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Utopia Talk / Politics / china saves da world
The Children
Sun Sep 27 02:19:00


its happenin. and China did this in less than 30 years.

by comparison, the ego centric us of a had 100 years and didnt do nada 4 da world. in fact, they withdrew from kyoto and paris becoz they didnt help da world.

they feel it is an act. a hoax.

Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Sun Sep 27 02:45:43
Hey we've discussed this before just cause you have a micro-dick doesn't mean your Chinese.
Sun Sep 27 11:12:12
China is hands down the worst polluter by like every measure.
Sun Sep 27 23:45:39
The US has actually lowered their emissions. China has agreed to continue creating more pollution for another decade and then maybe stay at that level if it suits them.
Sun Sep 27 23:51:14
The US has actually drastically reduced emissions. However thats mostly because of switching away from expensive coal to cheap NG.
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