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Utopia Talk / Politics / OT: Jesus H. Christ elder moment
Mon Jan 25 05:51:32
So every morning I get up and I make a cup of hot water with 1/2 tsp of cinnamon and 2 tsp of honey. Take my morning BP med and stomach med. wait a half hour and then I make my first coffee and a bowl of cereal. I eat the cereal and then drink the coffee black. Many of you won't understand but wait till your pushing 77. I use instant coffee and drink it black, my cup is also dark on the inside.
Anyhow I finish my cereal this morning and start drinking my coffee. I'm not really paying too much attention. About 3/4 of the cup is gone and I happen to think to myself that there is something wrong with this picutre. I look in the cup and realize that I never put coffee into it.
Fucking white haired old fuck. This is what you young pups have to look forward to.
Mon Jan 25 06:09:01
Lol, I see it in my parents....

Considering I plan to live to 600, this could be a problem.
smart dude
Mon Jan 25 08:13:56
on the bright side, you are apparently still qualified to be president of the united states
Mon Jan 25 14:39:07
"This is what you young pups have to look forward to."

Not me. I'm still holding out for that day we discover the cure to aging and all diseases.

Anyway, you don't need to be old to be out of it in the morning.
Mon Jan 25 17:55:14

Rugian, this is david sinclair, he had a great Joe Rogan appearance, but for some reason I can only clips, so I found this.
Mon Jan 25 23:43:44
People do this all the time even young people so I wouldn't worry about it. Especially when you drink with food, it's hard to notice what you're drinking. That's why I only order water at a restaurant because I taste mostly the food and why spend more on pointless drinks.

And anyways, what makes somebody old is the inability to recognize and fix mistakes. A lot of young people are like this. Their lives are basically over already because of this attribute and they are in their 20's.

So be glad you still have an active mind Patom. It's the key to enjoying life in my opinion.
Tue Jan 26 04:26:58
Dukhat, I'm not too worried about my mind at this time. More worried about my left knee. But thanks for the encouragement. I was more laughing at myself about drinking hot water ;)
Tue Jan 26 20:01:40
Politically old people seem angry as he'll, and crazier than most.

I thought this was mabey more old Trump fans than Trump haters, but the old Trump haters I know are just as whacked, this is from an old friend of mine posting on FB.

"I watched every minute of this today in disbelief. The Republican Party is setting us up for communism. I truly do believe this. Look how the country has been divided by the Donald. How the rich is getting richer and the poor barely exist. My question is am I the only one? Is the Republican party setting us up to be like Russia or China? Does anybody else out there feeling dictatorship coming on? Trump is the only President I know that is out of the office but still seems to be in charge. Can somebody please explain to me what the hell is going on.!!! Am l reading way to much into this? My head is always in some articles about what's going on in this world. This makes me ill. lsn't it time for this old reprobate, to be put out to pasture. We keep going backward. All humans should have equal respect for one another. tRump should pay for his crimes. All who supports this Antichrist is no better than him. Painfully written."
Wed Jan 27 05:06:14
LMAO, this is one of the reasons I still post on this forum. I start out with laughing at myself for drinking hot water and habebe devolves it to a post about old people hating trump.
Wed Jan 27 07:21:17
Or hating Biden... whatever.

Honestly, your probably the lewst angry politically minded people I know over 60.

Most of them to me just seem so angry.Its not just the older folks, I have plenty of younger ones who are already trapped into this mentality, it just seemsnless prevelant amongst the younger folks.
Wed Jan 27 08:17:50
The young, IMO, for the most part are so rapped up in their personal search for pleasures that they don't have time to think about politics. At least that is the impression I got when I worked at the jail 10 years ago.
Nothing against the young but many of them have no clue about history. I was well into my 30's before I had read enough to gain some or my own perspective about some history.
Wed Jan 27 08:30:49
Tom, In general I actually agree.Politics is more of background thing given very little consideration by most people under 45.

But like this lady I posted above, she used to be happy, now she seems miserable or happy only through spite.

She had the best gardens in town, played in a jazz band etc.
Wed Jan 27 12:09:00
If you can still tell you are having an elder moment, you are still ok. It means you still have your wits about you... For now.
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