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Utopia Talk / Politics / US wants UK to kowtow
The Children
Mon May 25 13:21:31

nuff said.
The Children
Mon May 25 13:23:09
complete lies all around.

u lie, u cheat u steal!

The Children
Mon May 25 13:23:34
claimed it was wife of ambassador so she wuld have immunity.

she aint.

she turns out to be a spy!
The Children
Mon May 25 13:29:57
a spy operative in the UK!

got drunk, ran over someone. then fled the country based on massive lies.

and now gets protected by more lies.


uk isnt a vassal. uk is bendover on a table.
The Children
Mon May 25 15:52:55
they want 2 have this topic dropped. dunt let them.

Mon May 25 16:19:04
Trump thinks the US is Saudi Arabia and that he can apply Islam’s Sharia Laws and write a check and pay blood money to the victim’s family so that the killer can go free.
The Children
Tue May 26 00:42:26
they didnt pay anything. when the inital story hit, they claimed she was the wife of ambassador so police culdnt arrest her.

so she culd stay in her home. of course she ran out the country asap which shuldnt have been possible but they lied about everything from beginnin.

now it turns out she is a cia spy. no wonder she nver got arrested or anything.

so this is how they operate. vassals obey there masters.
Tue May 26 01:05:15
But in the video they say that Trump and Mnuchin offered to write them check (pay them money). They were shocked about the offer and said no to the blood money.
The Children
Tue May 26 01:13:24
oh i see.

they tried to bribe the parents off!!!

The Children
Tue May 26 11:23:09
they tried 2 BRIBE the parents off!

lured them into the building using covers and then tried 2 bribe them off to keep things quiet.

the media isnt even reportin this. another bribe!!!

the media is corrupt as hell.
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