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Utopia Talk / Politics / NFL Underdogs Week 10 (2019-2020)
Cherub Cow
Thu Nov 07 05:50:19
Renzo Marquez 27 (23.5 + 3.5)
Nekran 20
swordtail 19.5
Fred Felcher 15.5
yankeessuck123 15.5
kargen 13.5 (10.5 + 3)
Cherub Cow 11
patom 10.5 (7.5 + 3)
CrownRoyal 9.5
Forwyn 7.5
hood 6.5

Sam Adams -45 (-40 + -5)

Week 9: http://www...hread?id=politics&thread=84918

The options for Week 10 are below. Your pick must be posted in this thread prior to kickoff of the game you are picking.

Underdog listed first. Home team in CAPS.

OAK lac 1

TEN kc 5.5
buf CLE 3
ari TB 4.5
NYJ nyg 2.5
atl NO 13
CIN bal 10
car GB 5
det CHI 2.5
mia IND 10
PIT lar 3.5
min DAL 3

sea SF 6.5
Cherub Cow
Thu Nov 07 05:50:27
ari TB 4.5

Really had to talk myself out of betting on the Bengals again ;D ... Ravens have been strong, and they just beat the Bengals pretty dismally a couple weeks ago. I'd like to think that the Bengals want revenge, but .. yeah.. not this year ;p
large member
Thu Nov 07 06:33:06
Try not to spam too much, mkay?

Particularly as this is actually a sports topic.
Thu Nov 07 08:00:36
CIN bal 10
Thu Nov 07 08:35:03
sea SF 6.5

Buffalo is free points, but I don't get out of bed for just three points.
Anarchist Prime
Thu Nov 07 08:42:48
min DAL 3
Thu Nov 07 09:55:54
ari TB 4.5
Thu Nov 07 13:25:55
large member Thu Nov 07 06:33:06
Try not to spam too much, mkay?

Particularly as this is actually a sports topic."

Your presence in a thread whose activity you don't participate in, to get in a personal dig, is automatically spam - moreso than if CC posted every betting line as an individual response.

Get the fuck out of here, cuck
Thu Nov 07 13:25:58
ari TB 4.5
Thu Nov 07 13:26:20

TEN kc 5.5
Thu Nov 07 18:45:29
ari TB 4.5
large member
Fri Nov 08 03:34:33
Its not listed OT, and the last duplicate thread had 16 posts in it.

I give TC the exact same warning.

Take it to the sports forum if you want to run it in a weekly update format.


And now, by magic, I am actively participating in this thread.

Can someone explain me the rules?
large member
Fri Nov 08 03:43:07
I would also have done the same with TW if he chose the:

Fraud President week 10 (2020)


Warning on the 2nd and 3rd spam thread. Then deletion on the fourth after I transferred whatever content was there to the third.

We actually do have some standards here. Be they very weak (mark stuff OT, don't duplicate unfilled threads more than a couple times).


I am still interested in the fundamentals. Baseline stuff like how does rl results impact on your teams.
Cherub Cow
Fri Nov 08 05:16:32
Okay, so, if Jergul is at all serious about this, we have a good case of a moderator abusing powers.

These threads have been going on for *years* without an "OT", and it is only in the last two or three years that I've started posting the lines (since Ork got busy and hasn't visited in a while). If Jergul is only going to suddenly have a problem with them now, then it is a pretty clear selective enforcement driven by a bias.

So as a direct message to Jergul: it's fine if you want to troll me in particular, but don't get weird by getting vengeance via moderator power abuse.
large member
Fri Nov 08 05:26:00
It became a bit clearer after you highlighted your motive for posting in this forum is pure trolling, but the standard of marking things OT and not creating multiple threads on the same topic before the last one is full are things we have always done here.

First fair warning was given in this thread. Second warning will be given in the next one if you persist.

After that, I will move the content of a duplicate thread to the one still active like I habitually do when other posters mess around like that.
large member
Fri Nov 08 05:36:05
It is incidentally the same standard you follow in GT.

The thread is currently number 108 after the other 107 reached 100 posts. You have been able to do that for years and years.

The standards are not exactly rocket science.
large member
Fri Nov 08 05:44:53
lol, will you look at that. TW can't count.

ugtwit 108 (current)
ugtwit 107 100 posts
ugtwit 106 100 posts
ugtwit 105 100 posts
ugtwit 104 100 posts
ugtwit 103 100 posts
ugtwit 102 100 posts
ugtwit 101 100 posts
ugtwit 100 100 posts
ugtwit 99 100 posts
ugtwit 98 100 posts
ugtwit 97 100 posts
ugtwit 96 100 posts
ugtwit 79 100 posts
(board fall off)

I discern a pattern (and Jesus Christ - 380 cat and car accident links still on board) that suggest you do actually know of standards.

