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Utopia Talk / Politics / Random wikipedia article
Sat Feb 13 05:43:15
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That made me think which crime I could commit to become a "first"?


Katherina Hetzeldorfer (d. 1477) was the first woman recorded to have been executed for female homosexuality. She was drowned in the Rhine in Speyer.

Originally from Nuremberg, she had moved to Speyer in 1475 dressed as a man in the company of a woman she described as her sister. In 1477, she was tried for homosexuality and posing as a male. She was prosecuted after having been reported by someone to whom she had confided that she and her sister lived as man and wife. It was discovered that she also had bought sex from two women, both of whom claimed not to have known her biological sex even during intercourse, one of them stating that she had used a strap-on dildo made with red leather.[1] Hetzeldorfer was executed by drowning in the Rhine River.[2]

There is no earlier record of executions for female homosexuality (while executions for male homosexual acts, or sodomy, were common) and a very limited number of later cases, even though female homosexuality was also considered a "crime against nature". Later executions for female homosexuality in Europe include those of Catherine de la Maniere and Francoise de l'Estrage, in 1537 in France, and a famous case of persecution was that of Agatha Dietschi in 1547.

Sat Feb 13 05:49:35
I'm a criminal myself, Perhaps we could take this international.
Sat Feb 13 06:14:32
German courts scare me lile Texas though, they tries a 94 year old woman for being a secretary during ww2, anothwr man was 100 tried for being a guard somewhere.
Sat Feb 13 11:36:51
Interesting article, but this was way earlier than 1477:

"One night, I was with [the Abbasid Caliph al-Hadi, r. 785-786], in the company of a group of his companions, when suddenly there came to him a eunuch who whispered something in his ear secretly. Thereupon, the Caliph sprang up with alacrity, saying, "Don't disperse," and went off. He was away for a considerable time, but then came back, breathing heavily. He hurled himself down on his couch, still breathing heavily for a while until he became calm again. He had with him a eunuch carrying a dish covered over with a napkin. The eunuch stood before him and then came forward trembling. We were amazed at all this. Then the Caliph sat up and said to the eunuch, "Set down what you are carrying," so he put down the dish. He said to the eunuch, "Take off the napkin," so he did this, and behold, the dish held the heads of two slave girls, with more beautiful faces and hair, by God, than I had ever seen before; there were jewels on their heads, arranged in the hair, and a sweet perfume was diffused (from them). We found this a horrific sight. The Caliph said, "Do you know what these two were up to?" We replied in the negative. He said, "We received information that they were in love with each other, and had got together for an immoral purpose. So I set this eunuch to watch over them and to report to me what they were doing. In due course, he came to me and informed me that they had got together, so I went along and found them under a single coverlet committing an immoral act. I thereupon killed them." After saying this, he told the slave to take the two heads away. He related: The Caliph then resumed his former conversation as if he had done nothing unusual in the meantime."

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