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Utopia Talk / Politics / snakeoilsalesman musk sold
The Children
Tue Nov 27 08:41:01
211 cars in China last month.

Ahahahaaa in the largest car market in the world...



Tue Nov 27 08:53:51
Elon has revolutionized multiple industries and put a car into space. You watch Youtube videos of other people playing video games.

Respect your betters, fool.
The Children
Tue Nov 27 09:04:42
oh man a car in space!


that car is just space junk. like plastic in ocean. its junk. what the fuck does it do there in space. its gonna float there for 100s of year unless it collides against a satelite first.

Tue Nov 27 09:16:07
GM is the dominant electric car maker, even if they sell fewer electric vehicles. They've got larger markets and more industry experience. And importantly, they're focus is on China.
Sam Adams
Tue Nov 27 10:32:43
"what the fuck does it do there in space."

It orbits forever as permanent proof of the superior ability of your betters, TC.

The scientific and industrial capability required dwarfs your meager understanding.
Tue Nov 27 12:16:08
This uninteresting discussion aside, I found out that at this time, to the best of human understanding, the car's current location is 196,828,569 miles (316,764,974 km, 2.117 AU) from
Earth, moving away from Earth at a speed of 29,199 mi/h (46,992 km/h, 13.05 km/s).

The car is 143,100,966 miles (230,298,753 km, 1.539 AU) from Mars, moving away from the planet at a speed of 18,430 mi/h (29,660 km/h, 8.24 km/s).

The car is 154,231,832 miles (248,212,150 km, 1.659 AU) from the Sun, moving toward the star at a speed of 1,877 mi/h (3,021 km/h, 0.84 km/s).

The internet can be pretty cool.
Tue Nov 27 12:21:26
moving away from Earth at a speed of 46,992 km/h

moving away from Mars at a speed of 29,660 km/h

I'm not a rocket scientist or anything like that, but why is the car moving away from Earth faster than it is moving away from Mars?
Tue Nov 27 12:24:39
pretty sure gravity and not moving in a straight line has a lot to do with it.
Tue Nov 27 12:31:27
If an object has a constant speed then a curve should not have any effect on the speed.

Gravity maybe, but not a curve.

Let's say I drive my car at a constant speed of 100 miles per hour from my home (point A) to Hot Rod's home (point B), even if I pass a police station (point C) on the way to Hot Rod, I would still drive at a speed of 100 miles per hour away from point A and point C. Right?
Tue Nov 27 12:40:50
It's perspective. You're an idiot, mountme.

Imagine 3 objects in a 2d plane. Object A, a rabbit, is moving +5 units per time. Object B, a frightened girl, is moving -3 units per time. Object C, a slow boy, is chasing the rabbit slowly at +2 units per time.

To the girl, the rabbit is speeding away from her at 8 units (5-(-3)). To the boy, the rabbit is moving at 3 units (5-2). To the omniscient observer, us, we know that the rabbit only moves at 5 units.
Tue Nov 27 12:59:44
Like I said. I'm not a rocket scientist. But of course it's about perspective. I knew it. I was only testing you.
Tue Nov 27 13:12:51
Does that excuse ever work?
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Nov 27 13:41:22

hood - It's perspective. You're an idiot, mountme.

Why are you always asking Paramount to mount you?

Are you really that hard up?

Tue Nov 27 13:43:47
^ doesn't understand how English works, attempts to make a bad joke.

Stroke out already. Ideally before the next anniversary of the greatest mistake of your mom's life.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Tue Nov 27 14:03:24

Just seems odd.

Personally, I just refer to him as 'Paramounted'.

That implies that he is the one being mounted, not me.

The Children
Tue Nov 27 14:18:47
i am a rocket sceintist. and i am tellin u all, its space junk.

cheap plastic junk floatin in space untill it hits a satelite.

tesla shuld be sued 4 dumping garbage in2 space.
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