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Utopia Talk / Politics / Notre Dame is on fire
Mon Apr 15 12:45:31

Goddamn. Stupid Frenchies.
the wanderer
Mon Apr 15 12:47:20
In the locust wind comes a rattle and hum
Jacob wrestled the angel
And the angel was overcome
You plant a demon seed
You raise a flower of fire
See them burning crosses
See the flames higher and higher
Mon Apr 15 12:53:48
Well I was there
in the summer of 2018
If it burns down now
at least I have seen it as it was
Average Ameriacn
Mon Apr 15 12:56:23
French 911?
Sam Adams
Mon Apr 15 13:08:08
Thing is toast. Cya.

Started by sebs migrants or fuel in construction gear? I hear it was under repair at the time...
Mon Apr 15 13:08:37
Spire collapsed. The island's been evacuated.

There had better be people that commit harakiri over this.
Mon Apr 15 13:16:09
fucking muslims. time to declare another crusade and just wipe the fuckers off the face of the earth.

unless it was just some moronic frenchman who fucked up. in which we should still blame muslims.
Mon Apr 15 13:34:31
”Started by sebs migrants or fuel in construction gear?”

Or someone was charging his iphone. Thing is well known to explode and cause fire. Design flaws, made in america.
the wanderer
Mon Apr 15 13:36:22
i'll go with a long-shot bet of a chinese tourist
Anarchist Prime
Mon Apr 15 13:38:23
Mon Apr 15 13:39:55
Maybe the brits will post a video soon of two russian ”tourists”.
Mon Apr 15 13:42:30
Macron postponed a speech he was due to give over the Yellow Jackets affair.

I smell false flag
Anarchist Prime
Mon Apr 15 13:47:06
so, putin
large member
Mon Apr 15 13:50:12
Putin + austerity.

Public poverty is a sad thing. Hence taxes.
Mon Apr 15 13:51:02


Looks like Sam's right, the thing is toast.
Mon Apr 15 13:52:26

The renovation work was being state-funded. Also, I'm not sure how "sad" this would actually be to someone who places little value on history or architecture.
Mon Apr 15 13:52:40
Everything is burning. The structure, which dates from the 19th century on one side to the 13th century on the other side, of which there is nothing left. (Le Figaro)

Why didn’t they put out the fire? If there is construction going on it ought to be a fire-extinguisher somewhere. Right? It is almost like they want to destroy the cathedral.

Rip France.
Anarchist Prime
Mon Apr 15 13:54:55
"Why didn’t they put out the fire?"

they couldn't.
it's the novichok of fires.
they don't have a big enough baby wipe to smother it.
Mon Apr 15 14:01:32
Not great. But they can rebuild it like they did with Reims Cathedral, after german artillery fucked it up during WWI. Or like the moscow giant Christ the Savior cathedral was rebuilt > half a century after stalin blew it up.
Mon Apr 15 14:07:02
The Crown of Thorns at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris

The relics of the Passion presented at Notre-Dame de Paris include a piece of the Cross along with the Holy Crown of Thorns, and of all the relics at the Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral, the Crown of Thorns is without a doubt the most precious and the most revered.

Mon Apr 15 14:08:39
Yeah, it's fucking hilarious. Eat a dick.
Mon Apr 15 14:16:07
I think France might bring forward the guillotine when the embers has cooled down.
Anarchist Prime
Mon Apr 15 14:21:42
they won't have to.
the genestealer cult has been cleasned.
Mon Apr 15 14:29:05
God has spoken. His ire is pointed at his Christian followers. Repent and you may be saved. There is still time to convert to the true religion, to become a true devotee to God.
Mon Apr 15 14:42:39
Is brit milah still a requirement? If so then pass.
Mon Apr 15 14:57:58
this thread has definitely revealed that paramount is simply against westernism. his hate for jews is just a by product of the fact that he will mock any tragedy that harms westerners/people who like democracy.
Mon Apr 15 15:05:29
You're being overly harsh, mt. Paramount just isn't self aware. Imagine him as a really big 6 year old and you've got a pretty accurate description.
Average Ameriacn
Mon Apr 15 15:25:50
Trump could rebuild it and name it Trump Dame.
Average Ameriacn
Mon Apr 15 15:28:22

Donald J. Trump

So horrible to watch the massive fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Perhaps flying water tankers could be used to put it out. Must act quickly!

