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Utopia Talk / Politics / The deuce final - ot
Tue Oct 29 00:14:33
Pretty great show. Up there with the wire. I'd say the final scene is better than the final scene of the wire. Heartbreaking to watch an old man see the ghosts of his past in the ways they were at the start of the show and thereby cause the audience to reflect on how so many of them got destroyed as the series went on.
smart dude
Tue Oct 29 01:18:30
Yeah but is it better than 500 Days of Summer?
smart dude
Tue Oct 29 01:18:30
Yeah but is it better than 500 Days of Summer?
Tue Oct 29 01:31:33
I'd say so, 500 days is a straight story about the destruction of a love story. This is about the destruction of a way of life.
Tue Oct 29 07:11:51
"Pretty great show. Up there with the wire"

it is more like one season of the wire, the wire is just much bigger in scope. Final scene was very well done, true, David Simon is the man
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