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Utopia Talk / Politics / Bold Trump move
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Tue Jan 15 16:15:21
Finally a President bold enough not to pay the Secret Service and demand longer TSA lines in Atlanta a week before the Super Bowl.

Tue Jan 15 16:19:20
For $4 billion, this problem can magically disappear.
Tue Jan 15 16:23:17
”TSA agents, who handle security, are not getting paid, and many are not coming to work.”

So they want the terrorists to win?
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Tue Jan 15 16:31:02
Trump's orginal budget asked for $1.7 Billion he got $1.7 billion.
Tue Jan 15 22:57:58

"For $4 billion, this problem can magically disappear."

A good bullet only costs ~ $1.50


large member
Wed Jan 16 03:46:06
Rebranding it to the "Trump Memorial Wall" might be enough to secure funding. It would seem a fair enough trade-off for most politicians in Washington.
Wed Jan 16 09:20:46
"For $4 billion, this problem can magically disappear."

Ever moving price. First it was $1.7, then $5 then $5.6 then $5.7 billion. Tomorrow who the fuck knows. Give him anything and he will demand more. This is outright extortion.
Average Ameriacn
Wed Jan 16 09:32:25
patom, the more the Mexicans pay for it the more secure it will get. It's a good deal at any price.
Wed Jan 16 09:44:15
Yeah, if he wanted the wall he should've pushed for it when Republicans had a majority. He also shouldn't have admitted on television multiple times that the shutdown is his fault.

Retards gonna retard though.
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