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Utopia Talk / Politics / seb strikes again
sam adams
Sat Aug 15 00:09:09
Does causing this kind of suffering ever bug you?


Beloved doctor and father-of-two moved to Canada in 2003 to escape the violence in South Africa and to raise his family in a safe environment, only to be murdered at his Alberta clinic by a Sudanese migrant wielding a machete and hammer.
Sat Aug 15 00:21:59
Sam, Your just Ignorant to his culture.

Plus a Machete and a hammer, he was a communist without a sickle overthrowing the proleteriats.
Sat Aug 15 03:27:42
So, refugee kills refugee,surely you are happy Sam?
Sat Aug 15 03:50:46
A horrible anecdotal act of violence is surely something that can be generalized especially if it already meets the preconceived worldview of a reactionary.
large member
Sat Aug 15 06:08:30
I agree with Dukhat. 7.5 billion people. Shit happens far more frequently than you could ever document with posts.

Now, if we get back to my thoughts on 300 million people being about appropriate, then you would have a case to make with these threads.

So in a mere 13 generations by post industrial birth rates. We can wait with baited breath in evolutionary terms :D.
large member
Sat Aug 15 06:13:08
"he was a communist without a sickle overthrowing the proleteriats."

My God. Know thy friends would be less a butchery of know thy enemy.
Sat Aug 15 07:30:08
Nice try Seb, but canada does not accept white refugees from South Africa.

So refugee killed white man (who happened to be a legal immigrant)
Sat Aug 15 07:31:54
At least he got 17 peaceful years in Canada. RIP.
Sat Aug 15 09:02:55
He was probably also a legal citizen, having followed all the appropriate procedures and making the necessary sacrifices to escape persecution in South Africa without the benefit of a refugee or asylum claim.

And the worlds population doesn't play into this. Canada's demographics do.

Most violent crime is domestic or black on black. Also typically perpetrated by 1st and 2nd generation immigrants (although this varies by region), which is a historical constant so without digging into numbers for per capita comparisons we won't involve race.

But I think you'd find statistical significance in the rate of refugee-on-white or refugee-on-citizen crime rates.
Sat Aug 15 09:06:42
Let's wait for the facts. Maybe whitey aborted hundreds of blacks on government order during Apartheid or shit like that. Black was taking revenge for his bros.

"Royal Canadian Mounted Police believed the attack to be targeted and premeditated, justifying the the first degree murder charge."
Sat Aug 15 11:30:38
Seb, Sam doesn't hate immigrants, he hates savages. He will generalize but even he would be cool with am african coming to Canada to be a doctor.

He likes east asiams. And Id suspect Indians as well. Indians are some of the most successful immigrants in this country (US), I think technically Armenians are.

sam adams
Sun Aug 16 15:51:05
Correct. Asians and dot indians are good immigrants.
Sun Aug 16 17:17:19

"he hates savages"

No, that would be self loathing.

He hates Arabs and Africans, and calls them savages.

I could say I hate Jews because they are actually alien space lizards, and claim I wasn't an anti-semite, just anti alien space lizards. That wouldn't make me not a racist, or a nut job.

Sam is both.
Sun Aug 16 17:19:07
You've also missed the point Habebe, of course we know that Sam likes the white immigrant and supports letting the free violence, and not the black ones and thinks they should not be allowed to flee violence. And we know why. Except you evidently. Don't be dense.
Sun Aug 16 17:33:45
Seb, I appear to be wrong on this.

My bad.
sam adams
Sun Aug 16 17:56:09
No, you were right. I support allowing educated hard working migrants.
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