7:39 PM - Apr 15, 2019
Mon Apr 15 15:38:05
7:39 PM? I'm starting to suspect that you may not actually be an average American at l!
Sam Adams
Mon Apr 15 15:43:33
"Why didn’t they put out the fire?"

A bunch of wood inside stone walls with a few holes for oxygen to get in? Ya thats a kiln, one that given its age and historical artwork likely doesnt have any modern sprinklers. they arent knocking down that fire. Youd need a heavy airlift, and sadly for trump, socal during fire season probably couldnt stand up that in time, much less paris, a less burny climate in a non burny time of year
large member
Mon Apr 15 15:54:19
State underfunded. A fire a case in point. For example becaus the site lacked sprinkler systems, or proper workplace procedures.

You sentimentalism is noted.

It does not matter much. It will be rebuilt. Its not the first time architecture has suffered catastrophic damage, then rebuild with the same architectural value as it originally held.

Mon Apr 15 15:59:43
Dropping a few hundred tons of water onto a burning cathedral is a good way to flatten it.
Mon Apr 15 16:08:24
Even in a 20 tonnes chunks.
Mon Apr 15 16:13:55
Looks like French civil security has caught a classic case of TDS. Sad!

"The French civil security agency, Sécurité Civile, has responded to US President Donald Trump’s suggestion that “flying water tankers” should be used to fight the Notre Dame fire.

The agency tweeted, “The drop of water by air on this type of building could indeed result in the collapse of the entire structure.”

“The weight of the water and the intensity of the drop at low altitude could indeed weaken the structure of Notre-Dame and result in collateral damage to the buildings."

Mon Apr 15 16:19:26
Don’t worry Mexitard. The Holy Foreskin of Jesus should still be safe and available for you to look at.

Average Ameriacn
Mon Apr 15 16:20:40
WTF I have Iceland time zone, I should haver never switched from AOL browser to this Bitbox browser. My nephew installed it on my pc...
Anarchist Prime
Mon Apr 15 16:43:03
Mon Apr 15 18:07:43
Well, you realize the fire is still going on... so they really dont know why the fire started. So for Paris police to declare it a workplace accident without ever seeing the origin of the fire is incredibly suspect.
Mon Apr 15 18:12:00
I mean, workplace accident seems to be a reasonable starting assumption, given that the roof was under renovation at that the smoke was initially white. What kind of Islamist arsonist would try to destroy Notre Dame by setting fire to the roof?

It is likely true that the authorities would prefer that explanation regardless of what actually happened though.
Anarchist Prime
Mon Apr 15 19:27:01
Sam Adams
Mon Apr 15 21:26:36
"Dropping a few hundred tons of water onto a burning cathedral is a good way to flatten it."

Perhaps. Valid concern. But the core of the fire is pretty trashed anyway, you might be able to release it slow enough that the threat is mitigated, and if you did do damage it would be thecore zone thata toast anyway.
Sam Adams
Mon Apr 15 21:29:38
I think a bigger failing point for air drops is that they would be ineffective until a significant chunk of roof had already burned through, in addition to the impossibility of getting them there in any reasonable amount of time. So ya trump is wrong, because he is pretty stupid.
Mon Apr 15 22:42:08
Oh if Trump had his way he would have saved all those houses in California but nobody ever listens to him and his fire fighting expertise. I wonder why?
Mon Apr 15 22:54:51
President Donald Trump was recently ridiculed for telling California Governor Jerry Brown that the Golden State should do as my country does. Trump critics laughed at what some called his “bizarre” claim that foresters in Finland “rake” areas that have been thinned or clear-cut, to remove leaves and other debris that could otherwise start conflagrations like the recent tragic fires in California.

The Washington Post spread similar misinformation. The Los Angeles Times carried an article by Finnish “green” journalist Anu Partanen. “Finland to President Trump: We don’t rake the forest floor, but we do other things you should emulate,” the headline read. Late night talk show hosts had more fun at the President’s expense.

Ironically, all this happened at just about the time that Finland’s own forest specialists declared that Mr. Trump was correct about what he told Governor Brown. The foresters disseminated that information widely to the Finnish media and public.

Mon Apr 15 23:18:30

Citing a conversation with his Finnish counterpart, Mr Trump said they spend "a lot of time on raking and cleaning".

But President Sauli Niinisto told a Finnish daily he could not remember talking about raking when the two met.


"I mentioned [to] him that Finland is a land covered by forests and we also have a good monitoring system and network," he said.

