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Utopia Talk / Politics / Ginsburg DEAD Noooooooooooo
the wanderer
Fri Sep 18 18:31:58
RBG dead

queue asshole McConnell
the wanderer
Fri Sep 18 18:34:01

RIP RBG... although you've doomed us by not resigning awhile ago
the wanderer
Fri Sep 18 18:36:41
on the plus side, those crazy people voting for Trump just for justices may lose a reason to vote for Trump...

(yes, i'm being insensitive)
sam adams
Fri Sep 18 18:43:15
Its as if 100,000,000 leftists all cried at once
Anarchist Prime
Fri Sep 18 18:43:34
Fri Sep 18 18:53:57
Why would they lose a reason to vote for President Trump?
A replacement shouldn't be named until after the election. If President Trump tries all it will do is give the left more incentive to get out and vote.
This might actually play well for Biden as he now has an issue that might actually inspire people to vote for him.
Fri Sep 18 18:56:59
Hello 6-3.

Trump just came out with his list, what . last week?.
the wanderer
Fri Sep 18 18:58:58
McConnell already said he'd seat a justice if opportunity arose even in total hypocrisy to his actions on Garland

if they can't finish before election, they'll do it it after election if Biden wins in the 2 months they still have power
Fri Sep 18 18:59:51
will the clowns hold this one up too like they did Garland? you know because there is an election coming up? didn't think so.
Fri Sep 18 19:01:15
Fri Sep 18 19:03:28
Aaaannd Thanks to Obama's powergrabs they only need what 50 Senators?
Fri Sep 18 19:04:20
Ahahaha and now the dems get bitten in the ass for what they pulled with garland
Fri Sep 18 19:13:03
So all the little a are using this BS.

" Ginsburg told her Grandaughter it was her final wish to not be replaced until a new president is elected"

She supposedly told her in secret.
renzo marQuez
Fri Sep 18 19:14:18
renzo marQuez
Fri Sep 18 19:16:36
Member Fri Sep 18 18:59:51
"will the clowns hold this one up too like they did Garland? you know because there is an election coming up? didn't think so."

It will get held up. Willard, the hoes from ME and AK, and possibly others will say that they won't vote to confirm a nominee until after the election.
Fri Sep 18 19:18:22
if that really is the case, if the clown loses or if his circus loses the senate they will vote in whoever he puts forward in between Nov 3rd and inauguration day.
Fri Sep 18 19:21:21
also, 53 seats, they can afford to lose 3 and collins would be down to vote for anyone the clown puts forward (even in between election day and the inauguration). she voted for the frat kid after all.
Fri Sep 18 19:22:43
Im sure he can come up with 59 Senators and Pence can break any tie.

Where is that list Trump came up with to replace?
Fri Sep 18 19:23:21
Fri Sep 18 19:26:06
Fri Sep 18 19:27:16

(counting Roberts as a filthy pedo lib)
renzo marQuez
Fri Sep 18 19:29:02
Replacement between election day and inauguration is possible. But there won't be any meaningful movement before the election.
Fri Sep 18 19:30:59
Itll be 6-3 rugian
Fri Sep 18 19:32:50
"You'll regret this, and you may regret this a lot sooner than you think."-Mitch McConnell to Harry Reid when Obama and Reid colluded to use the Nuclear option.
Fri Sep 18 19:33:26
Obaminated, Rugian has a silly hatred of Roberts.
sam adams
Fri Sep 18 19:36:15
the wanderer
Fri Sep 18 19:38:48
it was McConnell who extended what Reid did to SC justices

I would guess it will be a woman nominated as Trump trying desperately to pander to them given so many find him repulsive
renzo marQuez
Fri Sep 18 19:39:04
Roberts seems to be a cuckold and/or a pedophile.
Fri Sep 18 19:40:22
Asian woman! First asian woman justice in history. Yes!!!
Fri Sep 18 20:27:45

Mitch says it will have a vote on the floor.
Sam Adams
Fri Sep 18 20:42:15
dude black women!

candice owens for supreme court!


common trump, of all your epic trolls this could be the most epic of all trolls.
the wanderer
Fri Sep 18 21:28:40
shitbag McConnell is claiming Rs won in the Senate in the 2018 midterms so justification to nominate now

the midterms had historic D over R voting, the only reason it didn't show in Senate was because Rs were defending hardly any seats that cycle... and that fucking shitbag knows it
Fri Sep 18 21:32:43
"that fucking shitbag knows it"

what did the dems do when there was complete trifeca rule of government with a huge majority in the house and a veto proof supermajority in the senate? the democratic party is useless to most ppl who vote for it. the repubs only do what is natural, that is to look out for themselves and their voters only.
Fri Sep 18 21:33:53
i don't give a flying fuck about the lily ledbedder act either.
Fri Sep 18 21:46:06
Tw , It's a matter of timing. The fact is the R have a legitimate majority in the Senate. They got voted in. Tbh if every single Senator got voted in today, they would likely remain in power. Now the dems are favored atm to win a majority this election but again its because of timing, they are defending more seats, that's just how the Senate works.

