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Utopia Talk / Politics / The great question of Trump presidenacy?
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Thu Oct 03 15:18:26
Can the President personally launch investigations into his political opponents and pressure foreign leaders to assist?
Thu Oct 03 16:43:10
No he can’t pressure or even ask a foreign leader to assist, because that would be foreign meddling in the US election and that is illegal.
Thu Oct 03 16:59:47
Trump can do anything he wants. He can go out on 5th Ave. and shoot someone. He can grab your mother, wife, sister, girlfriend by the pussy. He can call for the execution of Americans with out proof of any wrongdoing. He can lie continuously about just about anything under the sun.

The Trump worshipers condone it all because they have been convinced that he is "The Chosen One"
Thu Oct 03 18:07:48
No he can't launch an investigation but he can ask others to do so. And yes he can ask a foreign leader to investigate if he believes a crime has taken place. It is stupid to think all you have to do is announce you are running for president and all of a sudden you can't be investigated by foreign governments.
the wanderer
Thu Oct 03 18:21:45
what crime was he asking to be investigated?
the wanderer
Thu Oct 03 18:24:27
...and why would Giuliani be the United States' representative
the wanderer
Fri Oct 04 11:42:43
When the only American citizen President Trump singles out for China’s investigation is his political opponent in the midst of the Democratic nomination process, it strains credulity to suggest that it is anything other than politically motivated.
~ Mitt Romney slamming kargen

(for those unaware, Trump also asked China to investigate the Bidens yesterday to reporters on camera... maybe more than 4 in 10 R's will notice he's doing these things now, or maybe Fox just won't play that video)
Fri Oct 04 17:52:44
"By the way, likewise, China should start an investigation into the Bidens because what happened in China is just about as bad as what happened with Ukraine,"

He didn't ask China to launch an investigation. He suggested they should. Asking would be along the lines of "hey China would you investigate Biden."

See the difference?

Then again those of us that aren't completely insane know he said that just to send the insane into a frenzy. And it worked tumbleweed as worked himself into a whole new froth.

Also from your friend Mitt:
"If we Republicans choose Donald Trump as our nominee, the prospects for a safe and prosperous future are greatly diminished.

Let me explain why I say that. First on the economy. If Donald Trump’s plans were ever implemented, the country would sink into prolonged recession."

So he has been saying silly shit for a while now.
Fri Oct 04 17:54:11
"tumbleweed as worked" should be "tumbleweed has worked."
the wanderer
Fri Oct 04 19:18:05
you sure cut Trump immense slack... any moron would realize doing what Trump wants would gain them favor (& we are in a major negotiation w/ China, if you didn't remember)

and back to Ukraine

"i would like you to do us a favor, though"

that's to Ukraine... a CRYSTAL CLEAR request & right after Zelensky brought up aid... plus now we see there were heaps more requests made by Giuliani and surrounding people prior, with meetings & visits also held up on condition of doing Trump's conspiracy theory investigations

asked today if Trump's asked for any corruption investigations on ANYONE else... answer: 'i'll have to get back to you'

corruption was not his concern, as ANYONE can tell w/ 100% certainty... the guy loves corrupt leaders more than any other leader
the wanderer
Fri Oct 04 19:36:32
Tucker Carlson also said what Trump did was wrong... which would not happen if this was partisan nonsense, thus you are proven wrong yet again.

Of course, he's stupidly decided it's not impeachable, even though Trump not only has no regrets but seems like he's eager to do it more, and with no reason not to with the spineless Rs (like yourself) ignoring it.
Fri Oct 04 20:29:26
The Ukraine phone call was investigated and the decision was/is nothing illegal happened.

And I'm not a Republican. Never have been. Was a Democrat for a while in the 80s.
the wanderer
Fri Oct 04 21:49:34
you keep wanting crimes by Trump (& there have been, you just ignore them... he's unindicted co-conspirator 'individual-1' in some of Cohen's crimes, he's committed multiple acts of obstruction of justice, & lots of fraud allegations being investigated)

yet you dodge when i ask what crime he's asking Ukraine (or China) to investigate... or explain why it's Giuliani rather than ANY of our own law enforcement people involved

plus abuse of power is impeachable
Fri Oct 04 22:44:29
you keep calling things crimes when they in fact are not crimes.

Fun thing about investigations is we have them sometimes when we suspect crimes. I'll give Biden and his son the same benefit I gave President Trump. To this point and time they are innocent of committing any crime. You have to admit Biden bragging about getting the prosecutor fired isn't a good look. In fact it was that bragging that President Trump references when he asks Ukraine to investigate.

I didn't mention Giuliani because I have no idea what he is or was doing. President Trump should either put him on the official White House staff or quit letting Giuliani have that kind of access and influence.

