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Utopia Talk / Politics / Trumps support remains stable
Sun Jan 17 21:09:31

Im not sure why some people seem surprised by this.
Sun Jan 17 21:38:15
the average net approval rating has decreased in the past few weeks:

Sun Jan 17 21:44:06
I think immediately after the events he probably had a drop that probably bounced back to about regular.

From my purely anecdotal evidence he is as popular as ever amongst his supporters, as hated as ever againsy his haters.
Wrath of Orion
Sun Jan 17 21:45:10
Hopefully he'll be convicted in the Senate, barred from holding office ever again, and his family and business ruined.
Sun Jan 17 22:04:36
TW is of the opinion he has a deal with the devil...I guess those eventually end badly.
werewolf dictator
Sun Jan 17 22:48:37
hopefully he'll be reelected in 2024.. and carved into mount rushmore 2028

then hopefully the first superintelligent artificial intelligence will be programmed to always ask itself "would trump think this is a good idea.. what would trump do".. would trump turn entire mass of earth into paperclips - NO.. benevolent ai solved

then hopefully trump-von-neumann probes will be launched and come to dominate over every corner of virgo supercluster
Im better then you
2012 UP Football Champ
Mon Jan 18 00:57:38
I've got to admit he's doing a better job at keeping America safe from his own supporters.
large member
Mon Jan 18 04:49:44
Trump should get a noble peace prize for the federal government's work keeping Washington safe on inaguration day.
Mon Jan 18 05:44:28
Smallest inaugural crowd ever, soon to come. Biden requested troops just to have a live crowd.

Trump is the most admired man in the US.
large member
Mon Jan 18 08:32:18
Since you are being trolly.

Hitler had been Time's man of the year already at this point in his career.
Mon Jan 18 08:51:54
Trump is a failure as well as an asshole. Lost the election. Lost his coup bid. Backtracked and threw his conspirators under the bus.

He needs to spend tomorrow pardoning all 10,000 people involved in the riot. I think Pelosi's head would explode if he did that.
Mon Jan 18 08:56:56
Pardon them for what? Until they are adjudicated and convicted, they are innocent per the Constitution of the USA.

I don't believe any of them have been convicted, yet.
werewolf dictator
Mon Jan 18 09:17:35
trump had perhaps the best temperament for president ever

* didn't try to micro-manage subordinates.. and minds his own business on twitter and watching cable news

* once trump thinks about issue and comes to his own conclusion then he is henceforth immune to peer pressure and groupthink to change his mind.. perfect independent thinking executive in a checks-and-balances system and in a world where "insanity is rare in individuals but the rule in groups"

* optimistic and always looking to believe the best

no wonder trump is so successful and free of manmade disasters
Mon Jan 18 09:20:24
Tom, As I understand it, you dont need to be convicted, nor charged to pardon someone.

Jergul, Not trolly, According to Gallup Trump was the most admired man in the US, Obama was 2nd.
Mon Jan 18 09:51:14
"Pardon them for what? Until they are adjudicated and convicted, they are innocent per the Constitution of the USA.

I don't believe any of them have been convicted, yet. "

You can issue a pardon before you are even arrested. It just means you now cannot be punished for that particular crime. Pence could walk into the House, shoot Pelosi to death, and then have Trump pardon him before he is even arrested. It would be perfectly legal.
Mon Jan 18 10:31:13
It doesn't make sense to pardon someone for a crime he/she has not been convicted of yet.

But if Trumps pardons the rioters and the coup makers, it would then mean that they acknowledge that they have committed a crime, and that the rioters and the coup plotters are on the wrong side of the law.
Mon Jan 18 10:40:58
*They would acknowledge that they have done something wrong.

Do they want to do that? Haven’t they always said that they are right? That election was stolen.
Mon Jan 18 10:50:28
Paramount, Again, where US pardon law gets wierd and debated.

First off, Trump won't pardon the rioters.Thats my beleif anyway.

But being pardoned doesn't necessarily imply guilt. Now that is a debated topic, where thats probably the minoriry opinion.

Mon Jan 18 10:58:54
"Jergul, Not trolly, According to Gallup Trump was the most admired man in the US, Obama was 2nd."

The interpretation of those poll results are clearly bullshit and you should feel bad for being too stupid to recognize it.
Mon Jan 18 11:06:16
You can twist the results anyway that pleases you.

Trump had most people designate him as the most admired man in the US.Something like 18% IIRC (maybe 15%?)

Mon Jan 18 11:11:07
Overall, 18% of Americans name Trump, 15% name Obama, 6% Biden and 3% Fauci.

Mon Jan 18 11:32:49
Mon Jan 18 11:35:15
Indicated, by by bot a single name that isn’t currently very much relevant. Not George Washington, not Einstein, not even Bruce Jenner.
Mon Jan 18 11:36:54
Nimatzo, This isnt of all time.This is done annually.
werewolf dictator
Mon Jan 18 11:46:20
einstein is way overrated in public minds.. including according to einstein

“The exaggerated esteem in which my lifework is held makes me very ill at ease. I feel compelled to think of myself as an involuntary swindler.”
Mon Jan 18 11:47:44
”Most Admired Man

The incumbent president is usually top of mind when Gallup asks Americans to name, without prompting, which man living anywhere in the world they admire most.

In the 74 times Gallup has asked the open-ended most admired man question since 1946, the incumbent president has topped the list 60 times.

Harry Truman (1946-1947 and 1950-1952), Lyndon Johnson (1967-1968), Richard Nixon (1973), Gerald Ford (1974-1975), Jimmy Carter (1980), George W. Bush (2008) and Trump (2017-2018) are the incumbent presidents who did not finish first in past years.

When the sitting president is not the top choice, it is usually because he is unpopular politically. That was the case in 2017 and 2018 when Trump had 36% and 40% approval ratings, respectively, and finished second to Obama as most admired man.

Even though Trump is similarly unpopular now -- 39% approve of his performance -- his dominant performance among Republicans, contrasted with Democrats splitting their choices among multiple public figures, pushes him to the top of the 2020 most admired man list.”

This just means that Americans admire their President, whoever it is.
Mon Jan 18 11:50:41
Paramount, In general. I doubt Biden will ever top Obama though.
Mon Jan 18 11:55:11
"You can twist the results anyway that pleases you."

No need. The entire poll can and should be discarded for being of shitty design vs. the claim it is making. Asking for #1 and 2 choices severely limits the range of answers and leads to precisely what nim and mountme have brought up.
Mon Jan 18 11:56:25
15% + 6% = 21% > 18%
Mon Jan 18 12:09:17
Nim brought up a bias towards whats recently happened.Which is a good part why the current potus is usually the most admired.

It does not explain Bidens 1/3 support compared to Trump.But whatever.

By next year Trump will likely slide down.But as of when this poll was taken, if its results are accurate, due to large Republican support he was the most admired man in the US.
Mon Jan 18 12:30:18
"It does not explain Bidens 1/3 support compared to Trump"

Who cares, though?
Mon Jan 18 13:02:37
It make perfect sense, even intuitively. The two first are the latest presidents, third place is the former VP and future president elect.
Mon Jan 18 13:14:34
Nimatzo, Its more than though.Biden will never be as popular as Obama.

Obama is like thr Democrats Reagan.
Mon Jan 18 13:18:10
Reagan was more popular with democrats than Obama was with Republicans. And its not close. Reagan was beloved in his time. Obama was hated by the right, mostly because of Obamacare and his being black.
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