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Utopia Talk / Politics / If we're getting Harriet Gunman on $20
Thu Feb 11 17:37:20
Can we get Mr Rogers or Julia Child on the 1 or 5?
Thu Feb 11 17:38:42
Haha autocorrect....
Renzo Marquez
Thu Feb 11 17:46:37
Tubgirl on the 20? Lemonparty on the 50? Goatse on the 100?
Thu Feb 11 18:02:15
Figures that the Democrats would want to 86 Jackson off the $20. He after all was the original champion of populism vs. the establishment elites.

And yes, I'm aware that HNIC originally proposed this back in 2016. Great to see the Democrats doubling down on the kind of shit that got Trump elected in the first place.
Thu Feb 11 18:06:59
Also, Harriet Tubman was a domestic insurrectionist:

"Tubman helped John Brown plan his 1859 raid of a Harpers Ferry arsenal, one of the major events that led to the Civil War. Tubman first escaped to Philadelphia, then relocated to Ontario after the Fugitive Slave Act became U.S. law in 1850. (The act threatened imprisonment for anyone caught assisting a fugitive and meant she was at greater risk of capture if she stayed in the U.S.) It was in Canada that she first met John Brown, an abolitionist who believed that if he armed enslaved people with weapons, it would lead to widespread revolts and an end to slavery. Tubman helped him plan his raid on a federal arsenal by recruiting supporters and sharing her contacts and information on escape routes in the region. Brown valued her knowledge and referred to her as “General Tubman.” He eventually formed a small army and took the arsenal at Harpers Ferry but was soon captured by Marines and sentenced to death. Many of the men who joined his raid were killed, including two of his sons."

Thu Feb 11 18:20:09
Domestic terrorist (tubman) or a national treasure like Child r Rogers....both had major impacts on American culture for the better and they didn't have to resort to a lofe of crime.
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