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Utopia Talk / Politics / Sebs wifes baby daddy is dead
Sun Oct 27 10:24:06

And here I was told my the liberal press that isis was reforming.
Sam Adams
Sun Oct 27 11:06:49
The empires justice is inescapable, sandsebs.
Sun Oct 27 11:12:38
Guy blew himself up, so presumably no body to verify.

Hopefully the head survived and is currently shoved on the barrel of an M16, Tropic Thunder-style.
Sam Adams
Sun Oct 27 11:16:29
We should really crucify motherfuckers along I95 leading to DC
Sun Oct 27 11:28:15
lol. Rename I-395 to the Appian Freeway. I like it.
Sun Oct 27 11:39:34
Nah, not here. Do that in their homeland so they learn what happens to them when they follow Islamic doctrine.
Mon Oct 28 20:27:13
Funny how little attention the left on this forum given this massive victory
Average Ameriacn
Mon Oct 28 23:51:30
Mission accomplished!
Wed Oct 30 12:56:49
Where you at tw? Seb? Cr?
Sam Adams
Thu Oct 31 12:09:39
Seb is being held up at knifepoint by an african migrant.

Tw is crying that the senate isnt going convict trump.

Cr is jail for mislanguaging a french transgender

And cuckhat is driving a prius. In the left lane. At the speed limit. Going to pick up a new dildo.
Thu Oct 31 12:45:50
The cuckhat insult was really funny, good job sa.
Thu Oct 31 13:09:37
Trump could literally cure cancer tomorrow and this forum's leftists would be on here the very next day parroting some CNN narrative about how the president just put thousands of oncologists out of business. There was never a chance they'd give props to Potus here.

Dickhead UPer
Thu Oct 31 14:23:14
Nah, I am sure they are just being reserved and entertained by your goose-stepping on the forums for the last few years.
Thu Oct 31 14:31:50
Yah, we goose step on this forum. You fucking idiot.
Dickhead UPer
Thu Oct 31 14:35:05
Ah look at the retard, who fails to understand the concept of metaphors. But retard is gonna retard. Who is the stop you now, you have years of experience.
Dickhead UPer
Thu Oct 31 14:35:27
*to stop
Dickhead UPer
Thu Oct 31 14:37:14
Oh, I do like the fact that my post in someway referred to "you" as you liberally used the word "we", you were not even on the radar with that comment. Hey, which reminds me, kinda like how you said that I inferred you wrote an article because of your retarded logic.

Yeaaaah, you're reaaaaally reeeetard aren't ya?
Thu Oct 31 14:49:13

I've been trying to figure something in my head, and maybe you can help me out, yeah? When a person is insane, as you clearly are, do you know that you're insane? Maybe you're just sitting around, reading Daily Kos, masturbating in your own feces, do you just stop and go, "Wow! It is amazing how fucking crazy I really am!"? Yeah. Do you guys do that?
Dickhead UPer
Thu Oct 31 14:53:55

When was it all those years ago? What cause the change, at some point you were addressed as liberal minded, then something changed. Was it the whole "white suppression" that triggered you. What made you into this kool-aid drinking, incel wasted, alt-right humping, incapable of putting coherent thoughts together while at the same time pretending you're being a libertarian. Was it all an act? Sorry, I don't want you to have an emotional breakdown again.

And wait for it, you're little buddy tardo there will go "good one rugian, that really showed him"

Dickhead UPer
Thu Oct 31 14:57:12
Maybe it wasn't white suppression, maybe it was one of your exceptional encounters with a female who turned you down....again, because she realized how much of a bitch you really are... /shrugs
Dickhead UPer
Thu Oct 31 14:57:59
And if you can't beat em, Ruggy, you can always be like tardo and ...rape 'em.
Thu Oct 31 15:26:14
John, calm down.
Dickhead UPer
Thu Oct 31 15:28:24
I'm not the one with the emotional distress thread under my belt, Rug.
Thu Oct 31 16:30:23
Remember when I said you had the emotional range of a teenager?
Dickhead UPer
Thu Oct 31 16:42:35
Remember when it was determined that you project?
Thu Oct 31 18:33:37
This will naturally result in an accusation of a circle jerk, but I don't think Ruggy has veered off to the right or anything crazy. The Overton Window moved to the left.
Fri Nov 01 03:12:46
oh no, anon who we know nothing about, who does not even have an emotional distress thread under his belt, is waaing about other people displaying emotional distress. Which you know people with normal healthy lives will experience multiple times in their lives. oh noooooo...

Too much for you when it turned out Rugian was human? Flesh and blood? :,(
Cherub Cow
Fri Nov 01 05:16:19
[Forwyn]: "The Overton Window moved to the left."

Have to agree... because it's not just UP. That's something that peeps like Bill Burr talk about with the walls closing in on acceptable speech (Burr on Conan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCaljpu1bW4 ). There's been a big push by the culture industry to psychically outlaw from public discourse opinions and political ideas that were not that big of a deal not many years ago and to kill any middle ground where people can be understood without exclusively using extreme descriptors. It's even more cancerous on sites with character limits, which have become the new norm for communication.

