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Utopia Talk / Politics / Sebs migrants gang rape 15 yo child
Sam Adams
Wed Jul 10 21:11:17

Boys as young as 11 ‘film gang rape of girl, 15, in park' in sickening attack
Sam Adams
Wed Jul 10 21:13:58
Seb... culturally enriching german preteens 5 muslims at a time. Thanks seb.
Thu Jul 11 01:44:12
They were Bulgarians you tit. The quarters of Bulgarians are Eastern Orthodox.

Next you'll be moaning to me next time an American rapes a Brit in London.

Also, Daily Star. This is what happens when you read the sensationalist shit for proles Sam.
Thu Jul 11 01:45:18
Oh. Just realised. Sam probably doesn't know Bulgaria is an EU state.
Sam Adams
Thu Jul 11 09:05:22
"They were Bulgarians you tit."

Those are some dark looking bulgarians.

Lol at seb
Thu Jul 11 09:50:10
Too stupid to be embarassed.
Sam Adams
Thu Jul 11 11:00:36
"Its ok for migrants to rape daughters... no one will ever have kids with me so its not my problem"

Thu Jul 11 11:04:12
Sam doesn't know what Bulgarians look like. You'd be surprised at how dark Spanish and southern Italians can look.

I guess though we shouldn't be surprised. You and your lot like to go by the one drop rule.

Also, their faces are pixelated so will be averaging black hair etc. Look at their arms and hands. One on left is clearly fair skinned. One in middle, you can see is clearly fair skinned where the neck isn't pixelated. One on right, again, the hand is clearly fair skinned.

Probably they are your alt-right women hating buddies Sam.
Thu Jul 11 11:13:30
This is disgusting and sebs defense of it is disgusting. Ya they arent middle eastern but you really doubt they arent immigrants?
Thu Jul 11 12:28:52

I'm sorry, where did I defend them exactly? Are you seriously that stupid?

Bulgarians are EU citizens. EU citizens have reciprocal freedom of movement and residency within other EU countries. So they are migrants in the sense that, way, a French person in Germany is a migrant.

Given that while Sam uses the term "migrants", the thing we disagree about is actually Syrian refugees, don't you think he's perhaps stretching things to say that Bulgarians (who are predominantly Eastern Orthodox) raping a German is a good example of why we shouldn't accept Syrian refugees?

Or are you also *that* fucking stupid?

Silly me. Of course you are.
Thu Jul 11 12:37:44
I mean, I don't think that when Sam says migrants are bad, he means that mobs of angry Brits should go house to house rounding up all the Americans living in the UK and carting them to liquidation camps (or whatever his final solution to migrants is).

After all, Americans living in Europe are also migrants.

What he means by migrant is what I recall him once referred to as a "sand nigger". He means brown people. He doesn't like brown people. He thinks brown people shouldn't come to Western countries. He thinks they are inferior.

And we know he means brown now because he recognised these guys as migrants entirely based on their skin colour, and he clearly thinks proper Europeans should be, oh, very white, blond hair, blue eyes. And if Europeans don't least that ideal of purity, I'm sure he has ideas about how to make it the case.
Thu Jul 11 12:43:46
Sam: "I'm not a Nazi! Stop calling me racist"

Also Sam: "Bulgarians are too dark skinned to be European"
Sam Adams
Thu Jul 11 12:45:15
No seb. You are making up bulgarians. Because you are cucked. They are actually muslims and africans.
Thu Jul 11 13:01:28
Bulgarians, here is a German article about it:

"Die Stadt Mülheim prüft nach der Vergewaltigung einer 18-jährigen Frau am Freitag durch fünf Kinder und Jugendliche, ob eine Rückführung der betroffenen Familien in ihr Herkunftsland Bulgarien möglich ist"

DeepL translation:

"Following the rape of an 18-year-old woman on Friday by five children and adolescents, the city of Mülheim checks whether it is possible to repatriate the families concerned to their country of origin, Bulgaria."
Thu Jul 11 13:46:39

You can clearly see their skin and all the reports say they are Bulgarian.

Your paranoia is complete. "Phantom Africans are coming for your daughter!!! Lock them up, put your white hood on. Bubba, set light to the cross and fetch me a nose."
Thu Jul 11 13:47:56
Suggestion Sam, stop reading tabloid shit and do some fucking fact checking.
Thu Jul 11 16:31:49
Sammy just keeps on getting sadder. I sort of had hope for him like a decade ago. A shame.
Thu Jul 11 17:25:23
"Are you seriously that stupid? "

duuuuuuuuurrrr yarp
Thu Jul 11 17:33:20
This thread. You fucking people.
Sam Adams
Sat Jul 13 00:56:37
They really are bulgarians? Weird. I guess i finally lost a game of guess the race.

Congrats seb and nekran, out of the previous 100 or so cases of depraved migrant crime, you guys finally got one right.
Sat Jul 13 05:34:55
Uhm no sam the game you lost was, using 1 superficial variable as a proxy (a really bad one) for behavior.
Sam Adams
Sat Jul 13 07:26:13
Actually it is a pretty good one. Why else would guess the race provide such accurate results?
Sat Jul 13 08:50:21
Because people who end up in newspapers for crimes are not a randomized representative sample and because the ”results” are quite useless.
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