It makes sense though. The Senate was supposed to be a counter measure to the more mob mentality based HoR. If the country had a big sudden change of heart and act recklessly this is meant to prevent an entire shift of government and ward off rapid and drastic power shifts

Me personally I'm not sure im in favor of the direct vote Senators, if modern politics is the result ( amongst other things) thats not a great case for that change in the law. Back in the day state representatives elected Senators to also ward off the mob mentality of house.
sam adams
Fri Sep 18 21:47:20
The gop had a majority for 2017-2019.

They did nothing either.


Government in general is incompetent.
sam adams
Fri Sep 18 21:51:24
Its funny that all these "anti-war" dems are screaming civil war and burn it all down.

These same fucking assholes that wanted to save those poor wittle iraqis want to kill other americans now.
Fri Sep 18 21:56:01
Sam, The Senate actually appointed shitloads of Judges.So they got somethung done.
the wanderer
Fri Sep 18 22:02:16
I guess the sleaziest thing to do is plan to confirm the justice in Nov or Dec regardless of election but to tell the cultists they have to vote Trump to get the person... so that's probably what the Trump/GOP crime syndicate will do
Fri Sep 18 22:11:23
Tw, Is it any less sleazy that democrats are attacking the same acts they celebrated a few years ago?

You seem to be odnthe opinion that it is less sleazy when democrats do the same shit that you see as sleazy when Republicans do it.
sam adams
Fri Sep 18 22:20:00
You know, if trump was smart, he would totally play the sad compassionate compromiser and say "we will honor her memory and not vote on a replacement untill after the people have spoken".

That would earn him a cool million votes. Maybe 2.
Fri Sep 18 22:29:56

Remember that RBG was against holding off the vote before when Obama was in office. She said " a potus is elected for all four years".

Sam, No, what is 1 million votes soread across the country. Plus he looks weak and Inneffective.

Not to mention we have 5% chance of the scotus deciding the election.
Sat Sep 19 01:29:35
Regarding "her last words" to her grandaughter. No bullshit, i can 100% tell thats a flat out lie. My dad died of pancreatic cancer. His last month was basically him sleeping and mumbling incoherent shit. No way was this 87 year old woman, on her death bed able to be aware of the political situation of her death.
Sat Sep 19 01:40:27
yeah, we all knownits BS. politicking.
Sat Sep 19 02:02:09

possible replacements. He will likley add a woman.

For some reason, Catholics flock to the SC.
the wanderer
Sat Sep 19 02:28:58
"Is it any less sleazy that democrats are attacking the same acts they celebrated a few years ago?"

what are you referring to?

it was totally proper for Garland to be voted on... but as anti-American Mitch fucked him over he should stick to his own rule now
the wanderer
Sat Sep 19 02:33:48
Lindsey Graham is on video saying what happened to Garland was now precedent (not to vote on any SC justice in election year)

& said to mark his words & feel free to use against him

not that he will stick to it

plus some Thune hypocrisy:

Sen John Thune, 2016. "Since the next presidential election is already underway, the next president should make this lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court."

Sen John Thune, 2020: “President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee will receive a vote on the floor of the U.S. Senate.”

D's can be hypocritical too obviously, but on this issue it's entirely the R's, D's complaining is not hypocrisy
Sat Sep 19 02:39:57
Dems should just expand the Supreme Court and be done with it. 2022 will be a tough election but not unwinnable given how many vulnerable Republican senators there are. And 2024, a lot of old fucktards will be dead and the map will be apocalyptic for Republicans as they exist today.

Rugian and Obaminated and the other incel freaks are only a tiny part of the Republican coalition. Their largest group of voters are White Evangelicals who are dying off in droves along with nearly half of young Evangelicals leaving the faith because they've become obscenely hypocritical.