"I've been trying to figure something in my head, and maybe you can help me out, yeah? When a person is insane, as you clearly are, do you know that you're insane? Maybe you're just sitting around, reading Daily Kos, masturbating in your own feces, do you just stop and go, "Wow! It is amazing how fucking crazy I really am!"? Yeah. Do you guys do that? "

lulz :D
American Democrat
Fri Nov 01 06:31:32
If you think Republicans today, along with the current administration are conducting themselves using the middle ground, or are centrists, or independent. Then you have lost all scope of perception.

OTHO, actions and behaviors have seemingly been more emboldened based upon current factors. It is apparent that those who seemed to been more centrist, in the past, have either gone to the far right or far left. But those who've remained independent or maintained a balanced centrist viewpoint, in other words using objectivity have been ostracized.

The way things are currently in this closet cesspool forum, and I've been here longer than most, my observations is that there are certain posters that have gone more to the right, especially since they are incapable of using any objectivity now, or as it appears so. Or they could just be trolling and refused to have discussion or any discourse to find that middle ground.
Dickhead UPer
Sat Nov 02 04:55:44
Thanks Nim for bringing me back to reality. A completely healthy normal person would experience these things. Just like the same healthy normal person who scrutinize someone's spouse, kids, and what not for the sake of either creating bait threads or associate them with disgusting figures who want to create chaos and destroy other aspects of humanity.

Shame on me for conducting myself on the same levels as others posters, which has been a strong factor on these forums since its existence, to demonstrate hypocrisy and contradictions.

I... may need to rethink things, I... may have been too insensitive. Thanks to you I have realized my dreadful behaviors, brother Numsie. My dear, sweet brother Numsie. Please. Purge me. I am ashamed of myself. I should be arrested. I should be purged. I should be flogged. I don't deserve to walk amongst you. I am a swine. I am a wretch. I don't deserve to live like others.
Cherub Cow
Sat Nov 02 06:56:38
Good to hear Dickhead UPer being honest. ;)

[American Democrat]: "If you think Republicans today, along with the current administration are conducting themselves using the middle ground, or are centrists, or independent. Then you have lost all scope of perception."

¿Porque no los dos?
I.e., between a Window shift and a changing GOP, it could be that the Window shift is causing the GOP to change the guard to fit in the Window and/or to change the guard to force the window to change (like one might use extremists to counter extremists — like a Malcolm X to sell a Martin Luther King Jr.). So, the Overton Window shifting doesn't necessarily mean that current, extreme Republicans must be old centrists. It could mean that a shifting window has caused *each* party to try to exert force on the window to claim that coveted "policy" status. And with a little bit of weaponized polarity, voter angst finds itself activated by an altered discourse, lashing out. (As planned? I.e., I think Trump's primary success was an accident — the GOP attempt at a Malcolm X extremist who ended up being popular. Maybe they could have gotten rid of him in the primaries if they'd used noise machines and super delegates like the DNC did to get rid of Bernie ;) ..).

[American Democrat]: "It is apparent that those who seemed to been more centrist, in the past, have either gone to the far right or far left. But those who've remained independent or maintained a balanced centrist viewpoint, in other words using objectivity have been ostracized."

The sounds like something talked about in this 2006 article on the Overton Window:
"Why the Right-Wing Gets It--and Why Dems Don't [UPDATED]"
[Daily Kos (Progressive Website) Blog]
"The conventional wisdom among progressives goes like this: ... 'The Dems are still trying to 'triangulate' - hold their base and play to the middle - which might work if the 'other side' wasn't playing to their base so strongly. So instead of winning over BOTH the middle and their base, the Dems get tepid support from both middle & base and their head handed to them.'
There is also a corollary to this premise: that by playing too far to their base, they will alienate the unnerved middle of the country.
On the contrary: the GOP knows that the middle DOES matter. They know that by playing to their base in very well-crafted ways, they can shift the very definition of what the middle is.
You win policy debates by crafting arguments for extreme positions--and then shifting the entire window of debate. You do not win by trying to figure out which position is most popular among Americans right now."

It's interesting to think of it in terms of the limited choices faced in the States. The two major U.S. parties keep producing crazy choices to control the Window, those choices get fed into their media machines which strategically steer outrage, and only the false choices end up on the ballot. So, you have voters who have not necessarily changed their political leaning, but they now feel obliged to choose between two insane political choices while consoling themselves, "One must be better than the other." The symptoms would just be the same people having to respond to absurd situations, but would they still test the same if offered choices on a non-politicized questionnaire? (E.g., Pew Research Center's test: http://www.people-press.org/quiz/political-typology/ ) I think most of us here have stayed pretty consistent on those tests. It may be a matter of decoupling actual political leaning from the narrative that force-feeds a two party system as inevitable.
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