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Utopia Talk / Politics / Hot Rod may be dead but his spirit lives
Sun Dec 22 05:46:00
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A boy missing for more than two years found in the closet of a child pornography suspect

(CNN)A teenager who has been missing for two and half years has been found alive in a closet of a child pornography suspect in west Germany, police said.

Police were searching a home of a 44-year old man suspected of distributing child pornography, when they stumbled on the boy. "The officers discovered a boy in the closet. An investigation showed this was a 15-year old boy who has been missing for a long time," the Recklinghausen police said in a statement.

The police spokesperson said the 44-year old man and another older man who was also in the apartment at the time were arrested.

Sun Dec 22 17:54:14
Tumbleweed, would you rate Dukhat's act if denigrating the dead here as better or worse than Trump's? Just wondering.
Sun Dec 22 18:20:29
Well that boy is gonna need some therapy.
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