Just gotta ride the wave of stupid as these dumb fucks die off.
Sat Sep 19 03:00:08
tw, If Mitch can make precedent he can define it. Je left it vague for a reason. It only counts realistically when it suits him but he will claim its because they also have the Senate.

But like I said, his is merely the Republicans shooting back the arrow that was shot at them first.
Sat Sep 19 08:14:04
Every action the Rs have taken over the past eight years (Benghazi ad infinitum, Merrick Garland, embracing and then basically pledging fealty to Trump, pumping out judicial appointments, trying to get likely D voters to disenfranchise themselves, RBG doubletalk) makes more sense if you stop trying to interpret these actions as coming from a party that sees itself as viable in the mid to long term. If they did, they'd be more interested in growing their base by (at least pretending) to act in a principled manner.

The actions make perfect sense as the actions of a party who knows they are in the twilight years of their competitiveness in two branches of federal government, however. If you really believe there's no tomorrow, acting like there's no tomorrow is rational behavior.

The right has outted itself as a craven bunch who believe any means are justified by the ends and no potential supporter is worth turning away. Trump can go ahead and make this appointment. He will lose in November, both chambers of Congress go D despite the built-in R flyover country advantage, and - if the Ds can manage to do anything more competent than trip over their own dicks - the Rs will fade away, never holding national power again.
Sat Sep 19 08:22:38
I would say that it is very likely Biden will win the election. Best to prepare ahead of time to call overzealous fdr style legislation to preserve our constitution and way of life.

Its not as though the Obama administration didnt push through candidates even to the point of changing the rules to make it easier to push them through.
Wrath of Orion
Sat Sep 19 08:40:52
All this does is once again expose the hypocrisy of both sides. They're all giant pieces of shit.
Sat Sep 19 08:45:46
Lol, the self claimed billionaire on this board believes the best course of action is to make more seats on the supreme court. What a fucking totalitarian shit heel.
Sat Sep 19 08:55:46
Can you guess where he got the idea?

"The one thing Democrats can do to stop Trump from replacing Justice Ginsburg
Court-packing may be the only solution."

Sat Sep 19 09:42:25
> If you really believe there's no tomorrow, acting like there's no tomorrow is rational behavior.

To expand on this: games (in the game theory sense) can have different equilibria depending on whether they are single shot games or repeated games. Stiffing the other guy may be the preferred move in a single shot game but if the same players repeat, the guy who got screwed is going to have a vendetta next time around. Show that you'll defect and screw me in prisoner's dilemma, next round I'll screw you too.

Our politics mostly worked as a repeated game when it worked. Don't blatantly act in bad faith or it will come back to bite you next round. All of the R moves make more sense if you stop trying to understand "how do Rs possibly think this won't come back to bite them going forward," because they just don't care. They see this as their last playthrough so who gives a shit about alienating their own moderates, minorities, college-educated white people, Congressional colleagues, anybody. tax cuts, judicial appointments, everything: it's now or never. Don't have to worry about who your going out of business sale pisses off. The Grand Ole Yolo.
Sat Sep 19 09:53:50
Chuck, In all fairness its a 2 way street. You seem to forget that you could say all of tbose things about democrats as well.
Sat Sep 19 09:55:50
A few examples are Obamacare,she's, BLM nd Obama's pushing through things with rule changes to circumvent the normal way to do things, theyndidnt think they would backfire? It gabe rise to a Trump presidency.
Sat Sep 19 10:08:57

That thing that well over half the country supports?
Sat Sep 19 10:21:42
Habebe -

I disagree. These seem more like examples of things you don't like as opposed to examples of how Democrats stopped playing the game by the ordinary rules of legislative party politics.

Take Obamacare. It was watered down to try to make it palatable to moderate Ds and Rs. It passed on party lines after concessions were made to try to win some bipartisan support. I don't think legislation that passes solely on party lines - especially when a sincere attempt at compromise has been made - demonstrates a disregard for norms.

Getting rid of the filibuster for judicial appointments could be a D example here. I'm not totally convinced there, though. If the minority policy has a "filibuster every nominee" policy, then they've already made a drastic break with tradition. In the face of that, I feel it's not reasonable to say "k, guess the Senate just won't appoint any more judges until one party or the other has a filibuster-proof Senate majority." Calling it the "nuclear option" is an apt analogy. It's never rational to launch nukes against an enemy who can also nuke you, except when your enemy has already launched nukes at you. "Filibuster all judicial nominees" is already going nuclear.
sam adams
Sat Sep 19 10:27:27
Wrath of Orion
Member Sat Sep 19 08:40:52
All this does is once again expose the hypocrisy of both sides. They're all giant pieces of shit."

correct. Both parties will do the exact opposite of what they did 4 years.
Sat Sep 19 10:30:46
Republican congressmen act much like Republican shitheads on the streets:

They antagonize you to the point that you have to respond.
When you respond, they cry foul.
Then they shoot you in the face, saying that they were only defending themselves.

