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Utopia Talk / Politics / Forwyn
Sun Jul 21 13:21:11
The utter tidal wave of idiocy is impossible to keep up with, I have things to do, so I will pick this up in the morning.

My strong advice would be just to stop now, its embarrassing you, it's embarrassing other people... just stop.
Sun Jul 21 13:30:11
Trolly McDick
Sun Jul 21 13:41:16
lulz forwyn thinks stalking can't occur in public or harassment.
large member
Sun Jul 21 14:51:22
Forwyn is simply pointing out that a small clique (as Seb called it) in a tiny post colonial tax haven (pop 30 000) did something stupid for reasons of their own.
Sun Jul 21 17:03:29

What exactly has Tommy Robbins got to do with the tanker incident?

Forwyn is engaged in a broad range of idiocy today.

Also, when I said a small clique, I was characterizing your description and pointing out a small clique is rather less likely to be slavishly following the bidding of London as there is less leverage (cf. Caribbean islands) unless London wants to suspend local democracy (which it does not).
large member
Sun Jul 21 18:29:08
Its not as if they like being made lords or anything. To name one level of leverage you might employ to encourage the release of the ship and correct the mistake of the Governor and his buddies.

By buddies, I mean people who interact socially regularly. 30 000 people Seb.
Mon Jul 22 14:05:05

"Its not as if they like being made lords or anything."

Right, and exactly how credible is a promise by Hunt or May that they will be on the new years honors list?

Mon Jul 22 21:11:45
The Sun setting.
The Sun rising.
Foreskin saying something stupid and doubling down on it.

All things that can reliably be expected to happen each day.
Mon Jul 22 23:31:54
I'm super upset to be called out by two of the most widely accepted retards in what remains of this forum.


But really though, as pathetic as Seb has become, as unperturbed as I would be if he actually killed himself, because his views are fundamentally antithetical to anything resembling freedom, unless it fits into his narrow box of victimhood, he's still out of your league, Cuckhat. Your chiming in doesn't help.

Seb, at least, was once regarded here as pretty intelligent. His nationalist streak has always been present, but most of his views were reasonably moderate and backed by, if not facts, at least mostly sound logic and an ability to weave it into a defense.

You've always been a retard, mocked by virtually everyone. Your transformation, far from a tragic fall, was simply a leapfrog from one retarded worldview to another. When you were on the right you were a by-the-books neocon cuck, the very worst that the GOP has to offer, and no doubt the archetype you now whine about when you bleat about cuckservatives. Now you've veered so far into the leftist retardation that you throw money at Jill fucking Stein and REEE about anything that isn't coming from Vox or Salon. Like, your evolution from this:


to your current state is so fucking laughable that if we discovered it was an elaborate troll I would be be even more amused than I am now. But it's not, because you're too fucking retarded for that.

Kill yourself.
Trolly McDick
Tue Jul 23 04:53:54

Though Seb from time to time has said some serious stupid stuff and I have from my tenure engaged him in some debates. But you to come out and express the level of intelligence towards Seb and Dukhat, and then ignore the current 'squad' you're associated with that includes; mexicantornado (obaminated), Rugian, and kargen, is really ironic considering the fucking bullshit you spew and the logical fallacies that you display in recent years.

You want to be critical how "far left" it appears Seb has gone, but you ignore your own "far right extremist" views yet disguise yourself as a libertarian which we all know is a bunch of bullshit.

It is the same level as HR who claim the same thing, but obviously drank the bathwater of the far political side. It is evident that you defend the GOP, more specifically Trump on every level as you attack the other side for their 'extremist views'. You went to the other extreme of the spectrum, yet it appears that very few are left who are pretty balanced.

Pretty god damn bold on your end to accuse others of going off the deep end, when you yourself refuse to look in the mirror.

Because you've been a con on this forum for years anyways. You're full of shit, will always be full of shit. And maybe you should heed your own advice and kill yourself? Hopefully your last words will be just to be an icing on the cake "Hot Rod was right."
Tue Jul 23 10:23:10
Lulz, hi Cuckhat. You can have your once-per-thread response; someone who uses a multi on an anonymous forum garners no more than that.

