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Utopia Talk / Politics / Game of Thrones:Trailer
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Tue Mar 05 15:07:02

Arya gets bitch slapped back to little girl status

Bran narrates more interesting plot lines

Jaime converts to Stark.

Winterfell prepares for Battle of Helm's deep

Cersai continues being world's shittiest Mom (1:07)

Beric and Torumund somehow survived the wall
Tue Mar 05 16:33:33
Disappointment is coming.
Tue Mar 05 16:52:44
Is George Martin really going to write another three books? Seems unbelievable, why even bother, just say whatever happened in HBO show, happened in the books too. Maybe just copy the show scripts, rework them a bit, so you can earn some dough from book sales. But, I can’t picture Martin writing another three books, different from the show
Tue Mar 05 16:53:44
2 more books, not 3, I googled
Tue Mar 05 20:58:27
GoT: 1996
CoK: 1999
SoS: 2000
FfC: 2005
DwD: 2011
WoW: 2020?
DoS: Not gonna happen
Cherub Cow
Tue Mar 05 22:29:37
Definitely... An overweight 70-year-old? He might survive to write "Winds of Winter", but at best he'll have to will the rights of "Dream of Spring" to someone that he thinks can carry his style. The fun benefit for him is that he gets to listen to the complaints that fans have about the show's ending and alter his book to be better, so he'll get to trick people (again*) into thinking that he's better than the show writers.

*The first time being in peeps who thought that Martin's influence on the show ended where Martin's published material ended, whereas the reality would be closer to his unpublished outlines being a more direct influence on the show (the show writers did not need to change anything to surprise book readers because the book readers were in the dark)
Wed Mar 06 05:51:19
Whatever the underlying reasons, the show material did take a downward turn when it got past the book material.
Cherub Cow
Wed Mar 06 11:17:06
I don't think so, but we are talking opinion now.
Wed Mar 06 11:23:57
Cherub Cow
Member Wed Mar 06 11:17:06
I don't think so

Correct. The show actually went to shit even before they ran out of book material.

We've spent a full seven seasons building up to an event that can supposedly be covered in six hours, and the writers have proven that they have no idea what they're doing. There's no way this doesnt end up being an epically bad letdown. In ten years' time, this is going to be considered one of the most overrated series ever.
Wed Mar 06 11:43:47
" and the writers have proven that they have no idea what they're doing"

If you are a fantasy geek or a long time GM books fan, then you think the wriers don't know what they are doing. For the rest of the public, the writers know exactly what they are doing, and they do it exceedingly well, looking at the ratings. And at the sudden enourmous popularity of everything GoT-related. I can still remember people laughing at you or having that puzzled look, when you tried to explain the concept of the Song of Ice and Fire books to them, in late 90s, early 2000s. The show comes out, and suddenly everyone is a huge fan
Wed Mar 06 12:03:44
it seems that once the show went beyond GM books, the writers adopted a strategy of reading GoT fan boards and just writing whatever people speculated would be a cool thing to see. There was no character building, no explaining the motives, they didn't bother to clarify things like impossibly fast travel, nothing of that anymore. Just crazy, pleasing to watch, loud compilation of gore, magic and fucking
Cherub Cow
Wed Mar 06 13:06:50
"There was no character building, no explaining the motives"

Not true, if you consider how much time they spend on each plot line, or if you consider the amount of scenes that they spent on particular character developments. I remember in particular that TC was complaining about Danny and Jon's romance coming out of nowhere (i.e., that it wasn't developed), but, in reality, D&J had something like 8 scenes of build-up stretched over 40 minutes of screen time in season 7 alone for that single outcome (and much more development if including all of the hints of their compatibility before season 7).

"they didn't bother to clarify things like impossibly fast travel"

There has never been impossibly fast travel. They have changed their editing for pacing, but time clearly passes between long journeys. And considering that their filming costs have blown up now that their actors have gotten enough recognition to bleed the production, I think they've managed things such as accelerated pacing very well.

"Just crazy, pleasing to watch, loud compilation of gore, magic and fucking"

Don't forget classical literary allusions, social commentary, character journeys, mystery, tragedy, the managing of a huge cast of characters, and years worth of slow-burn development. It's just that too.
Wed Mar 06 13:28:52
"Don't forget classical literary allusions, social commentary, character journeys, mystery, tragedy, the managing of a huge cast of characters, and years worth of slow-burn development. "

That goes without saying
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