At least a previous Republican hero, Mistah Chaney, just shot you in the face and got it over with instead of pussyfooting around like a coward.
Sat Sep 19 10:35:29
> correct. Both parties will do the exact opposite of what they did 4 years.

One party is saying "fine, let's play by the rules you pulled out of your ass 4 years ago."

The other party is saying "we're pulling new rules out of our ass because we don't actually abide by any rules, we just make them up to justify what we are doing."

The two parties are only doing the "exact opposite of what they did 4 years ago" at a superficial level. The Rs are doing exactly the same thing they did four years ago with respect to breaking our government: making up rules as they go to justify actions whose only real justification is "the ends justify the means."
Sat Sep 19 10:52:15

Notice in these discussions of bad faith behavior, generally when someone throws out a cynical "well, both sides would have done it," it's the Rs who have actually done the thing and the Ds who hypothetically would have done the same thing.

"In a hypothetical world where Obama was a New York huckster, lifelong degenerate and conman, if he had been impeached for committing crimes while in office, our soothsayers assure us that Senate Democrats would have refused to even call witnesses during his trial. We find this thought comforting."
Sat Sep 19 10:58:53
Member Sat Sep 19 08:55:46
"Can you guess where he got the idea?

"The one thing Democrats can do to stop Trump from replacing Justice Ginsburg
Court-packing may be the only solution."


ROFL Dukhat is so predictable.

Dukhat: "Trump is a wannabe fascist dictator!"

Also Dukhat: "pReSiDeNt HaRrIs ShOuLd StAcK tHe JuDiCiArY uNtIl It CaNt OpPoSe HeR"
Sat Sep 19 10:59:35
And how long has Dukhat been talking about this mass die-off of Republican voters? We were hearing this same shit in 2016, and the GOP swept that year.
Sat Sep 19 11:00:06
Yawn. More bitching about partisan fuckery surrounding a partisan shitshow of a court.

It's almost like this was the exact kind of shitshow that was extensively warned about.
Sat Sep 19 11:00:06
Yawn. More bitching about partisan fuckery surrounding a partisan shitshow of a court.

It's almost like this was the exact kind of shitshow that was extensively warned about.
Sat Sep 19 11:24:17
Yawn. The cognitive dissonance of realizing I support bad faith behavior that is breaking my country bothers me so I'd rather not talk about it. Its probably for the best if I just try to derail any discussion I come across without making points.
Sat Sep 19 11:34:31
Yawn. The retardation of assuming I don't support waiting until Jan 20 to maintain ideological consistency, because you view everything in a right/left paradigm.

Precisely the paradigm that exacerbates the divide and leads to blatantly hypocritical Machiavellian behavior.

And pretending that it's this behavior, a symptom of the problem, that is the core problem itself. Lol
the wanderer
Sat Sep 19 12:05:50
"But like I said, his is merely the Republicans shooting back the arrow that was shot at them first. "

what are you referring to? stop being vague

if talking about filibuster, they already shot back by McConnell changing rules to get Gorsuch & the drunk

Garland is a purely stolen seat if they go through with this no matter what bullshit they use to rationalize it
the wanderer
Sat Sep 19 12:25:02
past comments from Graham, McConnell, Rubio, Cruz:


skip to 0:35 if you can't handle hearing a CNN person speak
Sat Sep 19 12:41:01
Dems tried this, they broke trust, now they pay for it. Case closed.
Sat Sep 19 13:17:48
^^ case in point, the majority of our electoral demographic are shills like tw that don't mind the increasing partisanship of the courts, as long as they get "their turn". Don't "steal" it!
the wanderer
Sat Sep 19 14:20:47
how do my comments support increasing partisanship in the courts?

and in what way was the Garland seat not stolen?

a fake rule made up by a horribly corrupt dick (as proven not just on this issue)
Sat Sep 19 14:34:28
"It was our turn, it was stoooooolen"

