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Utopia Talk / Politics / met a real right-wing conspiracist
Sat Dec 22 02:06:44
So, I met a real right-wing Internet conspiracy troll a while ago, here in France. He’s a 75-year-old homeless and toothless Brit, former Elvis impersonator from Scunthorpe (I kid you not), living in a van in a car park around the corner. The govt took custody of his 2 daughters a few years ago (he must have fathered them in his 60s.) Because of this, he believes the Queen and the UK govt are involved in a conspiracy to kill him and his family, and he accuses them of running an international pedophile ring (where have we heard that one before). He sits almost penniless at McD every day all day with a battered old laptop and runs about 40 facebook, twitter etc accounts disguised amateurishly as news sites where he posts idiotic conspiracies. This homeless, toothless tramp living in a car park has tens of thousands of followers and believes he’s running ”an empire.” Apart from his personal James Bond-esque adventures involving the Queen trying to murder him, he does the usual far-right Brexit/Trump/Qanon mental illness stuff.
Hotmail recently blocked him after spam complaints. He now believes Bill Gates is also in on the conspiracy together with the Queen and the govt to kill him.

I initially tried to be charitable to this, at first glance, seemingly friendly old geezer down on his luck. Bought him some food, took him for a couple of beers, took him to the tax agency to get him registered for basic legal aid, health and social services in France etc.

I eventually got irritated at his blaming all his bad decisions in life on idiotic conspiracies – nothing was his fault, everything was Bill Gates fault, or the govt or the queen or the immigrants etc, etc, so one day I wrecked his idiotic theories. I proved to him that when he said that various Facebook sites representing official human and legal rights NGOs had approved his case, they were fake sites created by him: ”For God’s sake, look! There’s a pic of you as admin! It’s got your email address!” etc.

But you can’t disprove these conspiracy lunatics. If you factually rip apart their bs and show them the pieces, they dont go, ”Fuck, I was wrong” – their heads explode instead.

Since then, he’s threatened me twice in the streets while screaming and ranting, blocking my way in a ridiculously wrong boxing stance he thinks he saw in a Bruce Lee movie; taking photos of me while I was eating at a restaurant. Apparently, I’m now a spy for Bill Gates and the Queen. Eventually, I had to report him to the police. Then I visited him in his van wearing a hoodie and scarf and pushed him up against a wall and threatened him if he ever approached me again. Have only seen him at a distance since then in the last couple of weeks, so hopefully he’s found someone else.

But these trumpian brexiteer conspiracists, I tell ya…they’re the mentally ill dregs of the West.
Sat Dec 22 03:44:41
It sounds like a sad case. He believes that the government wronged him when they took his daughters away from him. And he can’t get over it. And he is apparently not living in the squirrel wheel like all the rest of us are doing. So to him, everyone in the squirrel wheel is a part of what wronged him. It’s basically him against the world. The government, the Queen, Bill Gates, NGO’s, you. You are all trying to kill him.

Has he said anything about Elvis, though? What is his feelings about Elvis today? Elvis Presley may be the only one who he still trusts, since Elvis comes from a time before the govt took hia daughters.

Maybe you should try to dress up like an Elvis Presley impersonator yourself and walk past him and see how he reacts. Do you have a guitarr? If he sees Elvis then maybe he will remember the good old times and how good everything was when he too lived in the squirrel wheel. Or you could just dress like Elvis to troll him, for fun. Or buy one of those Donald Trump masks and sing an Elvis song in front of him. He will wonder what the hell is going on.
Sat Dec 22 03:51:30
The unifying trait of modern conservatism is helplessness. They act so macho but it's all a very shallow veneer to hide their underlying weakness.

They don't take charge of their lives and develop better habits, relationships, and skills. They blame other people and look for a bogeyman.

Evidence: every cuckservative on this board.
Sat Dec 22 04:52:39
And the people who blame all their problems on patriarchy and/or capitalism are the sane and educated elite of the west.


Sat Dec 22 05:56:46
The earth is a flat disc and was made in seven days!
Sat Dec 22 06:13:17
1. Got a link to his site? I've been looking for a new source of news lately.

2. What's "Qanon?"

3. What kind of deluded fool tries to help the homeless? If a person is out on the street, the overwhelming odds are that it's due to mental illness. You can't help them, you naive boy.
Sat Dec 22 09:13:41
So, an alternative perspective here is WtB befriended a vulnerable old man with mental health issues, then, when the guy was opening up to him and started to think of WtB as a friend, scorned and humiliated him; and then accosted and threatened him at his home.

Dude, if you are coming here thinking this makes you look good or superior you are very wrong. You knew what you were getting into when you tried to help him out, and you were very stupid to challenge his world view like that. Leave that to professionals. If you are going to play the good Samaritan you need to do it wholeheartedly, not on your own terms.
Sat Dec 22 10:34:05

You can't reason with crazy or stupid.

Sat Dec 22 10:35:01

"2. What's "Qanon?""


