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Utopia Talk / Politics / the dark crystal
The Children
Sun Nov 03 01:55:28
holy smokes, this series is awesome.

first of all, i really dig the 80s puppets and fantasy design. the movie came out durin the true star wars films (4,5,6). and u can tell its made with puppets and the decor it just brings so much alive.

so different than todays cheap cgi bullcrap.

the story is good, the puppets look fantastic, the visuals remind of a good fantasy rpg type thingie.

i really like it!

9 out of 10 for now since i only watched a few episodes. will give final score after full season watch.

Sun Nov 03 02:12:27
Is the Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance that Netflix is showing, the original Dark Crystal from 1982, or is Netflix's Dark Crystal a remake?

Fun fact: One of the guys who made Dark Crystal also made The Muppets.
The Children
Sun Nov 03 03:31:41
its a prequel of da movie.

Sun Nov 03 10:02:05
I'll have to check it out in Dec when I re-up my Netflix. I'm pretty fired up for the Witcher coming out on the platform.
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