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Utopia Talk / Politics / so wazz da big fuzz about dune?
The Children
Fri Sep 25 12:24:15
just watched it.


1 hour in, this shit is so boring.

wazz da big fuzz about.
jesus, and whats with da obsession with iraq.

did they start iraq war 1 based on this money or something. jesus, the obsession is unreal.

The Children
Fri Sep 25 12:25:08
1 hour in, i still dunno what the fuck is about.

so they got some spices, they got some natives and they fightin over that planet and they at war. the fuck, this shits so boring.

Fri Sep 25 12:48:49
Didn't know its out already. Is it a series?
Fri Sep 25 14:55:48
I think he is watching the movie from 1984?

I'll admit it isn't as action packed as watching someone stream Battlefield 1 but give it a chance The Children. Maybe watch it twice and if you still don't get what is going on read the book.
Sam Adams
Fri Sep 25 14:57:16
Ya, the original dune was pretty bad.
Fri Sep 25 15:25:51
Read the book.
Wrath of Orion
Fri Sep 25 17:25:56
There is no way the TC multi could actually comprehend the book.
The Children
Sat Sep 26 01:49:04
what can u expect from borin delusional idiots with no taste than 2 promote borin stupid movies/ franchises.
i expect nottin from da likes of u.

do u even know what taste is.
rofl i can tell shit production from a mile away.

melange? wtf, thats what tea is called, u dumb fucks. arraqis is obviously iraq. it showed the clear obsession with iraq and its oil.

naturally only true colonialist wuld drool over this video becoz it shows how colonialism is done.

The Children
Sat Sep 26 04:05:21
why do they constantly fuckin whisper when they talk. its supposed 2 be what going on in there minds. but it sounds so gayish.

Sat Sep 26 04:12:51
Because only Tumbleweed is a mind reader and the rest of us need some form of narration.
The Children
Sat Sep 26 04:31:18
what a pisspoor fuck of a movie.

he just met that girl and 5 minutes later they were kissin like lovers and like they known eachother 4 years.

then i finally realized. these books they based this shit on, is prolly 10 books of each 500 pages...

and the compressed all that crap into a 2 hour movie. no wonder nottin in this crapfest movie makes any sense!

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