Sat Jan 05 05:55:23
Stinking little fuck just tried to strangle me from behind at McD. Slammed him in the face twice, might have broken his nose. He fell over then ran off. Waiting for the cops. Sending this ungrateful little brexit/trumpeteer fuck to prison ;)
Sat Jan 05 06:00:51
fake news
Sat Jan 05 06:01:07
Remember, far-right ideology is a cultural psychosis that attracts the violent and psychologically unwell
Sat Jan 05 06:52:07

Him attacking you has nothing to do with Fox etc. They prey on these people to exploit thrm for economic gain, and when you decided to "educate" him on his errors, so did you for your own sense of well being.

You knew he was psychologically disordered, you antagonised him, and you set this path in motion.

You might feel better here to believe this mentally unwell individual represents your political enemies, but he could just as well adopted a left-wing brand of wingnuttery (chemtrails, 9/11 false flag etc.) in his disordered state.

Titling at windmills because they might be giants.
Sam Adams
Sat Jan 05 09:48:10
The homeless should be euthenized. For their own good, and that of society. Its the humane thing to do.
Sat Jan 05 11:56:59
The far-right ideology latches itself onto helplessness, ignorance, and toxic masculinity.

That's why it's core base of supporters is uneducated, unsuccessful white guys.

You don't need an education to be successful but you do need fundamental things about your character to make money like changing your habits and incorporating information from experts and at least occasionally having empathy for those around you.

All these things contribute to success and defeat helplessness and lets you move forward in life.

Avoiding these basic things leaves you stagnant and a failure. They leave you looking for some kind of strawman to blame your own failures for. And people at their base are tribalistic, selfish creatures. Usually that strawman is a member of an outgroup such as immigrants or minorities or even women.
Sat Jan 05 11:57:12
Sat Jan 05 13:10:11
"Eventually, I had to report him to the police. Then I visited him in his van wearing a hoodie and scarf and pushed him up against a wall and threatened him if he ever approached me again."

"Stinking little fuck just tried to strangle me from behind at McD"

wondar wot da polise wuld say if thay knew u traked him down and entared hiz trailer witout permison and thretinid him b4 he atked u
Sat Jan 05 14:27:02
i remembar wen odefish told us bout da time he got in2 a fist fite ovar a cigarete so thretenin homelse ppl in a hoodie than runin 2 da polise cryin dusint sem out of charactar
Sat Jan 05 14:39:23
Beating up a 75 year old man isnt something to brag about, fagfish.
Sat Jan 05 15:52:23
oefish wants 2 b a gansta beetin up old ppl in a hoodie rofl he prolie imagines himsalf az anthonie from da sopranos

all da disablid and old ladies r gona pay him protecton monie
Sat Jan 05 16:00:22
I wonder what Hot Obaminated Rod would do if a homeless man would try to strangle him.
Sat Jan 05 16:37:58
I dunno. That's never happened to me. But I probably wouldn't gloat about it on UP.
Sat Jan 05 17:00:58
Where is TrumpisDaBestesPresid?
Sat Jan 05 21:34:00
acont creton haz ben brokin 4 leik 6 yeers
Tue Jun 28 17:45:53
This was even more cringe than I remembered.
Tue Jun 28 18:19:24
"Then I visited him in his van wearing a hoodie and scarf and pushed him up against a wall and threatened him if he ever approached me again."

That did not happen.

"Stinking little fuck just tried to strangle me from behind at McD. Slammed him in the face twice, might have broken his nose."

That too did not happen.
Tue Jun 28 18:27:33
^ lol
Tue Jun 28 18:36:23
Amy while anything is possible I guess, I've spent the majority of the last 2 years working next to free injection clinics/a homeless encampment/our version of skid row

Homeless people/junkies want to be left alone as much as you do. They're going to bug you for shit but tell them no and they'll just walk away. Be an asshole and they'll also be an asshole. Taunt them and they'll get a bit upset.

The ones that are bonkers crazy and want to talk about conspiracies or recount their life stories are usually not violent unless they think you want their stuff. Then they're violent.

I'd say 0% chance this dude assaulted wtb, and if he did it's because wtb made it a point to argue with him and shit talk him well past the point of reasonable harassment.

Also since it's been my job to tell them to fuck off and leave the premises, not to shoot up in front of families, not to shit or piss on any of our doors, catch them stealing, call the cops, etc, I have had multiple junkies and bums take up issue with me personally - but all they do is shout and then walk away so they don't have to deal with cops.

If I've managed to go 2 years actually being in their face and never had an issue...
Tue Jun 28 21:18:00
1. "They act so macho but it's all a very shallow veneer to hide their underlying weakness."

Lol Cuckhat claimed to be a billionaire traveling the world fucking his exotic wife on his yacht

2. Seb is correct

3. This seems like low-quality bait
Cherub Cow
Tue Jun 28 22:41:51
Hilarious thread to resurrect. I even agree with Seb here:

“So, an alternative perspective here is WtB befriended a vulnerable old man with mental health issues, then, when the guy was opening up to him and started to think of WtB as a friend, scorned and humiliated him; and then accosted and threatened him at his home.”