The forestry director of the Finnish Forest Association, Heikki Savolainen, told the newspaper that raking was not usually a forest-management measure.


Finns have been posting pictures of themselves online raking local forests, joking about "raking America great again".



"Raking for leaves and needles is not a normal feature of Finnish fire prevention, according to Rami Ruuska, a forest fires expert at the Finnish Interior Ministry. Instead, Finns focus on removing dead trees from the forest floor — where possible.

“Of course, we have a big country and we can’t do it everywhere,” Mr. Ruuska said."


LoL at Foreskin for linking to the heartland.org, another far-right fake news site whose stories are almost all politicized bullshit.

Rotting his own already tiny brain by feeding it bad information.
Average Ameriacn
Mon Apr 15 23:22:35
IF France had lower taxes he could have even given 200 million euros.


French billionaire François-Henri Pinault said Monday night he and his family will donate 100 million euros to help reconstruct the Notre Dame Cathedral, hours after a catastrophic fire tore through the historic structure, collapsing its spire and causing significant damage.

"My father [François Pinault] and I have decided to release as of now from the funds of Artemis a sum of 100 million euros to participate in the effort that will be necessary for the complete reconstruction of Notre Dame," Pinault wrote in a statement.
the wanderer
Mon Apr 15 23:23:23
also why are we adding words to Trump's comment?

"that have been thinned or clear-cut" was not part of it
Tue Apr 16 00:05:31
Lol @ Cuckhat posting leftist retards raking with 10-dollar Lowe's yard tools for leftie Twitter likes, and whining about news sites while posting Vox. Imagine being even more retarded than Trump, who was at least partially correct about Finland's forest management, specifically "raking" (though I think we can all agree that their being a water-logged semi-arctic nation has a lot more to do with not periodically self-emolating). Niinisto's ignorance of his own nation - not surprising, I'm unaware of him ever working a blue-collar job - doesn't change this.
Tue Apr 16 00:35:04
Lol, cuckhat returned
Tue Apr 16 03:19:38
"French billionaire François-Henri Pinault said Monday night he and his family will donate 100 million euros"

If he's giving it all away it means that this is peanuts for him and he has at the least twice as much moneys stashed away somewhere. Where did he get all this money from. It needs to be investigated. No one can make this much money by working honestly and paying taxes as the law requires.
Tue Apr 16 03:50:41
The fact that you think Vox is fake news shows what an incredibly stupid fat neckbeard you are. Vox isn't always right, but rightists can't deal with a source that cites almost everything they say and provides some degree of evidence.

Just look at your shit post which referenced some non-existent Finnish expert who agreed with Trump. No such Finnish expert exists and appears nowhere except as referenced in a few far-right websites.

Do the world a favor and exercise your 2nd amendment rights and blow your brains out imbecile.
large member
Tue Apr 16 04:02:03
"Do the world a favor and exercise your 2nd amendment rights and blow your brains out imbecile."

That would also be an expression! So protected by the first ammendment!


I have no doubt it was a workplace incident. Which also is the result of underfunding.

Public poverty is a real thing that will not be solved by billionaire donations.
Tue Apr 16 08:00:16

"So for Paris police to declare it a workplace accident without ever seeing the origin of the fire is incredibly suspect. "

Yes, it is incredible suspect. When the police or the media says something is an accident – they are usually covering it up that Muslims or Jews are behind it.
Tue Apr 16 10:14:06
"Just look at your shit post which referenced some non-existent Finnish expert who agreed with Trump. No such Finnish expert exists and appears nowhere except as referenced in a few far-right websites."

You mean the author?

"Mikko Paunio M.D., M.H.S., is an adjunct professor in general epidemiology University of Helsinki, Department of Public Health. He has been employed in his career by the following institutions: University of Helsinki, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, European Commission, the World Bank, and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. His current position is Medical Counselor, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health in Finland"

Uhh, vastly more credentialed than your vaunted Vox bloggers, retard
Sam Adams
Tue Apr 16 18:52:26
Lol did that retard cuckhat call vox a trustworthy source?
Tue Apr 16 19:10:25

Forgive me, but someone way more stupid just jumped up.


Dukhat you fucking moron. "Vox is a trustworthy source because it uses citations in its articles?" You know who else does that? Fucking everyone:





Wow, look at all of those supporting hyperlinks. It's almost like peoples' issue with Vox isn't that they don't cite "facts" so much as that "facts" can be selectively used, manipulated, of questionable quality, or analyzed subjectively.

