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Utopia Talk / Politics / Causes of Death USA 2020
large member
Fri Apr 03 02:07:02
Per day, Yesterday.

(I have no idea what this will look like. Lets divide by 365).

Heart Disease 1774
Cancer 1642
Unintentional Injuries 466
Chronic Respiratory Disease 450
Stroke 420
Diabetes 225
Flu etc 175
Nephrosis etc 140
Intentional self-harm 125

Subtract from above a fraction of 968 for covid-19.

Add to above 968 as distinct cause of death
large member
Fri Apr 03 02:07:42
Covid-19 cause # 3.
smart dude
Fri Apr 03 03:21:11
All these other causes of death are growing exponentially too, and were tiny just 3 weeks ago when everyone was panicking for no reason. Oh, wait...
Fri Apr 03 03:23:48
Causes of death per day, Yesterday in Norway.

(I have no idea what this will look like. Lets divide by 365).

Anal rape 1774
Communism 1642
Complications due to anal rape 466
Trump derangement syndrome 450
Child labor camps 420
Jergul math 225
Flu etc 170
Complications from jergul_math 140
Intentional self-harm 125
Fri Apr 03 03:24:19
Habebe doing his best Sam impression.
large member
Fri Apr 03 04:48:43
Habebe showing he has no idea what Norway's population is.

He definitely needs some jergulmath therapy.
large member
Fri Apr 03 04:50:36
On the bright side, it seems he thinks socialized medicine cures heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, the flu, and flesh eating ailments.

Yay single payer systems?
large member
Fri Apr 03 04:54:01
He also seems to think Norwegians are extremely well endowed.

So all told a win for Norway I think :D.
sam adams
Fri Apr 03 06:22:06
Anal rape 1774
Communism 1642
Complications due to anal rape 466

Ahahaha thats funny
sam adams
Fri Apr 03 06:30:07
Also what bugs me about modern death stats is that "old age" isnt a thing anymore. When you are 89 and have a heart attack, that should be marked as old age not heart disease.
Fri Apr 03 10:11:11
Sure, but only if we count old age as a disease.
Fri Apr 03 10:16:52
Ive never liked the term old age for a cause of death. Perhaps alongside the real cause.

Something specific actually kills them. Age kust makes you more and more susceptible.

We all age differently, look at Chuck Norris, the guy is 80 and still a beast.
Fri Apr 03 10:35:38
Think of it as an umbrella term, like cancer or infection. But old age is the ultimate umbrella term. It needs a cure.
large member
Fri Apr 03 10:49:20
Don't get me wrong, you were funny. I just wish you had put a bit more elbow grease into the effort.

How about a counter to my suggestion of well-endowed:

Its not only that Norwegians are huge dicks, they are also uptight assholes.

Fri Apr 03 10:50:36
That's my point. Its too vague.

That said I've read up a bit on life extension.

There is a church of eternal life in Fla ( think Fla)

Metformin seems to have a positive effect.
large member
Fri Apr 03 11:13:28
Why would you want Gates and Musk to have clinical immortality?

I am all for extention, but rich fucktards have to have an expiry date or we are all screwed.
Fri Apr 03 12:04:47
Jergul, Some times its better to not try so hard.

I also tend not to dwell on the size of other mens genitals, because im straight.
large member
Fri Apr 03 12:09:06
I was suggesting try smart, not hard. The countersuggestion took me all of 3 seconds to think up :-).

You seemed pretty focused on male genitilia when you compiled your Norwegian causes of death.

But that may have just been your subconcious typing.
Fri Apr 03 12:15:25
"The countersuggestion took me all of 3 seconds to think up :-)."

Yeah, but it came off more gay than smart amd funny.

As for what I typed you let your imagination run wild.
Fri Apr 03 12:46:18
Side note, im day 3 into quiting cigs doni may be more irritable than usual.
Fri Apr 03 13:17:25
No no, you are as much of an asshole as you ever were, you are just more aware of it now that you can’t sooth yourself.

large member
Fri Apr 03 13:59:02
Gay is smart and funny. Don't you watch tv?
Average Ameriacn
Fri Apr 03 17:59:07
Kushner will save us, don't believe the hate speech of the NYT

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