"far right extremist"

Your favor "far right extremist" that you love to "harass" (lulz) says dastardly far right shit such as:

"We should end the Drug War"
"We should avoid unnecessary foreign interventionism"
"We should cut military funding by up to 50%"
"The Iran deal, even if fumbled in execution, is a good idea"
"Black men shouldn't be shot for reaching for their wallets when asked to reach for their wallets"
"Gay marriage is NBD" (before HRC's polling numbers told her to switch stances and long before it became law of the land, mind you)
"Jim Webb was a decent candidate"
"Trump is a retard"
"I would vote for Tulsi"

Tue Jul 23 11:09:48
You know that politics has reached a weird place when some random multi thinks your libertarian beliefs constitute "far right exteemism." Just goes to show how far the left has tried to move the Overton window in the last twenty years.
Tue Jul 23 13:05:13
Says the man that thinks Anna Sudbury is a leftist.
Tue Jul 23 13:20:06
Well, Soubry hates her country, free speech and the institution of marriage, so...
Tue Jul 23 13:47:40
Exactly my point. You've redefined right to mean "isolationism, racism and opposition to family values"
Tue Jul 23 14:22:22
I didnt realize that isolationism was the applicable term for not wanting a bunch of unelected foreign bureaucrats to run your country, but okay.
Tue Jul 23 14:23:19
Calling someone a Nazi isn't an act of racism.
Trolly McDick
Tue Jul 23 14:26:04

Thinking I am cuckhat.

If you think you're a libertarian you have exceeded all delusions.
Wed Jul 24 07:10:53
Here's Anna from yesterday, sounding like a real conservative:

"The hustings also revealed the real Conservative party and its drift to the right. It wasn’t simply that the members don’t look like today’s UK – 71% male and 97% white – it was more about what they said. And the regular applause for Johnson’s dog-whistle rightwing rhetoric proved – as did the election result – that Tory members were prepared, indeed pleased, to lose jobs and the union rather than lose their precious no-deal Brexit. That move to the right, away from the centre ground inhabited by One Nation Conservatives, was the major reason I left the Tory party, after serving it as an MP for nine years."

Wed Jul 24 07:16:12
I only have one account dumbass though I do admit, I do love all the variants of "<cuckservative namer here> sucks the cock."

You can tell because my posts are laced with wit, humor, and social commentary as well as being scientifically and economically sound.

You can't tell because you're a dumbass who is functionally illiterate and never ever reads a secular source of news.
Wed Jul 24 07:23:08
It's not often that I IRL laugh at a post here, but that did it. Well done, Dukhat.
Wed Jul 24 07:28:23

They don't run the county. A bunch of unelected British bureaucrats do that.
Wed Jul 24 07:48:48

Very droll. But the whole purpose of the EU is for those EU bureaucrats to eventually take over.
Wed Jul 24 08:30:59
"You can tell because my posts are laced with wit, humor, and social commentary as well as being scientifically and economically sound."

Delusion level: The Children
Wed Jul 24 09:11:11
"We should avoid unnecessary foreign interventionism"

this is just so brave and refreshing. Clearly separates you from everybody else, they insist on only, only intervening when it is 100% unnecessary
Wed Jul 24 10:18:23
Who said anything about brave?

And plenty of people were happy with Libyan and Syrian intervention, so "necessary" is a very flexible word for many
Wed Jul 24 10:40:06
Indeed, so what is this list you posted supposed to demonstrate?
Wed Jul 24 12:55:45
Sure, I'll walk you through basic reading comprehension. Since the multi asserted that I am a "right wing extremist", I threw out a few positions, all of which are considered fairly left-wing in the US, and would pretty much exclude me from the GOP, or most right-wing parties.
Wed Jul 24 12:55:57
A few minutes ago you were complaining that the heads of government blocked such a takeover.
Wed Jul 24 13:00:45
"Since the multi asserted that I am a "right wing extremist", I threw out a few positions, all of which are considered fairly left-wing in the US"

thats my point. Position of "We should avoid unnecessary foreign interventionism" does not demostrate the point you think it demonstrates. Thats everybody's position, left or right. people just differ of what is necessary
Wed Jul 24 13:06:29
"Black men shouldn't be shot for reaching for their wallets when asked to reach for their wallets"

Could you please post any GOP politician that states that black men should be shot for reaching for their wallets when asked to reach for their wallets? You know, since this is one of the views that would supposedly get you excluded from GOP
Wed Jul 24 13:13:51
Your point is retarded.

