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Utopia Talk / Politics / The brits have fucked us
Sat Dec 19 05:42:23
They have mutated Covid into something that is 50 x more contagious.


Thanks seb’s (actual) people!
Sat Dec 19 05:44:02
page not found.Sounds about right though.
Sat Dec 19 05:54:16
Sat Dec 19 05:54:30
Sat Dec 19 06:11:15
Without Brexit they could have had the standard EU corona mutation, but they insisted on having their own.
Sat Dec 19 06:19:04
Some one on twitter reported this wrong, 50% more contagious not 50 times.
large member
Sat Dec 19 06:30:53
A transmission advantage. Lots of reasons for that infer a morbidity advantage too.
Sat Dec 19 06:48:20
A big reason why the herd immunity strategy was so fucking stupid. Didn't help the economy and each extra transmissions means another chance at mutation.

Sat Dec 19 06:56:48
Having received a taste of the powers they've been able to exercise during the pandemic, the globalist elites aren't about to let some silly vaccine take those powers away from them now.

Dig in boys. Corona is with us to stay for as long as it takes the elitists to transform "emergency" powers into permanent ones.

Expect more excuses like this one for why we need more lockdowns/can't go back to normal/have to trust our politicians to run our lives for us.
large member
Sat Dec 19 07:04:49
By globalist elites, you mean US State Governors?

Who exactly got all this power they can now exercise?

Be specific. Give us names.
Sat Dec 19 07:06:48

Obviously not a comprehensive list, but as good a place to start as any. Cheers.
Sat Dec 19 07:21:35
Character assassination you said? It is character suicide what you are doing. Faith in MAGA must trample under foot all reason, sense, and understanding.
Sat Dec 19 07:32:35

First of all, this has nothing to do with Trump. Stop ascribing all my ideas to MAGA, it exposes you for the ignoramus that you are.

Secondly, it is well established that power corrupts, and we have spent the better part of the last year ceding unprecedented powers to those who rule over us. Its entirely reasonable to assume that those rulers will want to retain those powers.

Thirdly, I am merely noting how coincidental it is that this new strain comes out the week the vaccines get rolled out.

Back in March we were told to accept the severe curtailment of our liberties for a few weeks. Then that few weeks turned into a few months. Now those few months have been turned into in excess of a year.

What will that timeline look like in the next several months, I wonder? Especially as we "discover" deadly new strains like this one that justify continued restrictions.
Sat Dec 19 08:37:03
Bla bla bla. You know what is well established? Virus mutations. If you disn’t know that, that was something yoyr were told on this forums in march.

Then again, I bet you think the ordinary non-mutated covid is also a hoax. People who go down the conspiracy rabbit hole, rarely come out having accepted only one concpiracy theory.

>>Back in March we were told to accept the severe curtailment of our liberties for a few weeks.<<

Who told you this? Because back in March I was laughing in the face of (equally deluded) coworker who thought we were going to be back to normal in the summer. WHEN have we had a pandemic of something equally contagious ever been over in a few weeks?

Maybe you are listening to idiots, have you thought about that?
Sat Dec 19 08:52:19
>>I am merely noting how coincidental it is that this new strain comes out the week the vaccines get rolled out.<<

It has already mutated several times! Denmark had to kill millions of minks a few weeks ago, because it mutated and jumped to minks and back to people. That was done as a precaution because in theory that could reduce the efficacy of the vaccine.

You live in an alternate reality. Have fun there.
Sat Dec 19 09:06:54
I will try to help you avoid future disappointment. Things will go back to semi normal early 2022, provided the vaccine works and no mutations fuck things up even worse. Even then not everyone will go back to normal. Economy will not recover until 2023 and 2024 we will experience a fake economic boom recovering lost ground. In 2025 all the problems that covid subdued will be back and ultimately put us back on track for ww3 and global civilizational collapse, around 2028.
Wrath of Orion
Sat Dec 19 09:34:23
Goddamn, Rugian just keeps finding new depths of retarded, CT nutter delusion. What a sad story.
Sat Dec 19 10:53:52
It is estimated that 20m died in WWI and 75m in WWII. If one considered this Pandemic a world war the death toll could rise higher than 220 million. with an invisible enemy the toll could be even higher. World population over 60 I'm estimating to be near 990 million.

We really can't know the best and the worst outcome until it is defeated. That depends on the strengthening or weakening of our enemy. Keep yelling fire in the theater. I'm attempting to do my part in that theater.
Sat Dec 19 11:29:30

Why bother with WW3? This pandemic has demonstrated to the world what it takes to get people like you to happily sign away their liberties.

COVID-28 will be a fun one. Just as infectious, probably a little bit more deadly, and unlike COVID-19 we won't have a vaccine for it for 5+ years. Hope you have a lot of reading material for that lockdown!
Sat Dec 19 13:44:35
70% isn't 50 times!
Sat Dec 19 13:53:22
Mutation is one reason I said we should aim to squash it.

However, I do suspect this is overblown.

There are lots of mutations that spread around and seem to grow suddenly.

There was one that swept through Southern Europe a few months back.

I suspect this one may be being used by the govt to justify the about turn they have made on Christmas mixing.

