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Utopia Talk / Politics / The SJW war on the Internet continues
Wed Dec 19 01:48:44
Major fallout from Patreon terminating Carl Benjamins aka Sargon of Akkad’s account (his income) for using the word ”Nigger” outside their platform to disparage the alt-right. No warning, no recourse. Subscribestar the alternative site had paypal payouts shut down because this is where many people left to. All done by anonymous trolls/leftist/alt-right activists.

A victory for the NPC/algorithmic future.

Several prominent content creators and among the largest on patreon have left or announced they will leave.

So basically if you are using patreon or paypal to get money you need to live better be careful what words you use publically. Very careful since in the autistic world of NPCs context does not matter.
Wed Dec 19 02:28:25
How will the loser now earn money?


In March 2014, Benjamin was involved in a Kickstarter campaign created to fund the development of a video game called Necromancer.[24] It raised £8,016, just beating the goal of £8,000. Benjamin took the role of programmer and co-designer for the game.[25] However, by June 2016, the game had not been released and all supporters were refunded.

Benjamin said that in his late teens he held a janitorial job, and at the time he started posting to YouTube he was working in a corporate office.
Wed Dec 19 02:34:00
100% racist:


And he once again admonished them for not behaving how white people are supposed to behave: “Maybe you’re just acting like a nigger, mate. Have you considered that? You think white people act like this? White people are meant to be polite and respectful to one another.” This, of course, isn’t a shocking revelation for anyone who’s paid attention to this garbage person’s career.
Wed Dec 19 03:47:07
I have a hard time feeling bad for this guy. Fuck him, he's scum.
Wed Dec 19 07:55:38
LoL. I never heard of this guy. From his wikipedia, I kind of recognized his name. Then from visiting his youtube channel, I recognized him as the guy who posted the Starship Troopers video that Aeros linked too in the past.

Pretty obviously he is a racist and not a, "classical liberal" as he claims to be. Classical liberals talk a lot more about economics and individual liberty.

Racists talk about ... all the shit that's on his youtube channel.

But the real question is: where will Nim get his feminist-hating ideas from now? More Jordan B. Peterson shit. HAHAHAHAHAHA.

Wed Dec 19 17:58:01
This will hurt them a lot.
Thu Dec 20 00:03:07
>>I have a hard time feeling bad for this guy. Fuck him, he's scum.<<

And I will have a hard time feeling bad for you in 2020 when Trump will be reelected, but this was not about feeling bad for anyone but yourself and the free speech principles that silicon valley are raping at their whim. Just think about that paypal stopped its' service with subscribestar ruining the income of completely innocent people due to the action of a small group of activists, because Carl Benjamin moved there. Who get's to say what is now decided by the online mob and the resilience of the platform in question to stand up against them.
Thu Dec 20 00:15:20
If you listen to the full segment, it is quite clear he is using the Alt-rights own language against them. Was it a good choice of words? No. In the context however, was the punishment equal to the "crime"? Take into account that the patreon rules say they apply to the platform itself, this was not on Carl's own channel or even on patereon. Now (just like that) they have expanded them to apply to your entire brand. Enjoy NPC mob rule. No warning, rules changed on the fly, no answers, no recourse.

The sooner these social media platforms are diminished the better. It isn't healthy that a handful of companies dominate this space.
Thu Dec 20 09:47:33
" The sooner these social media platforms are diminished the better. It isn't healthy that a handful of companies dominate this space. "

You're right for the wrong reasons.
Thu Dec 20 10:58:34
Whatever else reason you see, you are welcome to share it. Please explain how monopoly/oligarchy is the ”wrong reasons”. The way I see it, many other problems stem from this.
Tentacle Rapist
Thu Dec 20 12:39:49
'Very careful since in the autistic world of NPCs context does not matter. '

you mean moronic world? I don't see how autism means context doesn't matter.
Thu Dec 20 12:54:33
You never linked anything in your initial rant for anyone to reference anything.