And dude, the GOP/NRA were completely silent on Castile.

You're exhausting.
Wed Jul 24 13:14:28
Basically, none of the views on that list, policy-wise at least, woold get you kicked out of GOP. Personal maybe, if you start saying that Jimm Webb >Donald then yes. But not policy. GOP does not stand for anything anymore, all you need to do is not criticise trump. You can bravely support 50% military spending cut, sure, make noise. At best you'd be like that Michigan congressman, who made right noise, but got excluded only when he started saying shit about Donald
Wed Jul 24 13:18:53
"Your point is retarded. "

maybe you should actually have different opinions, if you want to prove a how you are different. I am still floored by the bold "lets not have unnecessary warrring" statement, rarely seen anyone going out on a limb like that.
Wed Jul 24 13:23:47

Again, the point wasn't to be brave or different. Stop drinking.
Wed Jul 24 13:24:26
forwyn is against unnecessary wars, unnecessary spending, unnecessary govt intrusion in peoples lives and he is firmly against other stuff that is clearly unnecessay. Who is forwyn, right winger or left winger? No wrong answer here, so go with option three, forwyn is pretentious tard, with a list of
Wed Jul 24 13:25:09
hurrrr durrrrr muh GOP

Okay, dude. The views are still widely accepted by anyone who isn't a fucking retard to be NOT right-wing - I won't even say left-wing in order to preempt retarded bleating about how the US is right of Euro center
Wed Jul 24 13:26:11
"Again, the point wasn't to be brave or different. Stop drinking."

yes, you already said how your point was to prove that you have positions that would get you excluded from GOP. So, do you want to continue going over the list you posted?
Wed Jul 24 13:27:28
lets ask dukhat if he is against unnecessary intervention, maybe forwyn and dukhat are the same
Wed Jul 24 13:27:39
No, the point was a rebuttal. Anything else is secondary. If you want to whine about the GOP feel free.
Wed Jul 24 13:29:00
Much like your very first comment in which you failed to note the direct response to "right wing extremist", and instead opted for a retarded "bravery" tangent, you're still intentionally missing the point
Wed Jul 24 13:30:59
"No, the point was a rebuttal. "

What did you rebutt by stating that you are against unnecessary intervention? Everyone is

"If you want to whine about the GOP feel free."

You brought up GOP -"I threw out a few positions, all of which are considered fairly left-wing in the US, and would pretty much exclude me from the GOP"

if you want to take this statement back, I am ok with that
Wed Jul 24 13:32:35
"Much like your very first comment in which you failed to note the direct response to "right wing extremist"

Right wing extremists and left wing extremists, along with centrist exremists are all against unnecessary intervention, thats the point
Wed Jul 24 13:33:50
I feel no need to delve into more specificity unless you have a direct question. For now a politician's soundbyte suffices
Wed Jul 24 13:35:56
no prob. I am also against unnecessary stuff, we are basically poltical twins.
Wed Jul 24 17:50:07
You zone in on something meaningless CR, quite clearly these would have excluded him from the GOP.

"Trump is a retard"
"I would vote for Tulsi"
Wed Jul 24 18:21:44
CR is demonstrating that he has basically zero capabilities in terms of figurative reading here. 99% of everyone on the planet, whether familiar with Forwyn's political views or not, would have understood "I oppose unnecessary wars" to mean most interventions in general and conflicts like Iraq and Libya in particular. It's this little thing called being able to read meaning, which if exercised here could have saved two people from a day-long argument over nothing.

Seb: Huh?
Wed Jul 24 19:36:22
“You zone in on something meaningless CR, quite clearly these would have excluded him from the GOP.

"Trump is a retard"
"I would vote for Tulsi"


Couldn’t be more clear, but no problems, I’ll repeat it

“Wed Jul 24 13:14:28
Basically, none of the views on that list, policy-wise at least, woold get you kicked out of GOP. Personal maybe, if you start saying that Jimm Webb >Donald then yes. But not policy.”
Wed Jul 24 19:44:02
“CR is demonstrating that he has basically zero capabilities in terms of figurative reading here. 99% of everyone on the planet, whether familiar with Forwyn's political views or not, would have understood "I oppose unnecessary wars" to mean most interventions in general and conflicts like Iraq and Libya in particular. “

Precisely. So why not just just say it, why not name the conflicts? Are you going to claim that being opposed to Libya is going to get you excluded from GOP? Boy, do I have a shocker for you

Wed Jul 24 19:47:12
“Here’s Trump, in February 2011, urging an intervention on his video blog. “I can’t believe what our country is doing,” Trump said. “Qaddafi in Libya is killing thousands of people, nobody knows how bad it is, and we’re sitting around we have soldiers all have the Middle East, and we’re not bringing them in to stop this horrible carnage and that’s what it is: It’s a carnage.”

