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Utopia Talk / Politics / checking in
River of Blood
Thu Dec 19 14:11:05
You guys solve the world's problems yet?
River of Blood
Thu Dec 19 14:11:46
I just hope everyone is drinking lots of water.
River of Blood
Thu Dec 19 14:15:03
Btw, it's been roughly 20 years since my first post here. Anyone else still here that's been here that long?

River of Blood
Thu Dec 19 14:17:10
Looks like Hotrod died again. Is Real Fred still around?
Average Ameriacn
Thu Dec 19 14:19:27
Are you for or against Trump?
Thu Dec 19 14:25:36
Rob, I think I may have been here before you even.

I still remember baskerlar, Beast, lighted, Fred etc.
Thu Dec 19 14:26:47
O think I started around round 5 of the game....screw mehul...lol
River of Blood
Thu Dec 19 14:33:38
I'm still basically an anarchist (or maybe I was just left leaning libertarian last time I was here). So I'm pretty much against everything that has to do with centralized federal government in the U.S. of Ass. This empire needs to dissolve as do others. And world human population needs radically reduced for a huge swath of reasons. End the war machine, reduce population, decentralize authority..... that's more or less my politics these days in a nutshell.

But back to Trump. He's a sick, elitist fuckstick just like the rest of'm but with the added characteristics of being infantile, semi-illiterate, and has this weird habitual lying habit that I could spend hours just summarizing here. I'm astounded and dismayed at his popularity, but that phenomenon tends to come into focus the more I've studied the demographic that likes him. *queue the dueling banjos*

Thu Dec 19 14:55:44
Okay Thanos
River of Blood
Thu Dec 19 15:00:11
Thanos. Isn't that a genocidal character that Trump depicted himself as recently?
rlver of blood
Thu Dec 19 15:18:32
shithole imploding
River of Blood
Thu Dec 19 15:22:13
Yep. Thanks for holding down the fort.
the wanderer
Thu Dec 19 16:41:07
"This empire needs to dissolve as do others. And world human population needs radically reduced for a huge swath of reasons."


and extreme agreement about Trump... it's so obvious yet certain people can't spot any of it...
large member
Thu Dec 19 17:54:54
The population is being radically reduced along current trends. But it will take 14 generations to play out.

I am balancing out the demographic luddites (wah more babies because that is how we used to do it) against devastating demographic shifts for whatever reason.
Thu Dec 19 18:02:26
I joined the forum the day Mehul decided political talk wasn't polite enough to be posted in general area. We were knee deep in President Clinton's impeachment then. I lurked a while before posting.
River of Blood
Thu Dec 19 20:06:46
Jesus, that seems like another lifetime ago.
Cherub Cow
Thu Dec 19 21:03:54
"Anyone else still here that's been here that long?"

Totes. 1998 or whenever round 1 was going on. I joined right after betas.

"You guys solve the world's problems yet?"

Yeah, we're planning to complete eight extreme ordeals to honor the forces of nature. It's mostly about wing-suiting, solo-climbing, and surfing. It's totally rad; shredding the gnar is like, how you tap into the world and explore its life force and like, you know, get your chakras unblocked and aligned. A few of us will be jumping out of an airplane on Saturday. Let us know if you want to tandem.
Thu Dec 19 23:03:40
Utopia came online November 9, 1998 with Solaria Games after the first beta, long beta and short beta. I have a long, dark and secret history with Utopia. :), welcome back Rob.

Fri Dec 20 04:28:50
2000 I think, I was not very active until years later though.

Good to see an old name. With Hot Rod actually dead this time, we could use someone whose threads have a high turn-over and creates emotions.
Fri Dec 20 04:33:16
Yah, hot rod is actually dead. Are you still a fan of Alex Jones ?
Wrath of Orion
Fri Dec 20 11:06:42
I see Fucking Retard hasn't been taken out by Illuminati yet.
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