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Utopia Talk / Politics / The blue zone fraud
Fri Aug 09 03:38:29
Supercentenarians and the oldest-old are concentrated into regions with no birth certificates and short lifespans


The observation of individuals attaining remarkable ages, and their concentration into geographic sub-regions or ‘blue zones’, has generated considerable scientific interest. Proposed drivers of remarkable longevity include high vegetable intake, strong social connections, and genetic markers. Here, we reveal new predictors of remarkable longevity and ‘supercentenarian’ status. In the United States, supercentenarian status is predicted by the absence of vital registration. The state-specific introduction of birth certificates is associated with a 69-82% fall in the number of supercentenarian records. In Italy, which has more uniform vital registration, remarkable longevity is instead predicted by low per capita incomes and a short life expectancy. Finally, the designated ‘blue zones’ of Sardinia, Okinawa, and Ikaria corresponded to regions with low incomes, low literacy, high crime rate and short life expectancy relative to their national average. As such, relative poverty and short lifespan constitute unexpected predictors of centenarian and supercentenarian status, and support a primary role of fraud and error in generating remarkable human age records.


large member
Fri Aug 09 04:47:42
That is actually well-known.
Average Ameriacn
Fri Aug 09 05:14:00
Is this about Democrats?
Fri Aug 09 05:33:26
Not well known enough. Vegitards and climate fear mongerers specifically.
large member
Fri Aug 09 06:01:16
It is also well-known tha unbridled climate change will cause devastating upheavals and that too much meat (particularly of certain types) is very bad (assuming dying prematurely is very bad).
Fri Aug 09 06:13:36
Actually neither is well known. It is always a question of trade offs and those trade off and nuances are all lost in the fear monger click bait economy.
large member
Fri Aug 09 06:22:13
Actually both are well-known. But I always admire a good tobacco industry line of defense.
Fri Aug 09 06:26:11
Not as much as I admire jergulogics.
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