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Utopia Talk / Politics / USA is very afraid
Thu May 16 06:05:01
One can tell that the US is very afraid of Huawei and competition in general because they suck. Their only way to compete is to bully and cheat.

Discuss the afraidness of the USA.
Thu May 16 06:28:58
What the hell is a Huawei and why should I be afraid of it?
Thu May 16 07:03:39
Huawei is a Chinese multinational telecommunications equipment and consumer electronics manufacturer.

There's no reason to be afraid of it.
The Children
Thu May 16 07:51:31
best phonez in da world right now.

Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Thu May 16 13:25:49
Hey everything our President touches eventually turns to shit! $20 trillion of shit can get mighty stinky.
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