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Utopia Talk / Politics / Scotland is now most progressive nation
Wed Nov 25 04:42:51
Europe is still the centre of civilization.


Scotland has become the first country in the world to make period products free for all.

MSPs unanimously approved the Period Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Bill on Tuesday.

There is now a legal duty on local authorities to ensure that free items such as tampons and sanitary pads are available to "anyone who needs them".

The bill was introduced by Labour MSP Monica Lennon. She has been campaigning to end period poverty since 2016.

She said it was a "practical and progressive" piece of legislation made all the more vital because of the coronavirus pandemic.

"Periods don't stop for pandemics and the work to improve access to essential tampons, pads and reusables has never been more important," she added.
Wed Nov 25 06:29:12
Scotland has been a progressive shithole for a while now. Its like Seb on steroids.

"Period poverty"...such a stupid fucking "issue."
Wed Nov 25 06:38:57
Basic necessities should be provided to the populace of a non-shithole nation. Seems like a good call to me.
Wed Nov 25 06:42:52
Basic necessities such as electricity, internet, fuel and housing should all be controlled and dispensed via the government?

Is this what your saying, commie?
Wed Nov 25 06:44:28
How does this work exactly? Does the government buy pads? Make them? Reimburse? What is the actual mechanism?
Wed Nov 25 06:51:28

Jeremy Corbyn actually made "nationalize the internet" one of his positions during the last election.

He ended up getting slaughtered in the last election. As it turns out, Nekran's brand of hard-core nannystatism was a step too far even for the British.
Wed Nov 25 07:17:06
"Basic necessities such as electricity, internet, fuel and housing should all be controlled and dispensed via the government?"

No. The government should make sure there is access for those in need. You've heard of social housing before?

"How does this work exactly? Does the government buy pads? Make them? Reimburse? What is the actual mechanism?"

I have no idea how it works in this instance. Reimbursement is often the method, but not always ideal. For example, since a year or two, we no longer get the part we get back from healthcare for a doctor visit reimbursed, but it is substracted automatically and the doctors get their money from the healthcare services. So now when we visit our doctor, we pay only 2 euros instead of 26 (or whatever it was) after which we had to bring in the ticket and wait for the money.

An improvement both for the decrease of paperwork, but also for making it far more accessible for poor people to go to the doctor, even if the final cost remains the same.

Preferably, it would work like the second one. The problem being though that this is a product you can buy in every store and without a doubt some fuckheads would deplete entire stocks if they were freely available. So I guess it'd have to be reimbursement.

"As it turns out, Nekran's brand of hard-core nannystatism was a step too far even for the British."

Yeah, the world is very slow at learning how societies could be run more efficiently and beneficially for all. The UK is definitely no exception there. Though I wouldn't define my views as nannystatism of course.

An educated, mobile and healthy populace is of great benefit to everyone.
Wed Nov 25 07:29:09
"Yeah, the world is very slow at learning how societies could be run more efficiently and beneficially for all."

By giving the government a monopoly on both economy and force?

Don't you Europeans have, like, a few examples from the last century that proves how bad an idea that is?
Wed Nov 25 07:31:49
Yeah, that's what I'm saying should be done...

Just like you are saying that everyone has to build and maintain the road in front of their own house and blablabla yadda yadda yadda strawman strawman.

Don't you ever tire of exaggerating every position into hyperbole?
Wed Nov 25 07:32:07
And this is absolutely an example of nannystatism. If a woman is unable to afford fucking tampons (which cost like 20 cents per), then its not my role as a taxpayer to subsidize her absolute failure of a life.
Wed Nov 25 07:35:13
"Yeah, that's what I'm saying should be done..."

How is it not? You want the government to be responsible for providing all basic necessities to the citizenry. This implies a massive taxation burden and nationalization of multiple industries, which serve to cripple the ability of citizens to accumulate wealth on their own.

Combine that with your aversion to an armed citizenry, and you end up with the government being an all-powerful institution within the state.
Wed Nov 25 07:59:13
The only industries I prefer nationalized are health care, education and public transport. As those should not be done for profit, but for efficiency and access for all.

You can easily make deals with private companies for the rest of it.

Paying for the necessities as a group deal for the entire populace is going to be cheaper than everyone trying to make deals on their own.

Just look at health care... the US pays so much more per person for health care for far shittier service than countries with universal health care. As an added bonus they saddle people up with enormous debts, though.

Your view is simply short sighted.

When the basic necessities get made available to all, even when fallen on hard circumstances, everything becomes cheaper and better for everyone.

I'll never understand why people prefer to pay more for shittier services with an added bonus of increased crime in return for some inane delusion of self-reliance.

"Combine that with your aversion to an armed citizenry, and you end up with the government being an all-powerful institution within the state."

Yeah... really not the case around these parts. Pretty sure the US government is far more powerful than the Belgian one.

Also stop kidding yourself that your silly little guns would pose any sort of problem for the US army. All they get you is regular school shootings and more violent crime.
Wed Nov 25 09:05:23
"nationalized health care"

So the power of life and death.


