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Utopia Talk / Politics / Back on the air! "Patriot Arrested"
Sun Apr 21 06:03:43
Few of our resident retards believe that some of those who decide to take the noble cause corruption route and brandish their own set of vigilante justice turn out to be a violator of the law themselves.

Fortunately our real patriots who believe in law and order stepped in and did the right thing.

"FBI arrests member of armed group stopping migrants in New Mexico "


I am sure that some retards will cry foul and want to grant him immunity. Though staff here at FoxNEWS know one particular resident retard will comment to make it about himself. Just wait for it...because we are.

Sun Apr 21 06:39:44
This is BULLSHIT. Trump needs to pardon this guy immediately. I dont want to live in an America where honest Patriots like myself are more at risk of being arrested than the illegals invading our country.

Average Ameriacn
Sun Apr 21 06:57:56
That's why you need to be armed!
Sun Apr 21 11:03:39
Nice headline. Everyone makes it about the "asylum seekers" (for real, I guess we're just calling 100% of illegals that now).

He was a felon operating under an alias and carrying firearms.
Sun Apr 21 11:04:20
But yeah, everyone with even the slightest black mark is about to get purged. You better be clean as a whistle if you're going to piss off leftist media and the establishment.
the wanderer
Sun Apr 21 11:22:00
i believe some are impersonating border patrol so probably should be more arrests coming
Sun Apr 21 11:25:02
"(for real, I guess we're just calling 100% of illegals that now)"

The levels of insanity that we've reached on this issue are mind-boggling. When certain UPers (naming no names) seriously argue that "seeking asylum is not a crime and justifies illegally crossing the border at non-designated points of entry," you know the country has a problem.
the wanderer
Sun Apr 21 11:28:55
"seeking asylum is not a crime"

that's a factual statement

"justifies illegally crossing the border at non-designated points of entry"

i did not advocate for it, just noting it is a sensible move... there are multiple articles about them turned away at ports of entry (and even if you believe that's fake news, if the 'mexicans' see it they could believe it... or it could be true news & perhaps they've even been turned away)

sorry to bring facts
Sun Apr 21 11:38:24

No, seeking asylum is not a crime. Sneaking across the border and/or skipping out on your asylum hearing is though.

And I don't care if they think it's a sensible move. It's our border, we get to decide how it's managed.
the wanderer
Sun Apr 21 11:39:12
...and to claim asylum you have to do it at a port of entry OR be in the U.S., so use your own assessment of what people might do if turned away at ports

i'm not saying all illegals are asylum seekers nor that asylum seekers are all being honest
Sun Apr 21 11:39:27
I mean, is that seriously the argument you want to go with? "If X person finds Y law onerous, he is free to ignore it?"
Sun Apr 21 11:50:48
Legitimate asylum seekers are the rape-abortion scapegoat of illegals; they're such a small fraction of overall migration that it's hardly worth mentioning.
the wanderer
Sun Apr 21 14:56:00
i am stating the facts as they exist, not even opinions

if you want the laws changed/fixed maybe Dear Leader should stop calling Dems treasonous jew-haters and use those master negotiator skills he supposedly has

...but he won't, he will continue demonizing Dems & run on 'build the wall' and 'repeal/replace' (sounds familiar) and just want 60 R's in the Senate to impose their (his) will on America as he has no negotiation skills & is a dictator (how many times did he tell Mitch, 'go nuclear!')

and of course he will claim massive fraud voting even before voting starts & throughout all races that are close
Sun Apr 21 17:51:02
They could also visit any consulate or embassy and seek refugee status. No need for a long dangerous trek across Mexico.
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