They ought to have had the one month firebreak mini lockdown (which was far less stringent than the march lockdown) before the school half term. They delayed it, like the first lockdown, so that for weeks wasn't enough. Instead of stretching it, they let everyone back out, and cases started rising, and they know Christmas will be a cluster fuck.

So they need a reason to explain why they are changing tack that isn't "we are incompetent fools who don't understand exponentials and are affraid of losing support of people like rugian, dakyron and Sam Adams who were the only people stupid enough to put us on charge of the country".

The good news: no evidence (yet) of enhanced morbidity, and no evidence that it will screw up the vaccine.

But cautionary lesson here: we need to get this disease under control before it starts generating strains that are vaccine resistant or more lethal.
Sat Dec 19 13:56:04
>> This pandemic has demonstrated to the world what it takes to get people like you to happily sign away their liberties.<<

Apart from happily, yes. We all make sacrifices in a crisis, you understand the concept and covid didn’t demonstate this beyond what we already knew. Be an adult.
Sat Dec 19 13:57:06
Why on earth does rugian think it's in the interests of the new world order or whatever to lock everyone down.

It's the reverse. The opposition to lockdown largely comes from capital owners that rely on people going out to buy and workers going out to work.

Sat Dec 19 14:57:55
Way wrong. You want to not use up your child's college fund to pay for your mortgage because the government says your place of work isn't vital? You oppose lockdown. You want to prevent your child from having an entire year of education wasted away, not to mention the very real likelihood that whenever they get back into classrooms they will have an extremely hard time getting back into the routine of schooling? You oppose lockdowns.

You want to stem the tidal wave of suicides due to depression thanks to forced quarantine? You oppose lockdowns.

You want to stem the tidal wave of drug and alcohol abuse thanks to forced quarantine? You oppose lockdowns.

But then there are sheep like you Seb. You follow their rules and never question why those in power ignore the rules they demand you follow. Because you are a useful idiot and the rest of us plebs despise uncle toms like you.
Sat Dec 19 15:32:34
This is how pandemic horror movies begin, first a new horrible strain shows up somewhere, then someone suddenly dies on a plane, with passengers spreading it everywhere

Sat Dec 19 16:07:20
I learned many years ago that people are going to do what they feel needs to be done. I suppose it could be realized as an umbrella of justice perceived. When it is actually a defensive and weighted decision involving personal risk and long term interest. All gambling involves risk toward gain or loss.

If I could convince my wife we'd move to Idaho and build a comfortable home in the side of a canyon wall above a healthy tributary. The risk would be fairly huge. ;)
Sat Dec 19 16:25:26

You know the reason everyone else in the Western world is paying 80-100% wages and organised various forms of debt suspension right?

The reason you guys haven't is because vested interests opposed it for the reasons I stated.

Essentially, anyone wanting to end lockdown because they can't afford to live without work is merely expresding a view that is being forced on them.
Sat Dec 19 16:26:20
Sat Dec 19 16:32:28
"You follow their rules and never question why those in power ignore the rules they demand you follow."

The ones that don't aren't rushing off to work, they are rushing off to see their families etc.

The point about these rules is not that following them necessarily keeps *you* safe, it's that if compliance is high enough, it keeps society safe.

They are free riding, and ought to face a heavy penalty. That doesn't mean that everyone behaving the same way is a good thing. It would be a very bad thing for all of us.

You are the sheep, bleating your way into rushing off to work and risking your family because entirely feasible benefits payments are anathema - for no other reason than if they were put in place there would be no incentive for you to rush out to work and risk you and your families health to make other people wealthy.

A year of disrupted education isn't the end of the world - especially if everyone's disrupted.

And most of the suicide and depression is related to entirely avoidable pressures related to financial difficulties, which are trivially mitigated. If you want to.

But those that rent your politicians don't want that.
large member
Sat Dec 19 19:01:13
It could be that your system is fundamentally broken and globalists do indeed control local epidemic measures in your country. So you are saying fuck you Donald Trump?

In Norway, we use the 19th century approach. Local government calls the shots on shutdowns. This is influence only by State recommendations from above.

But we get it. Your country sucks. But try not to project that on the rest of the world, mkay?
Sun Dec 20 03:00:25
"You want to not use up your child's college fund to pay for your mortgage because the government says your place of work isn't vital?"

People who have a college fund haven't had their jobs taken away.

"You want to stem the tidal wave of suicides due to depression thanks to forced quarantine?"

If people can't pull themselves up by their bootstraps, the deserve to be poor - I mean kill themselves. Or to put it in terms you might be able to understand: don't pretend like the opposition of lockdowns is due to some societal level empathy. Opposing lockdowns is entirely greed based.
Sun Dec 20 04:45:10
Nobody wants a lockdown. They are a last resort after less painful mitgation steps are taken such as suggested social distancing and mask-wearing.

If a lockdown is enacted, it's only because hospitals are being swamped.

You know a place that has a very popular conservative leader? Australia. Because he paired a lockdown with government support and then when the spread was under control, places were allowed to open again.

