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Utopia Talk / Politics / Holy shit. God's wrath?
Mon Jan 20 08:37:28
First came the fires and laid waste to half of Australia and killed 480 billion animals.

Then there was a massive flooding and people had to fight alligators with brooms!!


Then the Australians was bombarded with golf ball-sized hailstones!!


And now, look at this!! A massive sandstorm is burying an entire town! It looks like the arrival of the Scorpion King!

Drone footage shows massive dust storm sweeping across central New South Wales – video


What the hell is going on?
Cherub Cow
Mon Jan 20 08:55:28
Long project finally in its payoff stage: Mad Max as a reality TV show. The hope is to isolate Australia and watch them fight over Guzzolene and Agua Cola. Then people will realize that global warming was worth it. ;)
The Children
Mon Jan 20 12:40:17
australia experiencin some karma.

or its just global warmin.

Mon Jan 20 15:17:12
Tc, Or poor forest management coupled with dryer than normal weather due to a regularly occurring weather phenomenon ( like an El Nino)
Mon Jan 20 15:17:46
Paramount, gods a cunt.
Mon Jan 20 17:06:44
California has strict gun laws and always have some of the worst fires in the US.

Australia has even tougher gun laws and their fires are much worse.

obviously they need more guns.
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