The good thing for you in all this is the Democrats asking for help with investigations before the 2016 election also might not have been illegal. Maybe we should take a look there and clear that up. Make it official.

Sat Oct 05 01:40:30
"And I'm not a Republican. Never have been."

Just like Hot Rod.
the wanderer
Sat Oct 05 01:48:34
"You have to admit Biden bragging about getting the prosecutor fired isn't a good look"

s) you still have no idea the completely understandable reason he did it that's not hard to believe at all? (& one where he would not mind publicly bragging about, unlike the baseless assumptions it had anything to do w/ his son)

b) YOU are the one who said Trump is legitimately concerned about a crime and is asking Ukraine to investigate it (w/ no U.S. investigation existing)... so what is the crime that's relevant to only Ukraine that Trump is concerned about?

or just admit Trump has no fucking idea what he was asking Ukraine to investigate... he heard rumors & tidbits of nutjob conspiracy theories from Giuliani and others & THAT is ALL it takes for Trump to be completely on board

snap out of it, Trump is an idiot child who is unfit for office
Sat Oct 05 02:45:56
Nah I'm not as old as Hot Rod.

" understandable reason"

Only in the world you created to keep yourself from sucking on an exhaust pipe in a closed garage. Yes that is how mentally deranged you are.
American Democrat
Sat Oct 05 03:25:05
""You have to admit Biden bragging about getting the prosecutor fired isn't a good look" "

You think that, compared to the numerous idiotic things Trump has said and done, 'isn't a good look.'

I really have to question your analysis skills. Because how is that not a good look when it was not only the administration at the time that pushed that accord, but had support of the republicans for it to occur. And it was a bipartisan effort. This also included European leaders pushing for that prosecutor at the time to be removed.

So Biden explaining the pressure placed on the country to remove a corrupt official isn't as bad as Trump is making out and as you echoing him.

Sat Oct 05 06:01:13
Question all you want. Some low level Democrat that still thinks they have a shot of being president is going to make an issue of this wrecking both their campaign and Biden's. And one persons corrupt is another persons... well you know the rest.

Biden bragged about influencing the investigations conducted by a foreign government. Whether that benefited him or members of his family is yet to be determined thus the reason to investigate.
American Democrat
Sat Oct 05 06:08:26
"Biden bragged about influencing the investigations conducted by a foreign government."


"Whether that benefited him or members of his family is yet to be determined thus the reason to investigate."

There is no grounds to investigate. It is an optic being utilized by Trump and using his position to gain information on a political flow while using his office.

And it is hilarious you think Biden is some "low level democrat."

The real issue is that you are incapable of seeing the corruption that takes place before your very eyes that includes the current President. But yet you
American Democrat
Sat Oct 05 06:09:10
go to the extreme to find every excuse to ignore that.*
Dickhead UPer
Sat Oct 05 06:13:01
"And I'm not a Republican. Never have been."

Well we know that's a bold face lie when at every turn over the years on this forum you've defended every republican and pushed all republican agendas.

Yeah, you're a republican, like hot rod was a libertarian.
the wanderer
Sat Oct 05 11:58:41
so you think it's inconceivable Biden was against the prosecutor as the entire West was? (see IMF also not wanting to send aid til the guy gone)

for you, it HAD to be because his son's firm had been under investigation (one that was now dormant w/ nothing ever found & w/ no indication ever investigating Hunter)


well, how about this... from a bi-partisan letter sent to Ukraine shortly before the prosecutor fired:

"We similarly urge you to press ahead with urgent reforms to the Prosecutor General's Office and judiciary."


signed by members of the Senate Ukraine Caucus... including REPUBLICANS: Rob Portman, Mark Kirk and Ron Johnson

hmm... i'd say the scales weigh heavily in favor of the OBVIOUS innocent explanation

plus even in your world of cherry-picked info from Fox, why the hell would Ukraine be the one to investigate if Biden was being politically corrupt? (plus the Giuliani factor)

the OBVIOUS truth is Trump had no idea the facts of anything (as is true on all issues), he heard nutball Giuliani rambling about things & wanted to drop the tasmanian devil into Ukraine to see if he could come up w/ shit for them to spin

Trump doesn't care one bit about truth... as evidenced by that 'photograph' he recently tweeted showing Hunter & Joe golfing w/ someone labeled "Ukraine Gas Exec"... the truth turned out to be it was Hunter's AMERICAN business partner, they both happened to be on the board, so you could just as easily labeled Hunter the "Ukraine Gas Exec"... that's the level of BULLSHIT 'evidence' team Trump (& Fox News) works with... ridiculous

Dickhead UPer
Sat Oct 05 15:30:58
Kargen will go full hot rod here shortly
Dickhead UPer
Sat Oct 05 15:35:41
Oh no Tucker Carlson said Trump's call was inappropriate. uh oh
Sat Oct 05 21:53:16
"Well we know that's a bold face lie when at every turn over the years on this forum you've defended every republican and pushed all republican agendas."