Trump added: “Now we should go in, we should stop this guy, which would be very easy and very quick. We could do it surgically, stop him from doing it, and save these lives. This is absolutely nuts. We don’t want to get involved and you’re gonna end up with something like you’ve never seen before…We have go in to save these lives; these people are being slaughtered like animals. It’s horrible what’s going on; it has to be stopped. We should do on a humanitarian basis, immediately go into Libya, knock this guy out very quickly, very surgically, very effectively, and save the lives.”

Wed Jul 24 19:50:30
To summarize - forwyn list that he thinks demonstrates to dukhat how he is not whatever dukhat called him, extreme right winger or what not, does not demonstrate anything like that. It is full of ass covering, bullshit positions that any left winger for example can claim. A craven garbage, if I might say. I was happy to point it out, it was no bother
Wed Jul 24 20:08:18
I'll respond to the six policy bullets then, against my better judgment. Thanks for your help buddy, I'm glad you were available.

1. Most Republicans are "tough on crime". They typically oppose ending the Drug War.
2. The McCain wing is still very powerful in the GOP. Yes, Iraq, Libya, and Syria come to mind, but for general positioning, again, I don't feel the need to be extremely specific unless you have a direct question.
3. Obama was eviscerated for cutting the projected GROWTH in military. Actual cuts, especially significant ones, would give many Republicans an aneurysm.
4. 47 of 54 Republican Senators signed the Iran letter. Of the remaining seven, a few called it inappropriate, but zero, to my knowledge, actually endorsed the deal itself.
5. mUh tHiN bLuE lInE. Enough said.
6. Family value Republicans STILL decry Obergefell v. Hodges, especially in the Bible. It's a mini-Roe v Wade for them.

Sure, you can buck one or a couple of positions like these, you see it with Rand and Amash for a while. But all of them? Yeah, you'd get primaried fast, if you even made it to that position.
Wed Jul 24 20:24:12
“1. Most Republicans are "tough on crime". They typically oppose ending the Drug War. ”

No they don’t. They want to win it and end it. There are plenty of republicans who, at this point, earnestly debate long prison sentences and other hardcore tactics and see in DW. You are not going to be excluded from GOP for saying that you are against War on Drugs

“2. The McCain wing is still very powerful in the GOP. Yes, Iraq, Libya, and Syria come to mind, but for general positioning, again..”

Do you know who the leader of GOP is, and what he said about Ghaddafi and intervening? I think I just posted the video. Saying that you are against intervening can make you a GOP president, so no, it would not exclude you from GOP

“3. Obama was eviscerated for cutting the projected GROWTH in military. Actual cuts, especially significant ones, would give many Republicans an aneurysm. ”

There are no actual cuts, saying anything about the cuts would not get you excluded from GOP, or from Dem party. You can be from any party and say it, without any repercussions.

“4. 47 of 54 Republican Senators signed the Iran letter. Of the remaining seven, a few called it inappropriate, but zero, to my knowledge, actually endorsed the deal itself. “

If Donald makes a new deal with ayatollahs, how many of 47 do you think will change their position? I mean, exactly the same deal as Obama. But were any of the 7 gopers that did not sign that letter excluded from the party or otherwise punished in any way? No?

“5. mUh tHiN bLuE lInE. Enough said. ”

I don’t know what this means, but my invitation stands. Could you please post any GOP politician that states that black men should be shot for reaching for their wallets when asked to reach for their wallets? I mean, if you are so opposite from them

“6. Family value Republicans STILL decry Obergefell v. Hodges, especially in the Bible. It's a mini-Roe v Wade for them. ”

Lol @ family values republicans. Do they know who they leader is, and his views on family values? Yes, they do. Do they demand Donald be excluded from GOP? No, they don’t. Stfu

Wed Jul 24 20:27:21
Okay dude. mUh DoLaN dRuMpF.

