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Utopia Talk / Politics / communist venezuala attacks german cruis
sam adams
Thu Apr 02 18:17:43
Cruise ship...and lost!

Venezualan commies in an armed cutter, pissed off for some irrelevant commie reasons, just attacked a german polar cruise ship in international waters.

The german cruise liner rammed and sank the commie warship.

sam adams
Thu Apr 02 18:20:12
The venezualans actually fired on the german ship before getting pwnt.
Thu Apr 02 19:18:29
Gotta link there, bub?
sam adams
Thu Apr 02 20:15:36

sam adams
Thu Apr 02 20:16:04

Some are calling it Portuguese, some german
Fri Apr 03 01:26:23
” A cruise company has said that one of its liners was shot at and rammed by a Venezuelan navy vessel, which ended up sinking after the clash in the Caribbean.

The bizarre incident occurred a day before President Donald Trump announced he was deploying more US Navy warships and aircraft to the Caribbean to stop “corrupt actors”

- -

I don’t know... maybe this is just fake news, disinformation.

What really happened is probably that a US navy vessel, on the orders of Donald Trump, attacked the cruise liner, and then attacked a Venezuelan navy vessel as well.

The Venezuelan ship did probably just want to investigate what the hell was going on when the US navy attacked the cruise liner. The US navy saw them approaching and attacked them as well, and now they blame everything on Venezuela.

”We lie, we cheat, we steal” – US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo
Fri Apr 03 01:49:10
Nah, my story may not entirely hold up.

But could it have been a US submarine on a reconnaissance mission (before the navy arrived) who attacked the Venezuelan ship?
large member
Fri Apr 03 02:12:53
The cruise ships story does not exactly add up, but sinking your own ship is lulzy.
Fri Apr 03 02:40:27
Guaicamacuto-class patrol boat
large member
Fri Apr 03 04:52:54
I would say just wow, but Norway did lose a vessel stupidly quite recently too, so...

I will say nothing.
sam adams
Fri Apr 03 06:20:17
Damn thats a nice looking little warship. Would be a shame if venezuala was so incompetent it lost to a cruise ship.
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