov 06 00:48:44
"Remember the Governors. The people put in now will be managing the 2022 gerrymandering."

Not in Colorado if all goes well. Amendment on the ballot would set up a commission to draw the districts and have guidelines in place they would follow.
Cherub Cow
Tue Nov 06 01:45:18
That might not pass, since the independent commission isn’t one of elected persons (no accountability?). Some peeps might vote “no” and hope for a better solution, like an elected commission of experts.
Tue Nov 06 06:50:39
Still trying to figure out who to vote for senator. Our only choices are a GOP candidate who thinks that being a Trump cheerleader is a winning strategy in Massachusetts and a dothead foreigner who claims that he invented email.
Tue Nov 06 06:52:19
Thankfully I, like millions of responsible Americans, had previously registered to vote and carry basic ID, so I am able to to vote today. According to Democrats, that was a massive hurdle that is nearly impossible to overcome, so please wish me grats.
Tue Nov 06 07:58:19
Just vote for Pocahontas.
Tue Nov 06 08:14:53
Fortunately I live in Maine and you can register and vote on the same day.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Nov 06 08:15:33


Tue Nov 06 08:34:36
Member Tue Nov 06 07:58:19
Just vote for Pocahontas."

Thanks, but I'd rather play Russian Roulette with a Glock.

Member Tue Nov 06 08:14:53
Fortunately I live in Maine and you can register and vote on the same day.


How has LePage not repealed that already? Your boy is slipping on pissing off the Dems.
Anarchist Prime
Tue Nov 06 09:14:19
Anarchist Prime
Tue Nov 06 09:21:21
Tue Nov 06 09:29:12
The Both sides are the same meme don't mean much when you compare even Trump to Obama.
Tue Nov 06 10:54:37
As a foreigner residing in another nation, am I allowed to influence you or tell you how you should vote, or is that illegal?
Tue Nov 06 11:06:52
Only if you're Russian.
Tue Nov 06 11:27:48
”The First Amendment allows some protection for foreign nationals to influence public opinion, but federal election law clearly prohibits political contributions to candidates by foreign nationals as well as candidates’ acceptance of anything of value from foreign nationals.”

So if I send a dollar to Trump’s campaign and if my dollar gets registered in their bank account, then Trump’s campaign may be disqualified and his campaign staff might end up in jail? lol
Tue Nov 06 14:26:18
You are not a foreigner residing in our nation so you don't count.
Tue Nov 06 14:44:33

"Thankfully I, like millions of responsible Americans, had previously registered to vote and carry basic ID, so I am able to to vote today. According to Democrats, that was a massive hurdle that is nearly impossible to overcome, so please wish me grats."

What do you mean "massive" hurdle? You mean hurdle ... and why do you think it's OK for there to be any hurdles?

The only reason to put hurdles in the way of voters is to discourage them from voting. That's fucked up. And if you think that's OK, you're fucked up too.

The people that think that's OK, are same one who bitch about DUI checkpoints ... and would lose their shit if cops started demanding to see a bill of sale to prove that your car or gun was legally purchased.

Tue Nov 06 14:53:05
Having a photo ID is not a hurdle. The people being all vocal and bitching about photo IDs have photo IDs they just want yet another way to play the race card.

Minorities should be pissed that these people are assuming minorities do not have the means to get an ID.
Tue Nov 06 15:00:57

"Having a photo ID is not a hurdle."

Aside from being nonsense ... OK, I'll play along ... I have photo ID, but why the fuck should I have to show it to you to exercise my rights?

Cherub Cow
Tue Nov 06 17:35:53
I can't tell if that's a serious question, since all of the answers to it carry absurdly simple explanations.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Nov 06 18:13:01

murder, to make sure that you don't exercise your rights too often.

Or after you are dead and buried.

Tue Nov 06 19:12:14
Lmao @ asshurt liberals crying about id.
Tue Nov 06 20:31:17
"I have photo ID, but why the fuck should I have to show it to you to exercise my rights?"

So that we are sure it is you exercising your rights. Imagine if you were to show up at the polls and were told you already voted. Sure they would let you fill out a provisional ballot but if you think showing a photo ID is a hindrance wait until you see what you have to do for that provisional ballot to be accepted.

And please explain how having a photo ID is a hurdle. Getting an ID is easier than filling out the ballot. If people aren't getting an ID they were not going to bother to vote anyway.
Tue Nov 06 22:04:35
Murder comes in with the dumbest post, even outdoing cuckhat.
Tue Nov 06 23:25:43
We need quantum entangled registration/balloting.

It is tha fuetchah!
Wed Nov 07 01:17:11
Take your goddamned sticker
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Wed Nov 07 04:42:58

I did not have to show photo ID. Just the blue card they sent me.

Wed Nov 07 10:41:39
I didn't need any identification. My name and address was verified and I signed next to a copy of my registration signature from many years past. I was handed a ballot and the rest is history in a hard blue State. The formality is a waste of time if you aren't a Democrat and reside in Illinois.
Wed Nov 07 10:59:47
^ he says, about a state that had fairly heavy Republican representation in the state executive just 24 hours ago.
Wed Nov 07 11:01:05
A fluke...

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