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Utopia Talk / Politics / I'm a pedophile? wtf?
Fri Nov 21 16:07:34
OK, I shall point this out downright honestly. I like young girls. But that doesn't mean 6 or 8 or even 12 or 14 year olds. I like young girls as in the girls of fuckable age (18+) and that I'd much rather prefer to get with someone who is younger than my age than someone of an older age. So what's so wrong with that?

And I don't know how many Asian women you have met irl but here at UCLA, most Asian girls seriously look the age of 14 or 15 yet their real age is 20 and 21. Maybe it's because I'm Asian or something but I think White girls just age quicker than the Asian women, so in comparison, Asian girls look a lot younger (and fresher) than that of the White girls, and I'm naturally pulled to girls who look younger and better. There's a huge difference in looking like a 15 year old and looking like 25. I find Asian girls cute and pretty because they are so petite and fresh looking.

BUT, I have never dated any girls of 15 or 16 years old (except when I was a freshman in high school when I was 15). I know the boundaries of what's legal and what's not. Some of them mature quick physically and are actually physically very hot, yes, but what detracts me away from them are their mental maturity level. They are going through puberty and I'm in my 20's. I don't think we'll be fit for each other. So I'd not go out with them. Would I bone them? Probably, but then most of you will to if there wasn't any legal barrier to it.

How does this make me a pedophile?
Fri Nov 21 16:17:52
girls are fuckable at 16 yr old
but to be sure let's say 17
perfectly fuckable!
Fri Nov 21 16:18:36
Fri Nov 21 16:25:07
Had you not kidnapped those kids from HR and put them under your own staircase this wouldn't be a problem. Rummor has it Lil' Johnny is really confused right now and would like for you to leave his private parts alone.
Fri Nov 21 16:25:56
What part of stay the fuck out of UP don't you understand?
Real Fred
Fri Nov 21 16:26:20
ROFL, Poison posted in a way to make it look like he has a choice in girls to date, which he obviously doesn't. Poison couldn't get laid in TJ with a handful of hundred dollar bills.
Fri Nov 21 16:27:35
Well he would certainlly have sex in that situation but it wouldn't be entirely voluntery and he would be on the receiving end. Then again, maybe he would volunteer.
Fri Nov 21 16:32:42
"Poison posted in a way to make it look like he has a choice in girls to date"

I actually do. There're Em, Robin, Annie, Ara, Mimi, and Jessica for now. Some are ugly, but some are just stunningly beautiful.
Fri Nov 21 16:34:21
Pets don't count
Fri Nov 21 16:35:29
I don't get it.

Last time you were accused of being a pedophile (which you indeed are) was about 2 months ago.

Fuck off and don't come back popping things from the past into our beloved forum, bitch.
Fri Nov 21 16:35:53
They aren't pets. Em is Thai, Jessica is Korean-Chinese Mixed, and the rest are Koreans. Don't be sad that you are stuck with that troll of a wife of yours for the rest of your life.
Fri Nov 21 16:36:04
so u namid ur barbie dols poson
Fri Nov 21 16:36:46
"Fuck off and don't come back popping things from the past into our beloved forum, bitch."

Ask Rugian, Eikey, Real Fred, and WoO. The last time I got called pedo was 2 hours ago.
Master Bates
Fri Nov 21 16:36:46
Please move this crap to the LodT
Real Fred
Fri Nov 21 16:37:01
Well, if you're gonna date rape, then age really doesn't matter anyway.
Fri Nov 21 16:37:43
You know what Poison reminds me of those people on "To catch a Predator" Poison reminds me of the retards that are just soo stupid and such losers that they can only impress 8 year old girl and a very naive ones at that.
Fri Nov 21 16:39:05
so tell me, how is getting a boner to a naked 16 year old chick's hot bod is considered pedophile?
Fri Nov 21 16:49:28
"so tell me, how is getting a boner to a naked 16 year old chick's hot bod is considered pedophile?"

- Given that you've stated that Asian chicks usually look younger than their age (a statement I agree with), a 16 year old Asian girl will usually look younger than 16 (lets say 14 for argument's sake). QED, I think you just owned yourself.
Fri Nov 21 16:51:28
No you moron. I also said asian girls age later. So asian girls' look don't change much (if at all) from when they were 16 to when they become 20, except maybe their boob gets bigger.
Master Bates
Fri Nov 21 16:53:16
Chinese women do not have boobs. They have incaved little boys chests.
Fri Nov 21 16:55:21
"how is getting a boner to a naked 16 year old chick's hot bod is considered pedophile?"