Trump will die and people will move on. He flipped the table, but it doesn't mean the game is over. People will re-entrench into expected policy positions.

You seem to think the existence of Trumps nullifies the existence of Right and Left. That's fine, but it also makes your opposition to my statements moot. gfy
Wed Jul 24 20:30:31
“But all of them? Yeah, you'd get primaried fast, if you even made it to that position.”

Now that you understand how every position you take on that list means nothing, and how it would definitely not get you excluded from GOP, you decide that quantity is your your friend, even if quality is missing.

Wed Jul 24 20:31:44
The quality is only missing in your retarded skull. The GOP actively worked against Trump until he secured the nomination.

Any player without the name recognition and personal resources to overcome that would be buried fast.
Wed Jul 24 20:36:22
“The quality is only missing in your retarded skull. The GOP actively worked against Trump until he secured the nomination. ”

And? Do you want to see trump approval ratings among GOPers? How is it possible that the guy who wanted to kill Ghaddafi for butchering Libyan civilians is one of the most popular GOP politicians in history, and at the same time, some UP retard named forwyn cites his opposition to Libya intervention as the proof of his total incompatibility with GOP? Well, I know how, but you might want to reconsider your rebuttal list
Wed Jul 24 20:43:02
Again, a cult of personality vis a vis Trump does not negate the existence of Right v Left policy position paradigms.

An anomaly that overcome the status quo opposition is not evidence of the absence of status quo opposition.
Wed Jul 24 20:48:54
“Again, a cult of personality vis a vis Trump does not negate the existence of Right v Left policy position paradigms. ”

Whatever explanation you choose, fine with me. Your list that is supposed to prove how you are not something dukhat called you, does no such thing, because every single policy position is not an impeachable offence with GOP members. If you think that Donald personality cult explains the discrepancy between your bullshit and reality, that’s ok with me. I have no objections
Wed Jul 24 20:50:28
Okay, I can take many traditionally left policy positions and still be a GOP member, evidence Trump, and this does not exclude me from being a far right extremist. Noted
Wed Jul 24 20:52:32
I would suggest apologizing to dukhat and taking back that retarded list, but this is UP so it ain’t happening.
Wed Jul 24 20:54:28
Sorry Cuckhat, being 50% leftwing doesn't exclude me from being a far right extremist. BRB, bombing the Murrah building
Wed Jul 24 20:56:41
Ok, this is an actual apology, even with sarcasm, so I was incorrect when I said it wont happen in UP. I think we are done
Trolly McDick
Thu Jul 25 04:29:28
Hey dukhat, forwyn said he was sorry. :)
Thu Jul 25 06:09:40
"Basically, none of the views on that list, policy-wise at least"

None of them isolated on their own, but taken together the list shows a pattern. To which you respond "quantity". Yes you need a quantity of stuff to get a pattern. You are just being silly, of all the things to waste your time on here, this is the best you could find? You could start the third thread about the UK - Iran piracy thing and watch Jergul and Seb got at it again.
Thu Jul 25 07:19:22
"You are just being silly, of all the things to waste your time on here"

You went from emphatic "quite clearly these would have excluded him from the GOP. "


"None of them isolated on their own"

Quite clearly (if I may use this phrase), I am not the one being silly here, and I am not the one wasting time.

"but taken together the list shows a pattern. "

Oh, I agree with that, it does show a pattern. I already opined on that, no reason to repeat it

" You could start the third thread about the UK - Iran piracy thing and watch Jergul and Seb got at it again."

I could indeed. Maybe some other time, seems they got the issue covered for now

Fri Jul 26 05:32:52
Yes. The second response was to your "policy". Those two on their own and if you want to talk about policy, all the policies taken together. This shouldn't be that difficult for you to parse.

At least you now seem to understand that patterns can only emerge with a quantity of data points.
Fri Jul 26 07:05:13
"Those two on their own and if you want to talk about policy, all the policies taken together."

Right, next logical step is to give an example of a student who answers every exam question wrong, but insists that, if taken together, his answers demostrate his mastery of the subject. A pattern of stupidity, if you will

Fri Jul 26 10:29:34
There is some of that going on here, I mentioned it earlier, I chose a less antagonistic word. We all have our obsessions.
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