You just like shitting here.
Fri Nov 08 06:17:17
Yeah, jergul needs a healthy dose of cyanide. And a quick demoderation + delete all of his posts for good measure.

It's amazing how quickly one devolves into a petulant cunt.

buf CLE 3
large member
Fri Nov 08 06:30:09
Remarkable. I created a thread in GT for general talk banter and the first thing you wanted to do was delete it.

Project much?

Here is how it worked:

CC: Mwhuahahaha, I am a TC troll that uses fancy words and I like to shit in Utopia Talk and be civilized in General talk

Jergul: Word! You do shit a lot in here. More than what is generally acceptable in fact, despite our very low standards. I guess I will hold you to the same standards I keep TC in line with.
large member
Fri Nov 08 06:33:24
(by banter I mean: look, the shit you post here can be smeared over there).
large member
Fri Nov 08 06:50:44
I suppose I could just do that too:

World War II underdogs week 1 (2019)

Sounds like a nice thread for UT. You can say what you want about the German propaganda machine, but it sure filmed a lot of stuff during the war.

I could easily generate like 12-14 posts per thread every week!
large member
Fri Nov 08 06:51:07
Nice series of threads*
large member
Fri Nov 08 06:55:16
I could focus on german tanks to start as a nice transition since they are generally named after cats.

Look at that tiger play! Amusing posts like that.
Fri Nov 08 07:05:33
I was wondering if my comment was what spurred your tiny dick syndrome ego into concocting this full-retard plan of yours. Good to see that you truly lack any amount of creativity.

Now kindly die painfully, hot rod, hopefully via stroke, and hopefully before the new year.
large member
Fri Nov 08 07:24:39
wow, that was sure a lot of outrage based on the mere thought of someone creating on topic and pertinent weekly threads in UT.

It seems to insult your sensibilities somehow...

Almost like someone was thinking of moving your outhouse into your dining room or something.

Fri Nov 08 07:27:57
You're extremely stupid. The only person talking about new thread is you. The rest of us are commenting on your ego trip and the threat of deleting a very on topic game posted on UP during football season, particularly because we've already had this fight with the dead retard, hot rod.

Side note: fuck reincarnation. Nobody needed jergulrod. That didn't have to be a thing.
large member
Fri Nov 08 07:38:09
Its funny how even TC sort of gets it. Non-political things are supposed to be marked OT and multiple duplicate threads are actually frowned on and deleted after warning when they become to numerous.

I don't delete for OT, but having a weekly update thread is rediculous.

I will ask what the other moderator thinks before I do anything (and nothing will happen except another warning for almost two weeks anyway).

You are the moderator in UT, right? I think your real motive for that "waah jergul is mean to me" thread (incidentally exactly the kind of thing HR often complained to Turtle Crawler about when we are thinking about who exactly is HR reincarnate).

You could delete my stuff in UT and keep standards there sacrosanct, couldn't you?
large member
Fri Nov 08 07:38:58
TC = The Children btw :).
Fri Nov 08 07:43:45
You're so flustered you can't even complete thoughts.

Simple fact: nobody wants these threads deleted. We've been running the game for years without issue (again, except for rod). Pull the trunk out of your ass already. And also die, would you kindly?
large member
Fri Nov 08 07:50:52
Simple fact: None of the existing threads will be deleted. I am telling CC to desist with the weekly format and stick with a thread until it is full. I am also requesting that she should mark it OT as is the convention (but we don't enforce that, so its more of a request).

The only possible consequence of non-compliance is my consolidating threads for her. But we are still almost two weeks from that point in time.

Cherub Cow
Fri Nov 08 08:21:50
I broke Jergul. Sorry, guys :/

[Jergul@CC]: "It became a bit clearer after you highlighted your motive for posting in this forum is pure trolling"

Wow.. was that *really* your takeaway?

[Jergul]: "After that, I will move the content of a duplicate thread to the one still active like I habitually do when other posters mess around like that ... having a weekly update thread is rediculous."

These are not duplicate threads. Notice that each one is specifically for one particular week in the NFL regular season schedule. Notice also that this has been going on for *years*. Your reason for suddenly caring is far too transparent.
large member
Fri Nov 08 08:40:36
CC: Its not a duplicate thread because its a new thread. Look at the title change from n to n+1 and time stamp!

Its the same rule everyone else is obliged to follow CC in every forum, though the consequence of consolidation is hardly dire, I will still talk to the other moderator about it before I do anything in say 3 weeks time (it looks like this thread will reach 100 posts).

It has nothing to do with outrage. You simply drew my attention to the fact that you are using this forum as your own personal outhouse. I had not really noticed earlier.

Many of us do, but most of us also live here. Your abode is elsewhere.

Just follow the same rules everyone else does. The OT is a mere courtesy that would be appreciated.
Fri Nov 08 09:05:44
Jergul, why are you being annoying in here? We get like 4 new threads a day on this board, nobody is being bothered by a once-a-week thread here on UP with or without an (OT) label.
large member
Fri Nov 08 09:18:16
Its actually pretty much the only rule we do enforce (we delete or consolidate the fourth or so duplicate or very similar thread).