If judges are nonpartisan, and SCOTUS is simply utilizing its intended powers, that shouldn't matter.
the wanderer
Sat Sep 19 14:41:37
there's certainly no taking turns

& judges are sadly partisan, no issue here would change them to being non-partisan

McConnell holding a seat for 11 months doesn't make it more or less partisan, just does in fact steal it for his side based on nonsense that he is now admitting he never believed (+ plenty of other R's)

i don't even know how to see D hypocrisy on this... yes they wanted Garland voted on as that's what should have happened, but R's made a new rule (as Lyndsey Graham admitted... that they were creating a new rule: no SC justices in election year)

& of course Graham now backing out of that as he has proven to be a weasel repeatedly
the wanderer
Sat Sep 19 14:47:54
Garland would've been a much less partisan pick than the mandatory pro-life person Trump will be told to pick

he would've been up against an R senate w/ the 60 votes still in effect
Sat Sep 19 15:37:37
Tw further entering meltdown territory.
the wanderer
Sat Sep 19 16:20:28
i'm afraid not, you horribly misinformed mark

to add to chuck's portrait... the R's had no platform at convention, & Trump is not running on any policies
Sat Sep 19 16:42:34
Moment the dems get both houses, should just impeach all the justices and appoint new ones. Ditto republicans.

It's the logical extension of having partisan appointed judges.

Might as well elect them directly. What could go wrong?
Sat Sep 19 16:54:26

"Both parties will do the exact opposite of what they did 4 years."

Dems can't very well now nod along and say "Yes, this appointment is entirely legitimate; you were wrong last time when you stole a justice on the basis of a new rule, but it is fine to go back to the old rules now, you always get to appoint justices, we never do".

The best framing would be to say "so, are you stealing a judicial appointment now, or were you stealing it then?"

But basically in the face of such hypocrisy, there is no real way to play ball anymore. The dems need to ratfuck like the republicans. Win both houses, impeach ever republican appointed judge, appoint their own utter hacks, pass some outrageous laws to lock in power, and win the test cases and accelerate the inevitable conflict.
Sat Sep 19 17:07:29
"both sides"

oh god, this bs again.
Sat Sep 19 17:23:54
Chuck, Enforcing the current rule of 60 votes was the norm, what wasnt the norm was super partisanship. That as a reaction to Obama being the most liberal administration we have had since FDR.

While dickish of the Republicans, is still acting within normal rules. Abandoning the filibuster is circumventing the rules. Which was within there power to do so. The problem is once you head down that path of changing thenrules of the game they lose the right to call foul when thenother team does it.

As for Obama care, the dems DID try to compromise. The problem is the Republicans fundamentally* oppose government UHC, no compromise could have changed there minds, and remember it was strongly opposed by a large portion of people.

I personally am in favor of UHC over our current/previous sustems atleast. But the manner in which they pushed things through that were so opposed by like 40% of the public caused in a direct way the rise of Trump who now has relaxed rules to push his own agenda.

The term The Nuclear option btw was from Trent Lott back in the W days. The Republicans of those days chose not to go through with it.
Sat Sep 19 17:30:54
"both sides"

oh god, this bs again"

This is a common sentiment of the left. That they are infaliable and its always the Republicans acting out of line.

This is Trump literally using the Obama rule change to his advantage. A rule change that was smugly thrust upon the Republicans at the time to which Mitch warned that they were letting the genie out of the bottle and may not like it when the shoe is on the other foot.
Sat Sep 19 17:30:55
"both sides"

oh god, this bs again"

This is a common sentiment of the left. That they are infaliable and its always the Republicans acting out of line.

This is Trump literally using the Obama rule change to his advantage. A rule change that was smugly thrust upon the Republicans at the time to which Mitch warned that they were letting the genie out of the bottle and may not like it when the shoe is on the other foot.
the wanderer
Sat Sep 19 18:45:53
"This is Trump literally using the Obama rule change to his advantage."

A) it's a McConnell rule change you're talking about

B) it's the wrong McConnell rule change you're talking about

Gorsuch & the drunk were rule A, this is about B (w/ a side order of A)

there is no D equivalent to 'meh, we can't vote on a justice this year, it's an election' to 'yeah, we gotta vote on a justice this year even though it's an election'
sam adams
Sat Sep 19 19:04:36
Member Sat Sep 19 17:07:29
"both sides"

oh god, this bs again."

