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Utopia Talk / Politics / OT:Star Wars *ALL SPOILERS,ALL THE TIME*
the wanderer
Wed Dec 25 14:55:49
since the other one people seem to be avoiding spoilers, here's a thread FOR SPOILERS for Ep IX

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i said from her start in Ep 7 thru the trailer/title of this one, not a skywalker, go me :p

various dumb things i want to complain about that come to mind:

- the jedi takes a skiff over the too-dangerous-to-do journey... she successfully makes it, so non-jedi Finn decides he needs to rescue her doing the same thing... not a proper thought process
(& turns out no point to that anyway)

- not sure how she knew she still needed the dagger when they just mind-raped C3PO...

- even more weird to create that dagger based on shape to begin w/... you have to be standing at the exact right spot on land, & once you get over to the large structure how do you remember exactly where it was pointing anyway on a large structure & w/ no depth info...

- planet-busters now small enough for a ship...
- force-lightning taking out a fleet...
^ (always gotta go bigger)

- a 'ground' assault & space assault while the jedi goes off to confront Emperor, who then decides not to kill because the Emperor taunts them to do it & the Emperor showing the jedi how the friends are failing in their battle (surely they noticed the criticism of just borrowing old scripts :p)

- the 'ground' assault was to take out a tower that's on the exterior of the ship, why does that need to be a ground assault

- Rey jumped onto the Falcon (w/ Finn on the loading bridge thing) in the vacuum of space...

- the teleporting objects thru visions...

- Rey walking off when they are in a rush to escape & not explaining... (which almost killed the most important character)

- Chewbacca wasn't wookiee enough... his movements were human in a hairy suit :p why is he nodding instead of roaring...

that's what comes to mind at the moment
the wanderer
Wed Dec 25 15:05:02
- the light-speed skipping where they keep popping up in extremely hazardous areas... Han wanted careful plotting & that was in open space (as makes sense :p)
Wed Dec 25 15:14:15
“ - a 'ground' assault & space assault while the jedi goes off to confront Emperor, who then decides not to kill because the Emperor taunts them to do it & the Emperor showing the jedi how the friends are failing in their battle (surely they noticed the criticism of just borrowing old scripts :p) ”

This was so bad. I want my money back.

“ the 'ground' assault was to take out a tower that's on the exterior of the ship, why does that need to be a ground assault”

Because the movie was crap. I hope this was the last Star Wars trilogy ever.
Wed Dec 25 15:52:51
i said from her start in Ep 7 thru the trailer/title of this one, not a skywalker, go me"

Well..sort of. Did you see the very end of the movie?
Wed Dec 25 18:04:57
The core premise of Dark Side switching has always been bonkers.

You can't preemptively kill a tyrant to save trillions, but you can instigate a case of self-defense and Zimmerman him.

Otherwise your pupils will change colors and you'll lose the gift of rational thought.
the wanderer
Wed Dec 25 20:01:55
"Did you see the very end of the movie?"

she's not a skywalker... just an identity thief :p
the wanderer
Wed Dec 25 20:21:24
You can't preemptively kill a tyrant to save trillions, but you can instigate a case of self-defense and Zimmerman him.

well put :p

i was thinking she could just lop off his lower jaw & that might put a crimp in his style
Thu Dec 26 00:40:56
I think the point is more that you can't kill in hate. "Look your friends are dying" was provocation - his friends were going to die and he was too well to do anything to face them. RoTJ made more sense of it frankly; there the Emperor had no intention of dying, just getting Luke to off his father, server his ties to his friends and give in to dark side power. I figure Palpetine believed he'd be able to overpower Luke anyway. Like Anakin, he'd have nowhere else to go. His friends dead, his father dead at his own hand, unable to defeat the emperor, failed as a Jedi.

The second time around was silly. More a "kill me to save your friends", and surely Rey could then calmly kill him if he was just going to let her kill him. So it seems to follow that near automatically if you kill a sufficiently powerful sith, they can poses you even if you haven't gone to the dark side through some kind of ritual? Or at least your own descendents?

Much about the last movie was very silly.
Thu Dec 26 01:38:24
From the other thread, I agree, Seb... the reaction against TLJ, made that they had to get off that path, which I considered to be interesting at least. And I agree making Star Wars movies is making things up as you go along on a flimsy foundation of things that mostly just looked cool in the 80's.

But I love how they keep all the computers looking so 80's, for instance. I love how weird monsters are everywhere, be it in the death star trash compactor, in Jabba's palace or even in a freakin' asteroid. This is a consistent thing in Star Wars... we put monsters everywhere. It doesn't make much sense, but it's how the universe operates and I think it's great.

As you say here though, much about the last movie was very silly and it went overboard. I spent the first half hour telling myself "these little annoyances aren't so bad if it ends up being a decent film, stay open-minded", but they just kept piling on and on and on.

And while, yes, Leia being Luke's sister worked for the story, but brought up some inconsistencies in previous films, that is the sort of thing to think about later and realise how silly it is. And that's fine and fun. But when R2 flies in Attack of the Clones, your mind immediately goes "Wtf!? That would have been so handy so many times! You can't do that!". And that is the sort of inconsistensies this movie was full of.

Also, now that we're in a spoilers thread on UP... is it a thing now that all storm troopers are black?
Thu Dec 26 15:22:56

I love the aesthetics. So much of starwars success is down to Ralph McQuarrie. And I think that's why porting other narratives whole into that setting probably works better than trying to build on the Skywalker saga.

Maybe I'm just too anal but for me so much is irretrievably broken, I'm willing to give a pass on anything force based. Sure, teleporting objects, why not - it makes for a cool scene and I guess you need to be some weird force dyad or whatever to do it. Let's go with that.

The biggest problem with the last movie is the story didn't really work. Have you seen this video "How Star Wars was saved in edit"

I do wonder if this movie really could be improved with a fan edit. Scene after scene of exposition: Kylo has found Palpetine, smoke is explained. Tick. Emperor has built a fleet of ships. Which he's buried for some reason. But he's unhurried them. And they are all death stars. And they are fully crewed. And now Kylo is rebuilding his helmet because he's Darth Vader again (ignore the last movie). And now he's choking an impertinent officer asking sensible questions, because he's like Darth Vader again (forget that last movie). Tick. Let's move on before the officer hits the floor, time to tick off Rey. Leias a jedi. That's why she could survive being blown up (if you hadn't figured that out already). She's trained Rey. Tick. Here's Rey training. She's not very good. See, she needs to learn. Tick. And she's going to run off and save her friends, just like Luke. Tick. Ok, and now the movie can begin because we've addressed all the concerns and erased the last movie that everybody didn't like...
Thu Dec 26 15:26:54
Honestly, having rewatched the Last Jedi again, it's grown on me. I thought it was an interesting dumpster fire first time, but it's quite well thought out and starting to think through what society might look like in this universe in a more consistent way than the prequels that bolted on Lucases old views of the Nixon presidency and decline of the American Republic in a very simplistic way to your swords and sorcery genre mashup to make the world's worst sci fi political thriller.

I really wish they'd given him the sequel. I want to see where it goes.
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