This pretending-the-virus-doesn't-exist is so fucking stupid. The 60% of the country that isn't deluded morons isn't going to start spending and shopping anyways until the virus is under control.

Fucking Trump worship got us to this unthinkable point.
Sun Dec 20 06:11:50
I for one and thankful that Trump mishandled the Pandemic the way he did. If he had taken the golden opportunity to try and unite the country in the battle against Covid 19, he would have won the election in a landslide. Then we would have been stuck with the simple son of a bitch.
Sun Dec 20 09:18:14
Risk is weighted against reward, what is the reward for getting covid. Not dying and transmitting it to someone who dies I have concluded.

The Children
Sun Dec 20 09:46:22
We r cucked. Servants and peasants, we r.

Imagine livin in a shethole where they knew about this for over a month and did nottin, but rather chose 2 hid the info.

cucked we r.

Sun Dec 20 10:03:00

The nuances are many. Tom's post is one of them. That doesn't diminish your conclusion from being at the top of a scale from my perspective. If the nuances of individuals voice were squelched/eliminated we would have a prison planet. I'll protect myself as best as possible.

Sun Dec 20 11:39:28
So Britain is closed down. Gyms, shops, stores, everything. And brits are not allowed to travel within the country. Several EU countries has banned travels from Britain to their countries.

But all Brits are still welcome to travel to Sweden. It is almost as the Swedish government wants Sweden to get this new virus too.
Sun Dec 20 12:48:07
Sweden bans nary for travellers from UK
Sun Dec 20 12:48:23
Sun Dec 20 12:50:12

If this means what I said, because this is what i see online
Sun Dec 20 13:28:37
Yes, I just heard on the news that Sweden may/will ban travels from UK tomorrow.
The Children
Mon Dec 21 01:18:41

they lied 2 us for months. this is why u dunt play around with masks and shit and this proves only chinas way/ asian way works.

u stomp it out asap before it mutates.

now we r cucked.
Mon Dec 21 01:40:59
UK has Brexit with no deal coming up, Covid-19 mark II, and everyone is now starting to ban travels from UK.

This is a disaster. UK may be in a lack of foodstuff soon.

Have you started to stockpile canned food, TC?
The Children
Mon Dec 21 02:43:08
tc has a small stockpile that i been keepin replendished throughout da year. my foresights have kept me alive all this time.

im just playin games throughout da day
Mon Dec 21 03:55:37

Only a few countries are doing regular genomic studies of wild strains.

From what I have read, the new strain has been around for a while, so possible, even likely, did not emerge in the UK and - given the location it emerged - has probably been circulating for some time in continental Europe.

I think it is probably less important than the govt made out: rather it is their excuse for backtracking on the Christmas plan without losing face.

Only they didn't coordinate with the EU so... obviously all the other EU countries are freaking the fuck out.

This is what happens when you let genius brains like the current cabinet run the country.

Thu Dec 24 03:28:55


Germans airlifting food to Yorkshire due to Channel blockage

Lufthansa jet loaded with lettuce, cauliflower, broccoli and citrus fruit for Aldi, the Co-op, Sainsbury’s and Tesco

In a scenario that has been called “a mirror image of the Berlin airlift” during the Cold War, Germany has flown 80 tonnes of fresh fruit and vegetables from Frankfurt to Yorkshire.

A Lufthansa Boeing 777 cargo plane from the airline’s hub touched down on Wednesday afternoon at Doncaster-Sheffield airport.

On board was lettuce, cauliflower, broccoli and citrus fruit destined for Aldi, the Co-op, Sainsbury’s and Tesco.

An airline spokesperson said the aim was “to help restock sparse UK supermarket shelves just in time for Christmas”.

A series of travel bans have brought much terrestrial commerce to and from the UK to a halt, with thousands of trucks stuck in Kent waiting to cross the Channel.

While UK-bound travel is permitted, many continental drivers are unwilling to risk joining the gridlock of lorries hoping to reach Calais and Dunkirk.

Bill Swan, a business architect who lives close to the unfolding chaos in Kent, described the exercise as “a mirror image of the Berlin airlift” – a Cold War episode in the late 1940s.

During a 15-month blockade by the Soviet Union of land routes between the allied sectors of Berlin and western Germany, the RAF and US Air Force flew millions of tons of supplies – mainly coal – to the city.

“At least the 777 has a larger payload than a Dakota,” said Mr Swan.

Lufthansa says the flight of fresh produce to Yorkshire could be the first of several over the next few days.
Tesco and Sainsbury's have said that while stocks of most items not under threat, fresh produce with a short shelf life may soon be in short supply if the flow of freight from France does not pick up to normal levels.

Tesco has begun rationing soap, hand wash, eggs, rice and toilet roll to guard against panic buying.

Lufthansa’s airlift took place amid worsening gridlock in Kent after the port of Dover and the Eurotunnel route from Folkestone reopened following a 48-hour closure of the French border to lorries from the UK.

Almost 4,000 drivers have been stuck at the abandoned Marston Airfield near Ramsgate which has been repurposed as an overflow car park.

Protesting lorry drivers closed a road and clashed with police in Dover on Wednesday after tempers flared over the delays in crossing the Channel just two days before Christmas.


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