And it does sound like bait. It’s a little too much like Dostoevsky’s “Notes from Underground” where a crazed and unreliable narrator tries to show that he’s very conscious of things but ultimately reveals between the lines that he’s a sad reject of society who cannot read social cues in real life. That same theme is seen in stories like “Catcher in the Rye”, “American Psycho”, “Tell-Tale Heart”, “Taxi Driver”, and “Se7en”. That is, wtb was definitely channeling hood-rat psychopath logic here.

Top kek thread. Would recommend.
Fri Jul 01 08:15:12
Dear me, googling ancient posts by me in this beautiful summer weather? Kind of icky.

Aaah, the pedophile. I later found a video he had uploaded to one of his million Trump/Qanon/Idiot etc sites showing social workers in his living room. After initial uncomfortable banter, they say, "XXX, look, we've been coming here for years. We know you love your kids, but" very uncomfortable pause "we have received several complaints from the neighbours. Your 6 y o ZZZ has been found out in the streets at 12 o'clock at night and has told neighbours that have spoken to her that "Dad touches me." That explained why he had fled the UK and was living in a van.

Fri Jul 01 16:31:29
So he ended up being a crazy pedophile? I think you could have handled that situation with more empathy, nonetheless. Would you agree, looking back?
Fri Jul 01 16:33:36
And by empathy, I mean live and let live (or, if you have strong opinions on pedophilia and actual evidence, perhaps removing him from the gene pool would have been empathy.) You helped him out, bought him a few beers, that was a good deed and you deserve credit for that. But it is overshadowed by your insistence on making it a political thing.
Fri Jul 01 17:16:18
I really love how this homeless man ran multiple websites from his van and presumably escaped interpol on charges of child sex abuse and was living comfortably enough that he didn't mind assaulting folks.

Fri Jul 01 17:17:04
Not hiding, still running his websites, opening assaulting folks.

This is like wtbs wet dream of what 'the other' looks like.
Fri Jul 01 17:18:30
Running multiple websites from a van down the river is my dream!
Sat Jul 02 05:58:06
Id forgotten about this nutter. This was when the Qanon nutters, living in their off-the-wall myths were first rising to power and shocking normal people everywhere.
He threatened me publicly several times apart from the harassment, he even went to the police to try to get them to throw me out of the country. I know this because when I reported him, they told me that after I’d told him I would report him he’d reported me, but they had a very different version to the harm he hoped he'd caused me. They said he seemed like trouble and they'd told him that what he wanted was not their job to do. They even gave me another number to phone in case he attacked me. I was at the point where I had to avoid streets in my lovely little village.

On googling him I found he'd lived his life openly on the internet for years, had sent letters of intent to sue air companies for millions for delayed flights, Facebook for deleting posts, municipalities for taking his kids which he claimed leftist politicians were using for experiments, because he had to think of and believe in a stupid conspiratorial lie to hide his brain from the truth, much like Trump, and on and on and on. He was a pedophilic, long-time rightwing conspiracy querulant who'd spent his life living off the dole, harassing companies and public officials and, seemingly, fiddling his kids, apart from threatening me.

What's funny is that this nincompoop, of the Karen breed that always knows thinks it knows the law, had uploaded the video because in his mind it was proof of liberal social workers plotting to steal his children. The following 20 minutes after the social workers had explained their errand was a quite riveting pan shot of him shouting that he'd secretly caught them on video and that he was going to blow the whole thing sky high , that he was suing for 50 million etc. etc. Another politically funny thing about this nutter was that he matched comical stereotypes of these losers, literally living in a van hosting more sites than he could count. Plus, I got a close-up view of how people like this gather their info and it was at an infantile level, which was interesting, because you always want to check whether perhaps theyre getting something youre not. Theyre not. Theyre just children who lost interest in developing as humans at a young age.
Sat Jul 02 07:16:43
I think the emergence of pedophilia to the story is just a desperate attempt to rescue this. It really falls apart at the gate, since WTB didn't know he was a pedophile, when he accosted him to begin with.

Just put two and two together from this thread and the one where he is bragging about tax evasion. I can fill in some more details, he was homeless himself at one point, he ran a night club and came into contact with all kinds of organized crime. I doubt that this is the only time he has evaded taxes or berated mentally ill people. He strikes me as the kind of person that would yell at children, for being children.

Disregard for norms and laws is WTBs thing. All the meanwhile ranting about the important things in life like, were high heels really made for women? What does your shade of lip gloss, say about you as a person?

I find it funny, that the victims of WTBs teenage rage against the man, is the collective tax funded state and those individuals most down on their luck.

You fucked up when you didn't have kids. Going childless you run the very real risk of losing touch with humanity and slid down the shit slide into nihilism.
Sat Jul 02 08:09:55
"I think the emergence of pedophilia to the story is just a desperate attempt to rescue this."

My gut said the same thing.
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