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Utopia Talk / Politics / Tucker drops some truth bombs
Sun Jan 13 12:29:05

Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 14 13:02:57
Time for Warren to pull an Al Franken and apologize and resign for insensitive acts and opinions from the past that do not track well in today’s social media feeding frenzies. Honor demands this seppuku! No one from Fox News should be able to quote you in agreement! ;)
Tue Jan 15 23:07:31

The goal of our leaders should not be "strong American families". What we choose to do with our lives is our business, and none of theirs.

So right off the bat, that truth bomb was a dud.

Tue Jan 15 23:22:12

btw this could all be fixed with a 30 hour work week and dollar for dollar trade.

Everything past 6 hours in a day should be paid double time ... as should any hours outside of 9am - 4pm.

Wed Jan 16 13:05:09
Say goodbye to the transportation industry, which will compound to virtually every other industry in the nation. What a monumentally idiotic idea.
Wed Jan 16 17:14:14
Stupid idea. We are a twenty four hour society now. Double time for cooking up some fries just because it is after 4:00 pm would be disastrous. If overtime started after six hours people would work six hour shifts and then the next shift would come in. Nobody would want to work from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. This would expedite the replacement of many jobs by machines.

Your idea murder reaches Adelaide levels of stupid and remember Adelaide claimed California's economy would fail if they couldn't sell soccer shoes made out of kangaroo hide.
Wed Jan 16 17:33:43
A driver can oneshot Dallas to Springfield in 12 hours, well within his legal 14.

No more, under murder's idiocy. Enjoy your $12 gallon of milk if you're further than 100mi from a processing plant.
Wed Jan 16 20:37:42
I mean, 30 hour work weeks are >>>>>> the standard 40 for productivity. But that's just desk jobs.

Also, what about those of us who purposely start work well before 9 am so that we might be out of the office before everyone else has clogged the road ways?

or tldr:
murder is dumb for a variety of reasons.
Thu Jan 17 10:10:24
Transportation is on the butchers block for autonomous systems anyway. The 6 hour work day already exists in France, last I read, the French were still working over 40 hours on average. So it doesn’t seem to have an effect.
Thu Jan 17 19:52:31
really don't think you realize how far away the average person's trust is in automated transportation. trains are fair game. but to trust a computer to be able to drive in traffic is absurd. my phone probably has a better computer than whatever would be put in a city bus and it lags out daily. You can have a city busy with 50 people on it lagging out into oncoming traffic.
Thu Jan 17 20:42:23
Highway driving isn't excessively difficult for computers. Getting onto the highway...
Fri Jan 18 10:27:03
You cant* have a city bus* with 50 people on it lagging...
Fri Jan 18 17:46:00
Yea I am sorry, this boat has sailed. People thought TVs and computers screens would give them eye cancer. Alot of people have been fearful and sceptical towards a great many things that they now depend on in a slavish manner. This was said years ago, sooner rather than later driving a car manually will be made illegal on public roads and then 3 years after that, people will be posting Darwing award threads about some idiot who crashed his car disengaging the autopilot. We be like, what an idiot, why wasn't he watching porn like everyone else??
Fri Jan 18 17:51:59
No, the REAL threads will go something like

*automatic bus crashes and kills 50 people*

UP: "Putin strikes again"
Fri Jan 18 18:02:23
Once we have a critical number of cars with autonomous systems and a universal standard system enabling cars to communicate with each other and the infrastructure. This isn't even that far away, our company does some interesting work in this area actually. The scary part is hacking, denial of service attacks or making it easy for Skynet to kill us, not trusting the system to do a better job than the average driver. Ok, obviously infrastructure needs to be much better. We need a new generation of digital infrastructure to support the cars.
Fri Jan 18 18:09:33
Yes that will definitly happen, bet money on it :)

New York Times headline
"Sources inside the Occasio Cortez adminstration -The Russians hacked the autonomous bus system of New York City"
Fri Jan 18 18:17:32
Yeah, "not far away" is at least several decades away.
Sun Jan 20 06:12:07
It will be very quick once the data showing how much safer it is is robust. To completely remove the human redundancy will take longer, yes. Redundancy would be, take over, safely bring the vehicle to a stop, wait for tow/maintenance. Do you need even a drivers license for that? I had an ex, her father drilled her to stop the car from the passanger seat in case he had a heart attack (he had had issues) when she was 10. And he actually tested her once, it happened so quickly that she was on her wait out of the car to stop passing cars. This was obviously before cell phone. Remember BCP (before cell phones)? ;)
Sun Jan 20 14:18:35
"The scary part is hacking, denial of service attacks"

Hacking is the big thing. DoS isn't an issue if all systems are internal and there are backups in case the car-to-car comms go down.
Tue Jan 22 12:52:25
"There is reason to believe that intelligence agencies for major powers — including the United States — know how to remotely seize control of a car. So if there were a cyber attack on [Hastings'] car — and I'm not saying there was, I think whoever did it would probably get away with it."

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