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Utopia Talk / Politics / 20 years of Interventionism
large member
Mon Jul 22 03:41:26

I think 1999 denotes the year the post cold war peace divided transformed into the monstrosity we know today.

As nimi put it: "We only had one job - to be to good guys".

What a clusterfuck.
Mon Jul 22 07:04:35
It isn't even the interventions as a concept, it is the fact that they can not be done in a consistent manner according to some clear legal principle. Millions of people were massacred in Rwanada and no one gave a fuck. Not even one. Dozens of flying fucks were lobbed at Syria for a gas leak. I have no fucking idea what we did in Lybia to be honest, NO fucking idea. And then everyone is standing their with their pants down when the refugees starts paddeling over the med.

You want to be tough on Iran. Ok, what about Saudi Barbaria? What about Bahrain? What about Qatar? What about all the other shitholes that are as bad or much worse? Nothing has changed in these 20 years. We can only hope and pray that China starts acting like a real counter balance to NATO sometime soon. How badly do you need to fuck things up for China to be our savior?

You just do not know what the fuck you are doing getting involved in these places. It is that first order thinking. Gasing people bad! Bomb them, remove him! Ok, and then what?

Death to house Bolton.
large member
Mon Jul 22 07:36:03
You are pointing to one of the flaws of interventionalism as a concept. It will always be arbitrary.
large member
Mon Jul 22 07:37:11
You actually raise several flaws to the concept.
Mon Jul 22 07:39:47
It's all about money and power and the mafia who wants it – Israeli mafia gangsters, Netanyahu et al., together with the gangsters in house Saud and Netanyahu's henchmen in the White House.

"Ok, what about Saudi Barbaria? What about Bahrain? What about Qatar?"

When the Israeli gangsters no longer will benefit from them they will stab them in da back. Then it will be "about Saudi Barbaria". Just look at how they backstabbed and talked shit about the USA while Obama was president. It will eventually come for house Saud too.
large member
Mon Jul 22 07:51:19
Israel is a good counter example of what westphallia looks like when gone awry.
Mon Jul 22 08:36:37
Yes, isms can become dangerous, but I am talking about concept of intervening, to protect, a world police if you would. I am not against that idea, provided it could be implemented in the same way a national police force is. It is a pie in the sky I agree, but I am not against it in principle. However when you see a principle being applied with horrible results over and over, it is time to give up on it. In this sense it is close to my thoughts on Communism. It isn't a principle I want or suggest people try to apply any time soon.
Mon Jul 22 08:45:41

Note how Paramount is engaging in anti-Semitic behavior, despite not saying anything explicitly bad about Jews. The singling out of Israel, assigning it the principal role in directing America foreign policy, is a common adaptation of the trope that Jews secretly run the world, an anti-Semitic slur derived from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

This is how anti-Semitism is often expressed; no explicit calling out of Jews or calling for their extermination, but using barely-coded language that which effectively portrays Jews in a negative light.
large member
Mon Jul 22 08:51:54
I am not against it per se, but it has to be on terms the afflicted nation-state has agreed to at some point previously.

The UN charter for example (and is the only example) provides mechanisms that nation-states have agreed to.

An Nazi Germany made Germans look bad. Your point?
Mon Jul 22 08:55:47

We comparing Israel to Nazi Germany now? Good thing you're not running for office at least.

Anyway, not meaning to thread detail, I've just been frustrated with certain TDS-induced blind spots demonstrated by certain members lately. Carry on.
Mon Jul 22 09:23:29
Rugian, notice how it is you who equals Netanyahu and gangsters with Jews?

I also talked about Saudi gangsters and US henchmen/gangsters. Am I also singling out all Americans and Saudis and portraying all of them in a negative light? Why did you only object that I mentioned Israeli gangsters? It’s like you singled out the Jews since you only mentioned them :)

Also, the Italian mafia made the italians in the US look bad. So when people spoke about the italian mobsters and explaining how bad they are and how they secretly run New York and other places – was it a coded language meant as a call for the extermination of Italy and all italians?
Mon Jul 22 09:35:11
Mountme being borderline Nazi is nothing new. This is how detached from reality certain people are.
Mon Jul 22 11:33:51
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