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Utopia Talk / Politics / Maine college goes full cancel culture
Sun Nov 22 07:25:20
Bates College removes Instagram post profiling conservative student amid backlash

Bates College removed an Instagram post in which it featured a conservative student.
The college first defended its action but eventually caved to student demands.

Bates College in Lewiston, Maine was successfully pressured by students to delete an Instagram post that featured a conservative student and his thoughts on the importance of voting.

Bates College asked Bates College Republican President Quinn Troy to send a photo and statement to be featured on its Instagram account as part of an effort to get students to vote. The now-deleted post featured Troy and quoted him on his work with the College Republicans, but Troy stressed the importance of voting, regardless of political affiliation.

“Most of my participation comes through my work with College Republicans: increasing the visibility of the club on campus, disseminating conservative ideas, and making sure that people know that there’s a space where you can support a Republican candidate without getting a side eye or without being baselessly labeled as hateful.”

“We, too, believe that we should be able to “coexist peacefully”... except when we’re being forced to coexist with people that want to kill us, poison us, and push us into war,” the Bates Black Student Union posted in response.

Later that day, Bates College posted a statement on Instagram from President Clayton Spencer that defended the decision to include a conservative in the post.

“The right to free speech - including, especially, robust debate of political views - is a core value of our democracy,” Spencer said. “The freedom to form one’s views and values by one’s own lights is also of the essence of a liberal arts education. We can only be a healthy college and society when all of us are prepared to subject our own views to scrutiny and debate, and consider the contrary views of others.”

The ability of users to comment on both the original post and Spencer’s defense were later disabled and, eventually, the posts were deleted altogether.

Bates cited “a number of violations of the college’s social and digital media comments policy” as the primary reason for the deletion.

In an Instagram post, the Bates Student Government said that the college “should not claim that both sides of this conversation are equal."

“If Bates wants to claim that it cares for all its students,” the post continued, “especially those who are persecuted directly by the actions of this administration and all its supporters, then it cannot pander to those who actively work to attack, limit, or deny the rights of those students."

As a result of the Instagram post, students organized a walk-out and held a socially-distanced protest on October 30. During the protest, according to The Bates Student, the college's president and communications director both apologized for the Instagram post.

Bates College Communications Director Sean Findlen said at the protest that various mistakes were made during the process of making the Instagram post, and told students that it would be deleted.

Troy told Campus Reform that the college community's reaction to the Instagram post has made life as a student more difficult.

"Although I’m trying to move on, the days after the post went up were really difficult. I felt completely isolated on campus. I went from being a normal college student to feeling like I didn’t belong," Troy said. “I know that the college had the best of intentions when they reached out to feature my opinion for the Instagram."

Campus Reform reached out to Bates College for comment but did not receive a response.

Sun Nov 22 07:27:32
American universities as a whole have become the enemy of free speech and diversity of opinions.

This situation will only be further exacerbated by having a Democratic president who supports the idea that conservatives should be silenced on social media.

Happy with your decision yet Biden voters?
Sun Nov 22 07:29:40
Sun Nov 22 07:36:54
Go back to China Dukhat. Its clear your values are more compatible with the CCP than the Bill of Rights.
Sun Nov 22 08:52:05
You care more about what goes on liberal campus than 99% of the rich kids that waste their parents money to go there.
Sun Nov 22 09:26:10
” Bates cited “a number of violations of the college’s social and digital media comments policy” as the primary reason for the deletion.”

It sounds like Conservatives flooded the instagram post with racist and hatefull comments, and possible death threats and dick pics too.

Racist conservatives: ”Waah! We are not allowed to say the N-word anymore! We are not allowed to write hateful comments on Bates College instagram! We are being silenced!”

The rest of the planet: ”Shaddup. Go cry to your mom.”
Sun Nov 22 10:38:36
Paramount, Europe never really had free speech, so its hard to miss it.

There was once a day when the ACLU sent Jewish attorneys to def3nd the right of Neo Nazis to defend their right to march and speak.freely.

Why? because these rights are sacrosanct.
Sun Nov 22 11:16:23
"Poll: 73 percent of Republican students have withheld political views in class for fear their grades would suffer"


I realize that I lack Dikhat's big billionaire brain for analyzing this stuff, but 73% of Republicans sounds like a lot more than 1% of students to me.

Why are you always so wrong Dikhat?
Sun Nov 22 12:01:04
Because he is a guy with mental issues who literally cannot think straight. It is to the point where you can show him facts and he will ignore them because the chemical mixture in his brain is uneven and he will never seek out mental help because he cannot understand, literally he cannot understand the concept, that he can be wrong and other people can right.
Wrath of Orion
Sun Nov 22 12:13:30
lol, mtardo talking condescendingly about someone ignoring facts. Now that's some great hypocrisy right there.
Sun Nov 22 14:19:24
This is the same Obaminated who refused to accept that electricity wasn't "discovered" by Ben Franklin! Chemical mixture in the brain you say?
Sun Nov 22 14:48:10
Bad terminology, you got me.
Sun Nov 22 15:01:46
No no, several people explained and you went:

Member Tue Sep 15 07:40:37
Im not suspicipusly quiet i was just busy. Im standing by my claim.
Sun Nov 22 15:15:24
Electricity much like Japan and Canada are hoaxes pushed by Fox news and the CIA....theyre not real.

Come one people, an island nation of 80 million people would have capsized when they fan away from the incoming Tsunamis.

The truth is out there.
Sun Nov 22 15:16:14
Canada was invented by companies to sell more maple syrup and ginger ale.
Sun Nov 22 15:54:28
Im still standing by my claim.
Sun Nov 22 16:38:00
Bigfoot was murdered to protect the logging industry.
Sun Nov 22 17:03:03
Mhmm, you need to go get your brain chemicals fixed.
Sam Adams
Sun Nov 22 21:59:35
Affirmative action is necessary to counter vast discrimination from left wing power structures.

Only hire white men.
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