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Utopia Talk / Politics / Hot rod criminal record? Terrorism?
large member
Sat Jan 05 06:55:43
Doxing. There is such a thing as too much information, even if hidden behind a paywall.
Sat Jan 05 07:45:52
Hate to break it to you but this is clearly a phishing site.
large member
Sat Jan 05 08:02:57
It provides a service that is problematic in this context. I did some due dilligence before making the call (deleting stuff is not my thing).

Or was "this site" in reference to UP? :).
Sat Jan 05 10:06:54
Wtb doxxes a dead man and his sole surviving family in the name of Antifa.

Just another day for europe
Sat Jan 05 10:21:28
Well, I would not be surprised if Hot Rod was involved in an extremist group. Possibly one of those settler groups in Israel.

What we know is that he subscribed to Fox News.
Sat Jan 05 11:29:55
jergul, can you delete this pyschopath's thread altogether? There's no reason in defense of keeping it.
Sat Jan 05 11:30:45
And as Seb noted the site appears to be malicious
Sat Jan 05 11:48:03
If he genuinely is on a watch list, is probably due to posting some crazy shit about Obama on Facebook or something like that.

But there is no way an outfit like this should have access to the no-fly list, so my bet is this is simply one of the crap mechanisms this site is using to convince you to pay for the info (the "this info will shock you" and spurious task bars).

10:1 its anodyne BS, but sites using this many dark-patterns for conversion rate are not above flogging your info to third parties.

Strongly recommend anyone thinking of buying the info not to.
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