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Utopia Talk / Politics / OT - Most fearinducing to you
large member
Thu May 14 03:14:22

Woman's Janitsary drum parade.

100ds of menopausal women marching and bashing away on drums with ferious expressions that put Maori's Haka to shame.

I saw it in rl years ago, but I still have flashbacks.
smart dude
Thu May 14 04:38:09
what the fuck are you talking about
Thu May 14 04:52:39
This isn't the first time Jergul has expressed fear of women in some form or another.It's sort of a theme.
large member
Thu May 14 04:54:30
Whats it to you?

Anyone not fearful of women at times simply does not understand them.
large member
Thu May 14 04:56:59
Women are formidiable once you preclude the use of fists to pummel them into submission.

You should try imagining that. Just as a thought experiment.
Thu May 14 05:30:06
I do not hit women.

I however don't have a reocurring fear of women though. I quite enjoy them actually.
large member
Thu May 14 05:36:23
Perhaps you don't hit women most days. Who knows?

If you do not fear women at times, then you have left your fists as an option on the table.

The misogeny here is feeling you have nothing to fear from them ever. Particularly against the backdrop of 2nd ammendment - muh someone might hurt me if I dont have a gun.
large member
Thu May 14 05:36:39
large member
Thu May 14 05:38:39
Don't pick fights when you are in a life crisis. It was fun, now I just feel mean.
Thu May 14 05:40:30
Jergul confirmed for scared of women
Thu May 14 05:44:23
Well, I suppose violence is always on the table depending on the situation.

But I don't fear men either.

What is the worst they can do to me? Kill me? Meh.
large member
Thu May 14 05:46:07
Women can bring shitloads of harm into your life if you have:

a. A woman
b. A life

A little fear at times just shows you are not going to die alone.
large member
Thu May 14 05:47:25
A woman could walk away with your children and move out of state.

Lack of fear is mostly a lack of imagination.
Thu May 14 05:48:04
Fear comes from attachment. Work yo overcome that and you will reduce your fear.
large member
Thu May 14 05:51:22
Jesus. It should not be anyones life goal to avoid fear.

Its just another emotion that is healthy in moderation.

Worry if you fear nothing. That would be a clear sign of clinical depression.
Thu May 14 10:04:02
"Cider, then wine, then fb"

Lack of fear is mostly a lack of respect.
Thu May 14 11:27:19
Jergul, It should be anlife goal to avoid suffering.

Also being terrified of women is a lil gay.Its one thing tonlile women who are a little scary, it can be hot.
Thu May 14 12:15:48
I thought this thread was about personal fear inducing events. Can we get off women?
Thu May 14 12:19:50
"Can we get off women?"

Well I can.lol
large member
Fri May 15 04:09:35
Here is a pet peeve that is likely fear-induced.

I absolutely detest people putting dead matches back into a match box.

I think it relates to a rural lifestyle in an arctic climate. A person could actually die if he or she grabbed a seemingly full matchbox before heading up to the mountains on whatever errand.

My wife is from a town and even decades later, she has still to learn not to put used matches back into the box.
large member
Fri May 15 04:10:07
(childhood rural lifestyle. I live in a town these days).
Fri May 15 04:29:55
I can still remember my parents having a heated argument when I was a boy. Maybe 10. First time I ever saw my father hit my mother. Also the last. My mother looked at him and told him "OK, go ahead and finish it, but don't go to sleep in this house." Three days later dad was sitting in his recliner in the living room watching a ball game. My mother was in the kitchen making a pie crust. She kept glancing at him. Dad nodded off and Mom calmly walked over to him with rolling pin in hand. She nailed him right across the shins and Dad shot out of the chair like he was launched. She never raised her voice and looked at him and said "Do you wish to hit me again?"
Fri May 15 06:48:39
Women are crazy. Not only should you fear crazy people and the damage they can inflict on your life, but a wise man does best to avoid them entirely.

Fear correlates with intelligence and knowledge. It's not for nothing we have the expression "ignorance is bliss".
large member
Fri May 15 08:21:22
That is why I never understood infidelity. Imagine you are in a cage with 1 tiger. It might work out if you keep the tiger fed and content.

Toss in another tiger that the first one hates and that seems to favour you with mewing and purring...

And you are toast.

And then the first tiger leaves with the kittens and half the cage.
Fri May 15 08:49:56
Because the brain between your legs overpowers the brain in your head. If we had been more intelligent, we would never get married and have kids in the first place, but we are not. So here we are trying to keep the tiger fed without losing half our shit.

The Tiger is really cute though, keep her fed and she purs and does stuff for you, like remembering your birthday, giving back rubs and buy you socks and boxers :)
large member
Fri May 15 08:54:24
That only explains tiger number 1. Which I wholeheartedly agree with. Though I feel lavender scented tigerlitter should have been fit into the analogy somehow.
Fri May 15 09:55:23

You think that result changes with Tigress infidelity in your analogy? You are shafted either way. The advantage is nearly always female. Content is the most difficult measure and the least breach of trust damages it, a seed planted in the mind grows like a weed.
Fri May 15 10:06:20
Which brings me back to my parents. My father taught my brother and me to never shit where you eat.
Average Ameriacn
Fri May 15 10:19:53
Seeing people with masks. I wake up in the night and think Islam has taken over.
Fri May 15 10:20:39
It actually cover tigers all together. Some people are just stuck in the delusion that another tiger will somehow not be a tiger. They refuse to learn.

I agree the lavendel scented cat litter is a missed opportunity.
large member
Fri May 15 10:36:57
My view on wanton tigresses:

1. They are just making and excuse to leave, so the man/woman partner was fucked anyway.


2. They did something stupid and then covered their tracks. Ignorance is bliss (the male version of that is doing something stupid and covering tracks stupidly. Hell hath no fury).
Fri May 15 12:01:57

That too, meaning there is more.
Fri May 15 16:49:57
To be honest with myself, by biggest fear is living completely honestly. Too many relationships would be fucked up if I was actually honest in things I had done or thoughts that I have about reality.

That being said, 43 year old me is much much better off in this area than I was even 2-3 years ago.

But I feel I still have a ways to go before I'm living each day with 0 secrets from people important to me.
Average Ameriacn
Fri May 15 17:10:36
Hrothgar you could tell us all your secrets in this forum if that would help you.
Fri May 15 17:28:16
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