Seriously, are you legitimately autistic or something? Based on this and other statements you've made, I get the impression that you spend your days doing nothing but reading religiously from two or three different sites.
Tue Apr 16 19:38:05
Rugian, his wife left him and he has been in a death spiral ever since. Dont kick the little guy when he is down.
Tue Apr 16 19:49:49
Oh well then I'm really sorry to hear it. Stay strong my friend.
Tue Apr 16 20:08:35
Obviously she left him for a white cop.
Tue Apr 16 20:17:58
Look at that, the 5 retards all cluster together and think they have won the argument. Fucking idiots.
Tue Apr 16 20:18:35
Breitbart, Fox News, Washington Examiner, theFederalist. LOL.
Sam Adams
Tue Apr 16 20:32:36
Cuckhat names a couple right wing news sites but cant identify a left wing news site.

Lol tard.
Tue Apr 16 20:42:26
But let's get back to the crux of the matter. Where is the so-called Finnish expert who said Trump was right and told it to everyone in the Finnish media.

Where's the proof?
Tue Apr 16 20:43:36
Maybe because most news sites are just sites and only far-right websites constantly have to make you distrust other news sites because they want you to think everybody else lies instead of them Samantha.

Your head must hurt having to think even a little bit so just go lie down like a good little bitch.
Tue Apr 16 22:59:35
Cuckhat is still circling the wagons on this?


"Trump used the right word in the right context - knowingly or unknowingly," says research professor Antti Asikainen from Natural resources institute Finland (Luonnonvarakeskus), a specialist forestry technology."

Tue Apr 16 23:03:58
we all know talouselama is an alt right fake news source, unlike Vox and Jezebel.
Wed Apr 17 00:51:07
You've never heard of talouselama before as has noone on this board. It's an obscure Finnish business journal.

Your post is a red herring because as has been proven by multiple sources.

1) The Finnish president never ever talked about raking.
2) Raking (more on that later) even if you interpreted in a loose way would have done squat to prevent the fires in California for many reasons.

Now the bull-shit "Rake" quote.

"The word “raking” raises also a few problems. According to Professor Antti Asikainen from Natural Resources Institute Finland, in the United States raking means harvesting the logging residues to piles with a bulldozer with a brush rake."

This sounds like someone copied and pasted some wikipedia entry on logging knowing a retard like Foreskin and cuckservatives would eat it up.

Raking is used in logging to collect left over logging residue often for use as fuel or just to burn to get rid of detritus. It is not used as a strategy to fight wildfires though you could loosely say it is used to fight fires within logging camps as they clean up the stuff after cutting down trees.

So, still wrong despite finding some Finnish source of some dude that does actually exist so congrats on that.

Wed Apr 17 03:32:19
Western media is censoring this picture:

Wed Apr 17 05:37:20
This is an example of typical violent content that is right to ban. Christians might be offended by it.
Wed Apr 17 10:08:36
Most wildfires start from dead brush on the ground. Raking up dead brush from the ground is a way to prevent wildfires. How fucking dumb is cuckhat?
large member
Wed Apr 17 12:40:44
That is not it at all. The idea behind clearance is to avoid superheated forest fires, not avoid forest fires (there is no technology that could rake in the manner you suggest at any scale worth mentioning).
Wed Apr 17 13:03:26
Raking into burn piles is used as an alternative to controlled burns.

Finns do it, but for fuel, not fire control.

Trump interpreted a comment about cleaning forests to his own meaning, as Trump does. His comment was half-correct, and in response retards jumped out with wooden rakes and vacuum cleaners for selfies, and Western media / their retarded customers like Cuckhat ate it up, and went on retarded rants, as seen above.

In any case, "still wrong":

"would have done squat to prevent the fires in California for many reasons."

Half-correct, much like Trump. Fires will occur regardless; but layered debris not only provides initial kindling, it builds up the temperatures of existing fires, causing more extensive damage and making suppression more difficult.

"This sounds like someone copied and pasted some wikipedia entry"

Most people don't feel the need to go into deep technical detail to explain relatively obscure industry tactics to urban yuppies. Feel free to stick to Vox for that, I'm sure Ezra Klein is now an expert on fire suppression.
Wed Apr 17 13:20:00
Controlled burns seem to be the most effective method in reducing super heated forest fires. It is the same method used by Native Indians.
Sam Adams
Wed Apr 17 14:44:41
Lol cuckhat thinks his politically biased news sites are somehow better than the other side's.
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