It took a while, but even The Children grasped the principle in the end.

I am being annoying mostly because I am curious as to why these threads in particular should not be moderated according to the only standard we have.

I am also trying to be educational. CC and Hood would not like it if I did these same thing over in their primary habitat the GT.

Part of the reason content has degenerated has to do with people from GT shitting here and eating in GT.

We can be extremely unpleasant amongst ourselves, but often do roll back to civility. But shit re-enforces shit. Posters with little vested interest in actual discussion have a tendency to degrade some discussion to no discussion at all.

CC drew my attention to the dynamic is all.

But no worries. I am not going to do anything without moderator backup. This did start off with "Try not to spam too much, mkay?".

But I do enjoy seeing panties in a bunch and saw no reason to change tack.
Fri Nov 08 10:30:33
large member
Fri Nov 08 12:48:30
Ok that I clean this up? I would not want this to be construed as me destroying evidence.

Actually...better yet. Lets get another moderator to make the call.
Fri Nov 08 13:20:23
but CLE 3

In case you want to delete my old one.
Fri Nov 08 13:35:58
Change to

buf CLE 3

Because I'll happily take scraps

Also fuck jergul

Dickhead UPer
Sat Nov 09 11:35:46
Hey good luck this week all. :)
Renzo Marquez
Sun Nov 10 13:33:16
min DAL 3

Ugh. Should have picked earlier. Cousins in prime time is not optimal.
Cherub Cow
Mon Nov 11 04:35:58
Stupid sexy Cardinals, couldn't quite do it :/
At least it was close. That feels less bad ;)
Cherub Cow
Tue Nov 12 18:14:48
Swordtail and Renzo keep cheating with correct picks. I’m calling shenanigans!
Tue Nov 12 20:02:20
Hey, you better put some respect on my name too >:|

Lol to anyone who listened to me about the Bills
Tue Nov 12 21:04:50
Mine was a vote against Cleveland, figured they would suck against the Bills defense. Which they did...
Cherub Cow
Wed Nov 13 04:32:02
"Hey, you better put some respect on my name too >:|"

Shit! Seahawks won? I didn't even check that one because I thought they were fucked. You guys are all cheaters! Stop calling players and having them rig the game, Kramer style:
(That Seinfeld story)
Cherub Cow
Wed Nov 13 04:44:58
Week 10 Results:

(❆❆❆❆❆ for underdog win)

OAK lac 1 {26 - 24} ❆❆❆❆❆

TEN kc 5.5 {35 - 32} ❆❆❆❆❆
buf CLE 3 {16 - 19}
ari TB 4.5 {27 - 30}
NYJ nyg 2.5 {34 - 27} ❆❆❆❆❆
atl NO 13 {26 - 9} ❆❆❆❆❆
CIN bal 10 {13 - 49}
car GB 5 {16 - 24}
det CHI 2.5 {13 - 20}
mia IND 10 {16 - 12} ❆❆❆❆❆
PIT lar 3.5 {17 - 12} ❆❆❆❆❆
min DAL 3 {28 - 24} ❆❆❆❆❆

sea SF 6.5 {27 - 24} ❆❆❆❆❆


Renzo Marquez 30 (27 + 3)
swordtail 22.5 (19.5 + 3)
yankeessuck123 22 (15.5 + 6.5)
Nekran 20
Fred Felcher 16.5 (15.5 + 1)
kargen 13.5
Cherub Cow 11
patom 10.5
CrownRoyal 9.5
Forwyn 7.5
hood 6.5

Sam Adams -50 (-45 + -5)
Cherub Cow
Wed Nov 13 05:08:14
*Eight* underdog wins this week. Arg :/
And big points from the Saints loss (13), the Dolphins win (10), and that Seahawks win (6.5). Dolphins probably won't get crazy lines anymore; they're technically as bad as the Jets at the moment ;)

Not a *crazy* surprise about the Saints because the Saints usually have trouble against the Falcons and Buccaneers even during good seasons (regional rivalries). But this was a loss at home... Looks like Brees was sacked 6 times and almost sacked a few more times ( Game highlights: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Nkyfu0iCmA ). Falcons defense shut him down. Peeps (e.g., Ben Maller) already turning on Brees and asking for Bridgewater back ;p

I don't understand how the Colts lost. Probably drugs.
Wed Nov 13 07:44:34
Worse. Brian Hoyer.
Cherub Cow
Wed Nov 13 07:57:33
Ouch... sounds about right:
"All in all, it was among the worst performances a quarterback has put forth in this town in some time."
Wed Nov 13 08:08:41
Brissett was banged up, and I think they figured they could coast with Hoyer against Miami and let him rest. Evidently not so.
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