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Utopia Talk / Politics / PC/ identity politics-absurd
Sat Jan 04 22:31:04
So apparently blacks can try to look like whites ( such as straight hair) but thete is a shit storm of outrage against say the white teenage girl who used Instagram ( or something like that) to look black...cause that is racist.

Now I seen a thing about black females getting mad at the kardashian for being "whites who want to be black" , mind you that Kardashian doesn't sound very European to me ( they are middle easterners)

So just remember, if your white your offensive to blacks...even if your not white for that matter.

This is why I'm so glad Trump is the POTUS, the least politically correct politician out there.
Wrath of Orion
Sun Jan 05 10:41:59
Sun Jan 05 10:51:33
Are you falling into the classic trap of thinking a vocal but tiny minority represents anything meaningful?

Also, were you drunk when you posted this?
Sun Jan 05 11:01:19
Member Sun Jan 05 10:51:33
Are you falling into the classic trap of thinking a vocal, tiny, and highly infulential minority represents anything meaningful?"

Fixed that for you.

Or are you seriously arguing that the SJW/PC movement has been amazingly successful at driving the change it seeks?

The answer to your question is yes, btw.
Sun Jan 05 12:04:39
Yanks, nah, lol sleep deprived.

Meaningful? Nah but it will piss ppl off.
Sun Jan 05 16:58:39
Rugian, you fixed it for me with a typo :')
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