No I've pointed out the idiocy of others. Just like when people were claiming President Obama wasn't a US citizen. Several times I mentioned it wouldn't have mattered where President Obama was born since his mother is a citizen of the US he is also.
If tumbleweed wasn't so delusional and obsessed with President Trump I wouldn't spend so much time responding to all his (tumbleweed's) crazy shit.

If you go look at the archives you will find where right up until President Trump got the nomination I thought he was running to make sure Hillary got elected. I've also listed several things I don't like about President Trump. He is better though than had Hillary won.
the wanderer
Sun Oct 06 11:51:38
"Sleepy Joe said he never spoke to the Ukrainian company, and then the picture came out where he was playing golf with the company boss and Hunter"
~ Trump... continuing the lie after proven false, as usual... and just making up the guy was now the 'boss', cause why not...

A Fucking Liar. 100% of the time. Ridiculous.

(also claiming China gave the Bidens $1.5 billion, also completely false... while Rubio & Jordan claim he's only joking about China investigating... weird joke, keep claiming crimes but the investigation part is a joke... makes total sense to kargen maybe)
the wanderer
Sun Oct 06 12:16:26
add Senator Roy Blunt to the list of "he's just joking!" morons... i guess that's the best defense the spineless ostrich team could come up with


it makes no sense whatsoever of course since he DID ask Ukraine over the same shit, it's indisputable (plus he's still claiming China crimes)
the wanderer
Mon Oct 07 12:42:35

on Fox & Friends, as the great & wise hosts coax McCarthy to agree w/ Rubio that it was a joke:

"You watch what the president said -- he's not saying China should investigate"
~ Kevin McCarthy (GOP leader)

which is in reference to Trump saying on video:

"China should start an investigation into the Bidens"


i guess he subscribes to Trump's "What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening"

Republicans (& kargen) are lost

Mon Oct 07 14:31:06
I'm surprised we even exist in your world.
the wanderer
Mon Oct 07 15:49:27
me too
Mon Oct 07 15:59:45
A moment of clarity! It won't last long though. I'm sure the press conference going on now will send you right back into hysteria and grand delusion.
Mon Oct 07 16:30:24
tw, you have "official BS by delusional fraud POTUS#13" to screech in
the wanderer
Mon Oct 07 17:38:35
my screeching here is on topic... plus the appropriate level of concern over the complete absurdity going on

Trump: "China should start an investigation"

McCarthy: "he's not saying China should investigate"

(no words added or changed)

don't you see an issue here?

see Trump talking at any point in time (off teleprompter)... he's clearly unfit for office & R's have gone fully delusional to defend it
Mon Oct 07 17:45:05
you miss quoted McCarthy. The word "should" is one of them that tripped you up.

Sad thing is you are so far gone you do not even realize you are doing it.
the wanderer
Mon Oct 07 18:55:59
0:19... what word are you hearing that makes sense

Tue Oct 08 03:01:20
you look at watch what the president said he's not saying China investigate...

there is no should there.
the wanderer
Tue Oct 08 11:45:46
you said i misquoted McCarthy

but i forgot you are a Fox News guy so you don't actually ever learn what Trump does...

here's Trump saying it @ 0:33

my quotes are accurate, what's your new defense?
the wanderer
Tue Oct 08 18:50:35

Ben Shapiro arguing that Trump is too stupid to know what he was doing so he can't have done something wrong:


so don't impeach the guy who's too stupid to know what he's doing?

Tue Oct 08 21:04:29
"you said i misquoted McCarthy"

and you did.

"should" was not uttered by McCarthy.

and yeah we already covered that President Trump said "should" and that does not equate into telling or even asking China to conduct an investigation.

One quote is accurate but it doesn't mean what your rotting brain thinks. Get some help, you might not survive if President Trump gets a 2nd term.
the wanderer
Tue Oct 08 21:47:03
so your argument is McCarthy is saying:

"he's not saying China investigate"

(even though there is some kind of sound before investigate... and saying those words without the 'should' is not proper English...)

so perhaps you're deciding McCarthy is saying
"he's not saying 'China, investigate' "? (as a command)
which would have a different cadence than he used...

you are crazy... as many people are saying

also your "'should' doesn't mean he's asking" defense, aside from being stupid, isn't terribly relevant as he definitely DID ask/tell Ukraine to do so (repeatedly apparently from the texts)... and he's saying its for the exact same (non-joke) reasons... (uninformed vague claims of corruption)
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