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Utopia Talk / Politics / The reason people laugh at liberals
Sat Sep 26 00:34:48

We’re Raising Our Daughter Gender-Neutral, but She Only Wants Pink Dresses
Where did we mess up?
Sat Sep 26 08:48:22
Sat Sep 26 09:09:26
” For the first two years of her life, she was constantly mistaken for a boy”

All babies look alike. Its hard to tell what gender they have when they are that young.

But sure, if you put on a pink dress on a baby boy then maybe people will think that the baby is a girl just because he is wearing pink. But there are grown up men who wears pink clothes, like shirts, too. So pink should’nt be a color designated for girls only.

It is also stupid that they think they messed up because their child is asking for pink clothes. If she wants a pink or a blue dress, just shut up and get it for her.
Anarchist Prime
Sat Sep 26 09:27:19
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