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Utopia Talk / Politics / 10,000 soldiers
Anarchist Prime
Wed Oct 28 13:31:25
Police in Catalonia, Spain today launched Operation Volhov, to take down the support infrastructure for Carles Puigdemont, the independence leader now in exile in Belgium. The judge has pointed out that Putin offered him 10,000 soldiers and to pay off Catalan debt. Quite the read

sam adams
Wed Oct 28 13:38:39
"The judge has pointed out that Putin offered him 10,000 soldiers and to pay off Catalan debt."

Did this come from a hillary clinton dossier?
Wed Oct 28 13:40:37
Fake news, right swordfish?

Catalonia should be allowed a referendum on independence and Spain's suppression of the last one was ridiculous, but goddamm Putin manages to put a bad light on everything he touches.
Wed Oct 28 14:57:59
For once Rugian is correct. Spain's violent repression of the referendum was ridiculous, and the west looking the other way before, during, and after it happened was pathetic.
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