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Utopia Talk / Politics / cockroach sushiroll
The Children
Sun Jan 13 15:21:42

giant sea cockroaches.

hmmm yumm yumm.

da jappies eat everything.
Tentacle Rapist
Mon Jan 14 10:58:35
Have you seen what's on the menu in China?
The Children
Mon Jan 14 12:50:12
i have, rich delicate, delicious, diverse food.

we have the best cuisine in the world. deal with it u dumbass.
Mon Jan 14 14:13:50
Not really. Basically the same thing as a lobster unless you really think because it vaguely looks like a cochrach, it somehow is more closely related to an actual cochroach than a lobster.

Glad the chef gave it a quick death too.
The Children
Mon Jan 14 15:52:19
u dumb fuck, they r all ocean insects.

except the lobster at elast has meat on it. wtf does this thing has. slimy goo. u have 2 use a spoon 2 literally scrape every fuckin tiny bit of meat out there and it still looks bad.

Mon Jan 14 17:42:32
"i have, rich delicate, delicious, diverse food."

That isn't how I would describe half a bag of Doritos and some Oreo crumbs.
Mon Jan 14 18:02:10
Would try.
Tentacle Rapist
Tue Jan 15 11:03:49
'i have, rich delicate, delicious, diverse food.

we have the best cuisine in the world. deal with it u dumbass. '

Oh, I'm sure there is good available. Have you seen what the average peasant eats? How is this worse than Pidan? Or Fish eye soup?
The Children
Tue Jan 15 12:32:52
lol wut? the fuck is wrong with fish eye soup, u dumb ass whitey!

it literally da best part of da fish.
LOL only typical stupid whitey thinks that that is bad.

Tentacle Rapist
Wed Jan 16 11:54:34
Looks far more disgusting than the isotope does.

Noticed you either can't or won't defend Pidan. Probably you don't even know what it is.

Tentacle Rapist
Wed Jan 16 11:55:38
Also if you eat shrimp you don't have a leg to stand on. It's also an underwater insect.
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