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Utopia Talk / Politics / James Tiberius Comey, American hero
the wanderer
Mon Dec 17 17:29:19
every show should open with this:

any of you finding him partisan are wrong, he was never pro-Hillary nor anti-Hillary... a shame he was put through the partisan meat grinder of false accusations

if you're going to complain about him, at least note what part of what he said in above video you disagree with
Anarchist Prime
Mon Dec 17 17:43:02

Average Ameriacn
Mon Dec 17 17:53:08
Did you hear the duck in the background?
Mon Dec 17 19:16:40
Watched it live. Seemed a bit self congratulatory to me.

I don't have a problem with anything he said in that hallway today and I like the way he handled the press.

Am kind of wondering why when he testified he answered over 200 times I don't recall or I don't remember. He seemed pretty sharp today.

the wanderer
Mon Dec 17 21:31:41
probably because of stupidly specific questions by the desperate Republicans about things that happened 2 years ago

it is quite clear there was justifiable reasons for the investigation of Trumps campaign

and the whole Steele dossier controversy is nonsense... all that happened is that -part- of it was used as -part- of the evidence in a FISA request on Carter Page. Info from a trusted source... on a guy already on the radar of the FBI... and who wasn't even part of the campaign any more at the time (and barely a part even when named as a fake advisor to pretend Trump had a real team).

Yet blown in to some bullshit claim of anti-Trump, pro-Hillary bias.
the wanderer
Mon Dec 17 21:41:39
and Comey is the one who repeatedly asked for the hearings to be public, and was refused by the Republicans... so what does that tell you

they want to control what answers get revealed and characterize the testimony
so what
Tue Dec 18 13:38:38
Or is it because by definition the members of the Committee can't ask him questions about classified information in a public hearing. Realize the FBI classified a lot of information because it was embarrassing (or worse) for the FBI and not because it was legitimately secret.
the wanderer
Tue Dec 18 14:32:45
i doubt that's the reason, he testified publicly before and came off completely honest & professional throughout, so they most likely wanted to avoid that

& the transcript was released of the Dec 7 meeting... skimming, i see no redactions at all:

by being private, we get lots of Fox News articles of him saying 'i don't recall' 200 times or cherry-picking anything that sounds bad as no one's going to read over 235 pages
Tue Dec 18 15:58:39
You can search the document though for key phrases. for instance "don't remember" appears 53 times.

I am about half way through reading the document. So far it is pretty much what you would expect from a congressional hearing. Both sides giving their smug little speeches (even though they agreed not to) before finally getting a question in. One side mostly asking questions worded in a way to provide a gotcha moment the other side lobbing up a softball question reaffirming how great a job Comey and his team were doing and Comey doing his best to provide as little information as possible while appearing to be answering the question. Basically a waste of time and I'm sure the behind closed doors meetings had mostly the same questions and answers without the speeches that are after all for the public benefit to make the questioner look good to his constituents.

There are things that can be asked in a closed hearing that can't be asked in an open hearing but even if those questions are asked I'm guessing a full and honest answer wouldn't be provided. If Comey has a good lawyer and he probably does most questions would not be answered at all.
the wanderer
Tue Dec 18 20:32:28
Comey doesn't need a lawyer, there's no evidence of wrongdoing by him

I think you'll find the only questions he wouldn't answer were related to ongoing investigations of others

(and that transcript above IS one of the behind closed doors meeting)
Tue Dec 18 22:50:40
The transcript says he has a team of attorneys and consulted with them before the interview and he had a lawyer David Kelley there during the interview to both set the guidelines of the questioning and offer advice during the questioning.

And we all know even if you have done nothing wrong better to go into those situations surrounded by lawyers.
the wanderer
Tue Dec 18 23:46:34
well they are FBI lawyers for advice on what he can answer

i know of no crime he's even been accused of

(ignoring any nonsense from the garbage-spewing buffoon in the white house)
Tue Dec 18 23:55:05
I didn't mention he had committed any crimes. Doesn't mean he doesn't know about or was involved in wrong doing. Part of what congress is suppose to be finding out.
the wanderer
Wed Dec 19 00:32:00
and there's no evidence of wrong-doing

just desperate partisans trying to make the FBI partisan to protect Trump (or to benefit Hillary when the D's were also attacking for opposite reasons)

the dossier had nothing to do w/ starting the Russia investigation, and the only 'abuse' we've ever heard of is using it as part of the FISA warrant for Carter Page which is all nonsense, there's no reason not to use info from a trusted source even though he was indirectly paid by Hillary (who paid a firm for oppo research, not fake info)... AND that was noted in the FISA warrant anyway w/ the same 'individual 1', 'campaign 1', 'yadda yadda 1' style that we see in Trump's criminal associates filings (so the "but they don't say Hillary's name!!!!" is bullshit nonsense)

and no evidence Strzok & the other Page did anything corrupt either... they hated Trump during the campaign, as did most, big deal... the simplest, & easily harmful, thing would've been to leak the existence of the investigation & it didn't happen... case closed
Anarchist Prime
Wed Dec 19 07:42:21
Wed Dec 19 16:31:11
Knowing Strzok hated Trump and said he said they needed to do all they could to keep him from coming president do you really think it made good sense in any way to allow him to be anywhere near the investigation let alone actually involved? Whether he acted on his beliefs or not you have jumped all over those you disagree with for less transgressions.
the wanderer
Wed Dec 19 16:58:39
he was removed from investigation as soon as it was known.

also hating the person you are investigating doesn't mean you'd do it corruptly... i'm sure most rapists & murderers aren't well liked by detectives & prosecutors, doesn't mean they are framing them
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