- 16 years old. That is what you said. Not 20, not 25. 16. According to you, they usually look younger than their age, ergo looking younger than 16. That is pedophilic, at least up here in Canada. I can't put it any clearer terms for you to understand.
Wrath of Orion
Fri Nov 21 16:56:01
"Ask Rugian, Eikey, Real Fred, and WoO. The last time I got called pedo was 2 hours ago."


Anyway, you'll be a virgin forever, Poison, so it doesn't matter.
Fri Nov 21 16:57:15
lol @ MB, not totally true, but yeah, some can be mighty small.
Master Bates
Fri Nov 21 16:58:11
Well, apart from Mika.
Fri Nov 21 17:01:04
No you fucking idiot. Listen carefully so your thick skull can get my point through.

White girls and Asian girls age relatively the same rate until they reach 15 or 16. From there, White girls start aging super fast that by the time they reach 20, they look like fucking 25 year old woman. Asian girls, on the other hand, do not age much quickly and some even stay status quo, even if they reach 20, they may still look as if they are still 15 or 16 years old. One drawback is, the Asian girls age super quickly all of a sudden when they reach certain age so it balances out.

In another word, White woman age super fast in their teenage years, but steadily afterward whereas Asian woman age super slow in their teenage years and on but superfast when they reach, let's say 30. This has to do with genetics and works the same way for men.
firestorm Phoenix
Fri Nov 21 17:03:51
Poison's not a pedo. He'll happily get girls of legal age drunk and ponder raping them.
Master Bates
Fri Nov 21 17:05:24
Poisons the only thing more pathetic than a pedo, a failed, virgin pedo.
Firestorm Phoenix
Fri Nov 21 17:08:44
He strives to be the best at failing.
Master Bates
Fri Nov 21 17:08:47


Fri Nov 21 17:12:16
You still fail to provide me with a reason on why getting hots for a 16 year old is considered pedophile.
Firestorm Phoenix
Fri Nov 21 17:13:41
Aaaaaannd...SELF PWNED!
Fri Nov 21 17:15:08
"White girls and Asian girls age relatively the same rate until they reach 15 or 16."

Is this an attempt at English?
Fri Nov 21 17:17:31
English is not my first language. FUCK YOU.

"Pedophilia - This disorder is characterized by either intense sexually arousing fantasies, urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child (typically age 13 or younger). To be considered for this diagnosis, the individual must be at least 16 years old and at least 5 years older than the child."

16 > 13.

How am I suffering form Pedophilia?
Fri Nov 21 17:18:33
"English is not my first language. FUCK YOU. "

I thought you're a fag pedo virgin who is an American who studies at UCLA
Master Bates
Fri Nov 21 17:19:25
His first language is actually Pedophilia
Fri Nov 21 17:19:47
oh, shucks for him.
Fri Nov 21 17:20:33
No, I was born in Seoul. I am American since I've obtained citizenship.
Fri Nov 21 17:27:04
So the fact you only correct me over your geographic location, and not about you being a fag pedo virgin, proves that you are indeed a fag pedo virgin.

Wasn't the guy at VirginiaTech also from Seoul or something?
Wrath of Orion
Fri Nov 21 17:49:52
I am still trying to figure out why my name was mentioned.
Fri Nov 21 17:54:25
Poison is in love. My sympathies.
Wrath of Orion
Fri Nov 21 17:55:35
Well, it seemed to be saying I knew he had recently been called a pedo. But I didn't know that, and so I'm confused.
Fri Nov 21 17:56:26
It will be over if you tell him you're over 13. Then he'll just look for some other person to stalk.
Wrath of Orion
Fri Nov 21 17:57:09
Is he a gay pedo?
Fri Nov 21 17:58:11
I believe that is the general consensus.
Fri Nov 21 17:59:28
I like how I can not even say a single goddamn word and still get blamed for trolling. Hillarious.

Real Fred
Fri Nov 21 18:01:53
"No, I was born in Seoul. I am American since I've obtained citizenship. "

You are an AINO. You are and will always be a gook.
Wrath of Orion
Fri Nov 21 18:02:08
Does anyone have a link to where this started?
Fri Nov 21 18:03:12
Go find it yourself, HOer. Or better yet, slash your wrists and jump in the lake.
Fri Nov 21 18:03:15
Fri Nov 21 18:06:15
LoL, Poison likes asian girls because they are all he can get. He doesn't have any mad skills to get a nice blonde or better yet eastern european or brazillian girl.
Fri Nov 21 18:07:11
Dukhat, WTF are you talking about? Eastern European girls are the biggest goddamn sluts on this earth, aside from the gooks.
Tue Jun 28 18:15:09

Rugian foreshadowing our future first "lady". ;o)

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