The power to indoctrinate the youth.

"Public transit"

The power to control freedom of movement.

Not to mention that in Belgium's case, many of your laws are coming down not from your elected legislature, but a bunch of unelected EU mandarins who have no particular regard for your country...but i digress.

As for Healthcare, yes we pay more, but shittier service? I disagree. Not being able to see a GP in a timely fashion isn't a thing. Having to wait more than two months to receive cancer treatment isn't a thing. Our biomed industry is top tier. The benefit of our system is you get what you pay for.

"Also stop kidding yourself that your silly little guns would pose any sort of problem for the US army."

*laughs in Pashtun and Vietnamese*
Wed Nov 25 09:33:54
"increased crime"

Sam Adams
lol nekran thinks not getting free tampons leads to crime. why are you this stupid nekran? this is even dumber than when seb didn't understand the difference between mean and median.


I am sorry you didn't understand your own link, you posted the link and said it was mean when in reality it was median.

If women get free tampons, men should get free razor blades then, it seems only fair. You can't go to work or on the street and look like a terrorist or barbarian. Then maybe mossad will mistake you for a terrorist and kill you. You need to shave.

ofc course the jew hating scandinavian would advocate for even more nannystatism. Do you even have facial hair bro?

my sister kids stole my gfs tampoons once and built a snowman. I told her god dam it, keep those kids out of the trashcan.

Hello Retard Rod 2.0

This thread is full of poorly constructed clichés. Who told you people this was a good idea? Also, as the father of 3 girls, yeay free tampons!

Maxipads for the people!

You see? I don't need you people anymore, I'm a one man UP road show.
Wed Nov 25 10:13:29
"And this is absolutely an example of nannystatism. If a woman is unable to afford fucking tampons (which cost like 20 cents per), then its not my role as a taxpayer to subsidize her absolute failure of a life. "

This is akin to giving cell phones to homeless people. If the woman cannot afford the $3 a month, then you should probably be doing more than just handing her a tampon.

Realistically, the government should have a set of needed jobs that pay a living wage that are always open, so if someone has failed at life and needs money they can take the job and do whatever(pick up garbage, clean government buildings, deliver letters, trim trees, etc...).
Wed Nov 25 10:22:56
You are focussing too much on tampons specifically.

It's about including it to the the list of things that are considered necessitites that society should make sure everybody has access to. Sounds reasonable to me.

Also lol @ Nimi's post... pretty spot on.
Wed Nov 25 10:25:52
So... food is free? Housing is free? Water is free? Clothing is free?
Wed Nov 25 10:34:14
No, sadly things aren't that great here yet either. universal basic income... I'm sure it's coming, but societies evolve dissapointingly slowly.

There are, however, all sorts of systems in place to provide these things more cheaply for the poor. There's social housing, there are homeless shelters, there is a minimum amount of water the water companies are obliged to provide, there are places where one can freely go and get second hand clothing,...

It's far from perfect, but provisions are made.
Wed Nov 25 10:47:15
What about free toothbrushes and toothpaste? Free soap, shampoo and deodorant? End BO poverty now!
Wed Nov 25 11:02:09
Deodorant is nonsense.

But yeah... universal basic income would have to cover all the basic necessities. I'd definitely include soap and tooth paste in that, yes.
Wed Nov 25 11:08:39
"Deodorant is nonsense."

You have clearly never taken public transit.
large member
Wed Nov 25 11:13:35
The legislation just underpins clinic and school funding for these things.

Its not tampons on demand, but rather that they are available at certain places where they might be needed.

Sam Adams
Wed Nov 25 11:37:23
"Basic necessities should be provided to the populace of a non-shithole nation. Seems like a good call to me."

How about you get a job, you filthy commie.
Wed Nov 25 12:02:58
Nimatzo, you know me too well. When I heard this on the news I was actually thinking along those lines.

Toilet paper is another sanitary product that men could get for free if women are going to get free tampoona. We have to wipe our ass every morning before going to work.

Free toothpaste is also something we should get.
Wed Nov 25 12:35:17

Corbyns internet policy was generally popular, for what it is worth. People didn't like him for other reasons.
Wed Nov 25 12:37:31
But, if men will get free toilet paper, toothpaste and razors, then the women will have access to that too, because if you live with a woman then she is going to use your free toilet paper, your toothpaste and your razors. So women would then get way too many things for free.

Men should get something for free that the woman can’t use.
Wed Nov 25 13:27:20
Nimatzo, Yo I was cracking the fuck up.

Nekran, Simple solution, Negative income tax or UBI.
Wed Nov 25 13:44:42

Can you write a script for a Hot Rod bot? At this point getting the old man back would be the greatest gift the board could receive.
Wed Nov 25 13:47:10
And for the record, I never say ofc.
large member
Wed Nov 25 14:51:54
Universal basic income is for advanced nations that have mastered free health care and free post secondary education.
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