I do find it hilarious that some variation of the alt-right in Akkrid or whatever the fuck his name is got pissed off at other members of the alt-right for "not caring about SJW's." And then he got banned for referring to alt-righters as the N-word.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Irony is delicious.
Thu Dec 20 12:56:21
This isn't even a free speech issue anyways. You can say whatever you want but if someone hosts you on their platform; they're free to enforce whatever standard they want too. If your ass depends on $120,000 a year of income from Patreon; you best make sure the guys there like you.

It's not free speech. It's just fucking common sense.
Thu Dec 20 13:06:53
This is all well and good when it's people we don't like. But when people we do like start getting punished for completely unrelated shit and lose their livelihoods? We still gonna be fine with it?

I am, have been, and will be against this mob justice punish the "wicked" mentality. Don't care if it's people being booted off patreon or YouTube, don't care if it's companies being pressured to fire employees. Shit's whack. It needs to stop (or rather, needs to be used extremely sparingly). Defending the rights (yes, I realize there are no legal rights here, the word just best fits) of those we don't like only defends our own.
Thu Dec 20 14:10:07
The shitstorm has only started on patreon, now mobs from the left and right are searching and finding much grosser violations of the community rules than Carl Benjamins. Is patereon happy with were they set the bar on this one? Someone said "Nigger" outside their platform inappropriately, however not meant as racism towards actual niggers, but white nazis. Kinda tied their dicks in a knot.
Thu Dec 20 14:18:02
>>This isn't even a free speech issue anyways. You can say whatever you want but if someone hosts you on their platform<<

Yea we get that dickface, noone has asked the "authorities" to stop in. It is criticism of crappy corporate behavior especially those companies who control large (or almost all of it) segments of finance or media. In the specific case of these new social media and the peripheral industries.

Just because companies have rights to do things, doesn't mean I have to like what they do. Then it all starts to get slippery when the company in question controls my ability to express that discontent or cut off my income at a whim by selective enforcement of the rules.
Thu Dec 20 14:32:06
The "It-could-happen-to-any-of-us" argument is all nice and good but I doubt even Rugian or Obaminated go around throwing around the N-word with wild abandon.

Don't say the N%##$% people. Nothing good can come of it.
Thu Dec 20 14:33:50
Most of life is subjective. Even the courts. Which is why liberals and conservatives fight so hard about appointments.

Unless it's something that could actually happen to us; nobody cares. Nim going SJW over some retard's right to say the N-word is so hilarious.
Thu Dec 20 14:45:29
Nah, I'm saying you've turned into a reactionary whacko, but you're not wrong that a handful of companies have such power.
Thu Dec 20 14:55:02
Learned early on that leftists don't give a fuck about context. Caught a 30-day Zucc for observing that the same Boomers that didn't want to share a water fountain with "them n*****s" were the same ones whining about sharing a bathroom with "them trannies". Double Zucc, I believe their algorithm picks up both.
Thu Dec 20 15:02:57
You are painfully stupid and I know better, but my dear dickface, this isn't about it happening to "any of us". I have no doubt this is the case for you, but it isn't for me. I would care even if it happened to you and I think you are dumber than dogshit. It is about principles, consistency and realizing that this type of "curation" at the hands of the mob is not sustainable.

Alt-right activist have already used the same tactics such as mass reporting to remove and disrupt content and get people banned. As I said earlier the shit storm has just started as patreon content is being reported left and right, some of the major content providers have left or are in the making of an alternative.

Get woke go broke? Let's see.
Thu Dec 20 15:11:10
>>Nah, I'm saying you've turned into a reactionary whacko, but you're not wrong that a handful of companies have such power.<<

In contrast to this dispassionate, well reasoned and thought argument you mean?

"I have a hard time feeling bad for this guy. Fuck him, he's scum."

So far you have told us you dislike the guy, but that you agree with me that this concentration of power is bad. What are you disagreeing with specifically? I described the circumstance accurately, do you disagree with the description? And regardless of how "feel" about this guy, do you think it was a reasonable termination of service?
Thu Dec 20 20:59:01
"Don't say the N%##$% people. Nothing good can come of it."

Some people are born to be subjects.
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