Lol, y2a is one of the far left fanatics that thinks his side is perfect and the other nice?
Sat Sep 19 19:36:18
it's pretty simple. the repubs stole a SC pick from a dem administration. the dems haven't done anything anywhere near the same. not everything is 50/50. both sides ideology needs to be rejected outright as lazy logic.
Sat Sep 19 19:37:58
and in case you haven't noticed, from my years of posts here, my thoughts are that the democratic party is largely incompetent. i don't devote myself to cults of personality, that is more of a trait of the clown and his cult followers.
Sat Sep 19 19:41:45
it's like, you don't even have to be biased or ideological about it. in fact, i am constantly impressed by how good these guys are at being able to screw over the majority in this country through gerrymandering, voter suppression and other voter disinformation campaigns while the useless democrats stand there with their dicks in their hands.
Sam Adams
Sat Sep 19 20:34:15
Its pretty simple. Both sides are contributing to hyper-partisan extremism. The gop stole a pick last election, the dems will do something else retarded and extreme, like condone riots.

If this keeps up, its going to lead to civil war.
the wanderer
Sat Sep 19 21:42:49
Trump fully capable of inciting a civil war if he loses

and he's put himself over country repeatedly so far

so... we'll see
Sun Sep 20 00:43:09
Tw . McConnells rule just extends it reach to SC judges.

That is a rule change. The no SC judges to.be voted on in an election year shit is not a rule change.Mtlitxh just decided to do that shit. Its not a rule.

Now I could argue that the difference is that the Republicans have the potus and the Senate, so that makes a.difference, I won t.

The only difference it makes is that within party ranks theybhave the full authority to do it, but by that logic the time part qbput an election year doesnt seem to hold sway either.
the wanderer
Sun Sep 20 02:24:28
"McConnells rule just extends it reach to SC judges"

which was bad

"Its not a rule"

"we are setting a precedent here today, Republicans are... that's going to be the new rule" (on no SC justices in election year)
~Lindsey Graham

^in the [Sat Sep 19 12:25:02] link
(see all 4 hypocrites in that video in fact)
the wanderer
Sun Sep 20 02:38:33
also in regards to McConnell making Reid's change worse, it wasn't like that was necessary to 'get even' or something, they have taken full advantage of the changes Reid made without needing to worsen them

the blaming of only Reid is just to deflect away Mitch's role in damaging the system

Mitch a horrible person... power corrupts & he's fully corrupted
Sun Sep 20 02:42:57
Lindsey can call ot whatever he wants, norm is not the same as a rule.

If the filibuster was just a norm, no legislative action would have been needed to change it.

What Mitch is doing is slimy. There is no way he wont do it , for the sole purpose of its just too good to pass up.

Its no less slimy IMHO* than Obama/Reid letting the genie out of the bottle. I personally see that as worse because without that I dont think se would see this happening now.
the wanderer
Sun Sep 20 11:45:17
there were reasons

“We're going to do everything — and I mean everything we can do — to kill it, stop it, slow it down, whatever we can.”
~ drug lord John Boehner

“The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”
~ Mitch 'i'm really corrupt' McConnell

(plus he specifically wanted to keep judicial spots open so he could fill him... all part of his evil plan)
Sun Sep 20 11:51:30
Mitch certainly is a great strategist.

I will say Id love to see lindseys reasoning why he is niw supporting the appointment. AKA mr " You can use my words against me"
Sun Sep 20 13:51:20
"shitbag McConnell is claiming Rs won in the Senate in the 2018 midterms so justification to nominate now

the midterms had historic D over R voting, the only reason it didn't show in Senate was because Rs were defending hardly any seats that cycle... and that fucking shitbag knows it"

Republicans did gain 2 seats in the Senate.

The whole point of the Senate is that every state is equal and gets 2 senators.
Sun Sep 20 13:59:36
Yes, the country elected trump, he job doesnt end until he is out of office. He gets to pick and push through (thanks dems) his sc nom
the wanderer
Sun Sep 20 15:30:17
D's were defending ~27 seats to ~8 seats for R's in 2018 Senate races (extraordinarily lopsided)
(not looking up exact #'s, but i -know- R's were under 10)

so it's not a reflection of what people wanted, the House was a reflection of what people wanted as all seats voted on & it was a record differential in D's over R's


"Yes, the country elected trump, he job doesnt end until he is out of office. He gets to pick and push through (thanks dems) his sc nom"

except that didn't apply to Obama...

this isn't hard... as universally respected Seb said:
"so, are you stealing a judicial appointment now, or were you stealing it then?"
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