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Utopia Talk / Politics / Our idiot President last July
Fri Apr 05 06:54:51
In light of his recent idiocy over his father's place of birth ... but even funnier because the moron thinks that DNA tests can determine where you were born.


62,984,828 Americans voted for this shit for brains, and they don't care how retarded he is as long as he hates brown people. Hating women and gays is just a bonus.

Fri Apr 05 07:32:39
"as long as he hates bone fide lawbreakers"


"Hating women and gays is just a bonus."

Source for either of those things?
Fri Apr 05 07:35:24
Anyway, I wonder how intelligent Obama would have come off as had he been left to his own devices. Unfortunately that's not something we'll every know since he never said one thing that wasn't pre-scripted by an army of publicity experts.

You're basically saying you want spectacle over the genuine.
Fri Apr 05 07:38:26
Competency over incompetency. No matter how you try to explain it, a competent person will find ways to cover up flaws (like scripting public statements). Trump clearly lacks competency.
Fri Apr 05 07:50:14

"You're basically saying you want spectacle over the genuine."

Genuine idiocy is not a virtue. Not that Trump would know genuine if it bit him on the ass.

"Anyway, I wonder how intelligent Obama would have come off as had he been left to his own devices. Unfortunately that's not something we'll every know since he never said one thing that wasn't pre-scripted by an army of publicity experts."

^ Look! Right wing bullshit!
Fri Apr 05 14:11:07
Rugian, this is how Trump shows his hate for genuine law breakers.

Fri Apr 05 14:45:19
"The decision to intervene came at the urging of numerous members of Congress and a long list of high-ranking law enforcement officials, who argued the sentence was far too harsh for a first-time, nonviolent offender."

"The action was “encouraged by bipartisan leaders from across the political spectrum, from Nancy Pelosi to Orrin Hatch,” the White House said."

"His prosecution came after federal authorities raided the plant and arrested 389 illegal immigrants in 2008."

Oh hell yes, did Obama send those illegals back where they came from or did they keep their jobs at the packing plant?

Damned is Trump if he does and damned Trump if he doesn't...

Fri Apr 05 15:07:41
TJ, in other words this guy ponied up some campaign money.

He wasn't convicted of hiring illegals. His charges were all business related.

Trumps reversal on shutting down the border is what? I believe the message has been delivered that all those businesses that were looking to lose a ton of money from a border closure, informed Congressmen/women that their campaign funds were going to take an equally devastating hit.
Fri Apr 05 15:14:50
The power of purse is no mystery.

Call it the glue of bipartisanship. chuckle
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