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Utopia Talk / Politics / It Is A Fact Jack
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Fri Dec 07 05:37:09


Fri Dec 07 07:21:02
Delete this spam.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Fri Dec 07 07:30:36

It will only be spam if you ever try to collect a dime because you are at least 100 times less deserving than I am.

Might not be a problem though. If one of your stupid socialist pics should happen to get elected, which will probably happen since you liberals, that will probably end Social Security and all other benefits because they will totally bankrupt the country.

How long before that ditzy socialist broad, that can't even describe socialism, is old enough?

Fri Dec 07 07:41:48
You're such an angry, vile old thing. You'd think it would cause heart problems or something. Kinda sad it hasn't.

Oh well. At least shut the fuck up already and stop spamming the boards with your incessant whining.

And please delete this spam.
Hot Rod
Revved Up
Fri Dec 07 07:48:58

Nor spam rock turd.

But then, you are so stupid you will never get it.

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Fri Dec 07 08:03:02


BTW, your comment just guaranteed this thread will remain up.

"We will ONLY delete blatant SPAM, really horrible troll threads that die instantly and have a zero "LOL" value, accidental double posts, and posts that the author requests to be deleted will be deleted."

~Mod Thread

Actually, the OP is a stand-alone guarantee.

Social Security is an integral part of politics, but I am quite certain that you are unaware of that little minuscule of information.

Hot Rod
Revved Up
Fri Dec 07 08:04:02
Fri Dec 07 07:48:58
Fri Dec 07 09:01:35
I hope you have some kind of hospice-care worker Hot Rod and they do the right thing and lace your drinks with cyanide.
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